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Tomb Raider Disappoints Again

Three seconds into the Tomb Raider Underworld demo, I inadvertently made Lara stumble into a wall like the drunken cow that she has been since the first release I played. Two seconds later the tips of her boots were disappearing into the solid surfaces of her boat. The camera is still so broken, glancing off invisible walls and trying to flip to some "helpful" vantage point (often making Lara disappear then pop back in), that it creates a frustrating claustrophic feeling. They've "improved" her movement animation to show her dealing with uneven footing, and while this seems more realistic, it removes the last traces of gracefulness that she had.

I enjoyed the two Dreamcast releases, crude as they look now; forced my way through Legend; hated Angel of Darkness (yeah let's have Lady Croft go fetch a key for a bartender in exchange for information); couldn't return my rented copy of Anniverary fast enough; and still had the naive hope that Underworld would be good. Sorry Eidos, this cash cow can't possibly generate cash with this lack of quality.