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vampiro gets a touch better when he evolves into an actual character. striker doesn't ever get better.

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#2  Edited By Loss1010

kinda figured they would stop trying to do broken matt stuff with bray since matt's in the company now but i guess not.

man that was dumb. not sure what kind of dumb yet but certainly a kind of dumb.

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#3  Edited By Loss1010

i like dark souls as it is/was.

these changes... would take away quite possibly everything i like about the souls series. no idea why you think this stuff should be applied to it, instead of it being its own thing.

no offense, but i think i might actually hate all of your ideas.

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@loss1010: If you're saying you hope he is never cleared to wrestle again, what do you think that means? He has permanent damage and doctors think there's a good chance things will get worse if he continues to wrestle. If he makes a full recovery, why would you want him to never wrestle again? Also people don't seem to understand what a subdural hematoma is. No, it's not great, but it usually isn't a big issue unless it's a severe head trauma and it's not treated right away. It's not bleeding in the brain. It's bleeding between the brain and the dura and it causes problems because of the pressure it causes on the brain if not treated. It was caught right away with Shibata so likely isn't the cause of any of his problems. We don't know what the actual issue is, so it's hard to comment on.

I also fully believe that the WWE not letting Daniel Bryan wrestle is 100% a PR thing. He's been cleared by external doctors and every reason they've given for not letting him wrestle could be applied to Dolph Ziggler, but they're fine with him continuing to wrestle. There's also no chance that every wrestle on the roster hasn't been concussed multiple times.

Yes, it sucks what happened, but hoping it's so bad that he's never cleared to come back is pretty fucked up.

It means exactly what it says. There's a difference between "I don't think he should be cleared to wrestle because, based on current information, that will probably go poorly," and "I'm actively wishing he has permanent brain damage." Stop putting words in my mouth as though I'm approaching this with some sort of weird malice. I hope he makes a full recovery, but the way sources close-ish to the situation are talking, that's up in the air right now in a big way.

Beyond that, I think you've mistaken me saying "If this is actually as bad as it looks, they shouldn't clear him even if he makes a partial recovery," with "I hope he's never cleared in general, ever, even if he makes a full recovery." If do clear him, I'd hope it's after exhaustive testing. I'd rather leave it up to real medical professionals, either way.

Also, mate, the WWE's handling of concussions isn't new to me. If Dolph could be read the same way, then I'd rather have him out than Bryan in, so nothing you're saying is surprising to me, nor does it change my perspective on the issue. I get that the situation with Bryan is partially a PR move, but that makes it worse, not better. I know a number of doctors have cleared him, but others haven't and, based on some of the things the man himself has said, he's staring CTE in the face, either way. He had his moment. He deserved more, but what happens, happens. Now he has a chance to bow out gracefully and not suffer a similar fate to wrestlers from past eras. Just because, by old standards, he could potentially keep wrestling without immediate incident, doesn't mean the wear and tear on his head isn't too much by any reasonable standard (outside the bastard world of professional sports). The WWE has done semi-better in recent years in handling concussion-related stuff, but it's all still super inconsistent and I don't trust that they have the best interests of their employees in mind when they handle things like this, because everything they do is inevitably more of a PR move than anything resembling evolution. Conversely, I think New Japan cares, but they're not in a place culturally where this stuff is looked at in the way it should be. Maybe.

Apologies for not looking into subdermal hematomas a bit more. Don't like reading anything that relates to blood or bleeding (though I'm fine seeing it somehow). Whatever the overall problem is, until people close to the issue start speaking more hopefully about it, I'll just leave whatever optimism is lying around for everyone else.

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#5  Edited By Loss1010

@loss1010 said:

i just hope that he's never cleared to wrestle again.

