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New desire to review

Hey first of all, long time no blogged, I have been going through forums and studying a lot for my final exams and that stopped me from investing time in completing wiki tasks or writing forums. Well this is my official return to the website in force. I now have a lot more free time and will be moving back to Canada soon which will mean I get to spend a lot of time playing and relaxing.  
This leads me to my next point, I live in the Netherlands and am good friends with the owner of a shop that sells toys and video games. This perk allows me to acquire a lot of games pretty early. I decided to use this as a tool to write reviews early too. I got L.A. Noire about a week before it actually came out and I think I had Gears of War 2 about 1 week and a half before release. For example, yesterday morning I was able to get Red Faction Armageddon and Hunted: The Demon's Forge. I finished Red Faction last night and played some more today before starting to write a review for it. That's my main aim from now on, write reviews. I know they won't be as good and Jeff's or any other Giantbomb crew but I will still try my best to convey what I though about the game and why it should be bought or ignored. I personally always enjoy User Reviews because they give me a different insight on the game in question from people that aren't necessarily veterans in review writing. 
My review of Red Faction: Armageddon should be up in an hour or two and I will start working on completing Hunted to post a review too. 
Anyways, take care everyone :)