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News 07/24/08

News article Updated Daily

Left 4 Dead European Date + New Screenshots

Hey guys
Starting today I decided I would put up a daily blog showing off the latest video game news until this site had an official one.
I'll try to get the data from as many sites as possible and then share it with you guys. So here it goes!

First of all, Turtle Rock, the makers of the aniticipated title 'Left 4 Dead' announced a date for it's game for the European shores the 6th november for 50 Euros (PC price). And at the same time, some new screenshots have been released so here you go!
New 'Left 4 Dead' Screenshot
New 'Left 4 Dead' Screenshot
New 'Left 4 Dead' Screenshot
New 'Left 4 Dead' Screenshot
New 'Left 4 Dead' Screenshot
New 'Left 4 Dead' Screenshot
New 'Left 4 Dead' Screenshot

New Left 4 Dead screenshot
New Left 4 Dead screenshot

Dragon Ball for Ds announced

Continuing with the news, some announcements
New Dragon Ball for DS
New Dragon Ball for DS
concerning the upcoming DS title focused on the universe of Dragon Ball Z. That's right the 1v1 fighting style is leaving for a story oriented game that shows itself in those 2 new trailers.
Well I'm having problems posting those so here's the link to the website!
Trailer:  here
Possibilities of gameplay video: There

Hellgate London going bad
Hellgate London going bad


Hellgate London going down

And the following news are for the ones that were interested in Hellgate London, it seems the company is going pretty bad as several of their beta MMOS are shutting down and Hellgate London itself is closed to any new subscriptions and the subscribers aren't being charged at the moment. So Flagship might give up their title :s       

MAG Screenie +analysing the picture

In other news, MAG the upcoming title for PS3 promising 256 players multiplayer is getting ONE screenshot today lol. I know it's lame but yeah we'll deal with it :p This picture however shows a bit more than what you expect. First off, it looks in-game, second you can
Really instructive :S
Really instructive :S
see the squad members waiting for this new shipment of enemies from the maybe planes? Only time will tell...

Final Fantasy XIII for PC???

Ok so you all know
I don't think I'll ever appear on PC
I don't think I'll ever appear on PC
that Final Fantasy is coming to Xbox 360 (old news) but didn't you notice how the Last Remnant was coming to PC? NZone talked to Square Enix and it seems that the tools that the Japanese company is using (named Crystal Tools) helps in creating games on many platforms and ALL the games currently developed by Square Enix uses this technology. That explains how the game is going to be identical on both 360 and PS3 (exception of the number of discs used) and maybe PC? Let's hope it won't happen.

I'm still alive
I'm still alive

I'm still alive alive on the PC

Final news for the day concern Portal Still Alive developed for 360. Pc fans were wondering if those extra maps were going to hit the PC but no worries! Does maps that will be available on XBLA are already online for the PC! You can get them here

That's for taking too long before I can invite my friends!
That's for taking too long before I can invite my friends!

Age of Conan Buddy Keys Release

Age of Conan Buddy Keys Now work!! Funcom said: ''We have now opened the first part of the Buddy key program for Age of Conan! Everybody who has purchased a Collector’s Edition can now invite up to five friends, who can try the game for seven days without purchasing a retail box.''

Unreal Engine 4!!

That's right Gamasutra had the coverage: Speaking at Gamefest in Seattle, Epic's Mike Capps has been discussing Unreal Engine 4, suggesting the next version of the dominant game engine is in production and will debut " the next console generation - our rough guess is 2012 - 2018."

Specifically, Epic president Capps - who introduced a Gamasutra-attended Gamefest panel that included notable Unreal Engine 3-using creators such as Gearbox's Randy Pitchford, mentioned that the Unreal Engine tools had a markedly "console focus" going forward, and then noted:

"We've got Unreal [Engine] 4 in production right now... it's going to be in the next console generation - our rough guess is 2012 [to] 2018."

So soon We will get it!

That's it

That's it for today! Well I know it's not much but yeah hope you guys enjoy the little effort  and cya tomorrow ;)