I get where you're coming from but that's still a pretty messed up thing to say. First off, if he's never cleared, that means there's permanent damage and that's not a good thing to wish on someone. Also, he's dedicated his life to his craft and there's nothing worse than having to give up your passion before you're ready to give it up. Wrestling is super dangerous for everyone involved, and you really are risking serious injury every time you enter the ring, but wrestlers are a different breed. They understand the risks and they thrive on them. It's similar to race car drivers. You see some of the crashes their involved in where they're extremely lucky to walk away, yet the lunatics are always back in the car the following week.

Yes, he shouldn't headbutt people anymore, but I hope the decision to retire is made by him and not forced on him.

Not sure how you're getting the idea that I'm wishing permanent damage on him just because I don't want him to wrestle anymore. Hell of a leap to make. Everyone keeps referring to this as potentially career-ending for a good reason. He had a subdural hematoma which caused partial paralysis in his right side. His brain was bleeding. Not good. The way it's being talked about, I'm assuming it's something that will likely recur if he continues doing the same things that caused it. It's not just the headbutts; it's his entire style and the way he maintains his body (assuming the dehydration thing was partially intentional because of his build). I hope he returns to normal functionality, but I don't want him to continue wrestling if the risks are too great, and it looks like they are.

Also he's a big boy, I don't think he needs to be coddled at the risk of his health. It sucks that he might lose the thing he's trained his entire life to do, but that doesn't suddenly mean he should be cleared to continue wrestling after a brain bleed. When a race car driver crashes and the car gets fucked, then yeah they can just get up and walk away, and come back immediately if they're not too shaken by the experience. The thing they've damaged is a car. But if the driver is severely injured, I imagine they don't get to come back from that immediately. Actually, racing is a bad example to bring up here, because Nascar has a really bad history with handling concussions and f1 was very poorly-regulated for a not-insignificant portion of its history. Passion is no excuse. Passion can be blinding, that's why the WWE is clearly having issues containing Daniel Bryan despite the fact that he's having a kid and should logically just back away for his own safety. I understand why he doesn't want to, but that's why the decision shouldn't be in his hands. It's perfectly understandable - read: very human - that he wants to keep going. I would want to keep going. But he shouldn't. Period. Same with Shibata, assuming it's bad enough to warrant such.

And, yeah, everyone knows the risks. The WWE runs that "don't try this at home" disclaimer, but having that disclaimer doesn't mean they're going to be all, "well you know the risks now, so we won't stop you from wrestling with a brain injury." The "we know the risks" bit means "Hey, we accept that there may be freak accidents in the rings, because what we're doing is inherently risky." It's not (or shouldn't be), "We're going to keep wrestling despite severe injury because we've deemed the risks not worth thinking about." I'm not sure why anything vaguely athletic has to be so dangerously honor bound, but that culture is why Misawa died in the ring. Are you saying Shibata's passion should be exploited to make him continue wrestling despite the greater risk to his health? See, I can make leaps too.

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#6  Edited By Loss1010

i hate to repeat the "at least shibata went out with an amazing match" thing that's going around - because it's awful and if the match not happening prevented the hematoma then i'd rather have that - but it really is such a stellar match. hopefully stiff headbutt spots are avoided going forward.

i just hope that he's never cleared to wrestle again.

EDIT: some terrible part of me wishes that the "it's just a work" rumors were true. it'd be awful and incredibly tasteless for them to do given honma, but at least shibata would be okay.

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I'd forgotten how much I really enjoy seeing dave tear people up on twitter until this stuff went down. He deserves a lot of praise for making sure this story isn't swept under the rug.

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#8  Edited By Loss1010

nah it typically takes more than one person to say something unless that one person has incontrovertible proof (and even then it's sometimes still meaningless). they'll just get shouted down more often than not. people aren't so great with this stuff.

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#9  Edited By Loss1010

i'm not sure i understand the appeal of tye dillinger at all tbh. i know other people seem to dig him a lot, so i'm somewhat curious. what is his appeal? he's mostly fine when i see him but also, like, he's really forgettable to me.

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