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#1  Edited By LotusPrince

I say go !,3 then 4. In that order for the sake of seeing how the series got better as time went on. Their all good games on their own, they all have their issues, like all games do, but their fun.



You want to do it as a sort of learning experience on how the tone and art style of a game can ruin it. DMC2 is so depressing in the worst way. Like, Fallout 3 is kind of a downer, but it works. DMC2 is just sad :<

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#2  Edited By LotusPrince

@Gargantuan said:

MGS games continues to look incredibly stupid.

@Pie said:

MGS games continue to look incredibly radical.

Both statements are 100% fact. THIS GAME IS STUPID RAD!

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#3  Edited By LotusPrince

@MonkeyKing1969: Valid points. I believe a good friend of mind has the book, so I could give it a read and not have to worry about paying more for and then ostensibly giving money to its torrid author.


I understand what you're saying, I think, and I'm not trying to invalidate your argument but to me the words reimagining, reboot, restart, retooling, revisioning, all have the same basic meaning . That's why I'm putting DmC and Comics that mess around with continuity in the same boat. They seem like the same thing in my admittedly lax and rudimentary understanding of words.

( Side note:I'm trying to write a novel and by god has a thesaurus been like the greatest thing ever.)

I will gladly admit that my understanding of the word and Ninja Theory's( or anyone elses really) intent could be different and thus expectations are not matched. That's faire.

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#4  Edited By LotusPrince

Yo. I'm an ok guy I think.

I like writting prose and poetry and I want to have a book complete and on it's way to being published by sometime in March.



(thats a joke, I don't really hate any kind of game, I just have my preferences)

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#5  Edited By LotusPrince

The title is a bit inflammatory, but I do have a point.

I downloaded the JSR HD remake on the XBLA a while back. Could not get pass the first level.

I spend like 3 hours sulking. It was terrible. Now keep in mind, I am the kind of guy who re-plays Jet Set Radio Future at least once a year, since the game came out.

I love that game, JSRF contains like...70% of things I like in my life. It's beautiful, not prefect at all it does have control issues, but by Odin it's orders of magnitude better the JSR.

Which is sad cuz I played the hell out of that game on the dreamcast.

My point is: Have you played any games recently that did not hold up to your memories of them? Was the game -worse- then how you recall it?

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#6  Edited By LotusPrince

@ProfessorEss said:

Prediction: Everybody calls bullshit on this, shit-talks Capcom until they're blue in the face, and then buys the classic Dante skin :)

Dude I didn't even buy the game! #chaosdunk

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#7  Edited By LotusPrince

@Nettacki said:

@Example1013 said:

There's no "reaction" or "interaction", there's a bunch of rage from angry forum trolls who can't get over the fact that the sanctity of their childhood was violated with a reboot. I haven't heard or read a single logical, rational argument as to why the game is bad. Also when I say trolls, I mean in the literal sense, as these users are literally Norwegian bridge trolls. The internet is their contact with the rest of the world, where they get to be nasty, vitriolic, self-entitled assholes.

For God's sake, not everyone that complains about the game are trolls. They are gamers with their own legit grievances like you and me.

I was gonna write like, at least 300 words explaining what you brought down to less then 30. Great work!

@StarvingGamer said:

Just gonna say that inFAMOUS 2 was a direct sequel so the different look was incredibly jarring. He was supposed to be the same person but was completely unrecognizable. DmC is a reboot/reimagining so mixing it up is a given. The two situations aren't comparable.

@StarvingGamer said:

Just gonna say that inFAMOUS 2 was a direct sequel so the different look was incredibly jarring. He was supposed to be the same person but was completely unrecognizable. DmC is a reboot/reimagining so mixing it up is a given. The two situations aren't comparable.

@Barrock said:

One difference between the Cole redesign and the Dante redesign is Cole was the character in Infamous 2, a direct sequel to Infamous. Dante, is the lead character in DMC, a remake of the Devil May Cry franchise.

It makes sense for them to redesign one character, but not the other.

Let's address this point using comics as an example. Comics go through reboots like Megaman goes though robot masters. Let's look at some recent ones.




Green Lantern-

Wonder Woman-

New 52 DCU



Green Lantern-

Wonder Woman-

Now, notice that the in the new 52 looks, which is a reboot in every since of the word. They looks, while different, are still recognizable. Now I recgnice that it's a matter of subjective taste, which is fine, but I just don't think the DmC Dante is designed to be recognizable. WHICH MAY HAVE BEEN THE WHOLE POINT, but he's still called Dante, in a game called "Devil May Cry" acronyms aside. DmC is trying to call itself something it looks nothing like at worst and its a jarring imitation at bes, in my eyes. Thus I have not purchased the game.

Now, in keeping with the comic's comparison, lets look a Marvel NOW!, which is not a reboot is the normal understading of the word and is supposed to be direct sequels to the things that came before it.

Pre-NOW! Ironman-

NOW! Ironman-

Notice how in both DC's "hard" reboot and Marvel's "soft" reboot, the characters that are supposed to be the same people, *(and let me assert that if DmC Dante was not supposed to be the same person he would not have the same name or family, who also have the same names and character concepts( Demon dad, innocent mother, twin rival brother) remain recognizable. Different in ways you may or may not like. But I can tell who is who. DmC does not do this. Whether that is a good or bad thing is subjective, you are fee to enjoy or reject it. I choose to reject because it is not in line with what I like. That's not to say my tastes are absolute measures of quality. They are not, but I'm no more wrong or right for not liking it then someone is for enjoying it.

Man I hope all this makes sense.

*I apologize if the bold comes off as confrontational, its not, I just wanna get on top of that counter point before it poke out of the ground like the juiciest of groundhogs.

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#8  Edited By LotusPrince

Murdersmash, metal ass name btw, I've come to notice something about the second type of fan you mentioned. I've spend a lot of time on the battle-net WoW forums, because I've been playing for 4 years, and I've realized that the most ARDENT AND ANGRY of fans, be it of DmC, WoW, Star Wars are also the heaviest users of that particular media. The same guy who can talk for an hour about why episodes 1,2 and 3 are worst thing to happen to cinema, the guy who will swear up and down he can design PvP in WoW better then the entirety of Blizzards staff, they are also the people who are most likely to consume that media, be it good or bad. Their threshold for -not- enjoying something is monolithic. To an extent I admire that level of passon, but it can get out of and and off the rails. When that passion leads to outright uncompromising anger, that is when the straw man arguments are born and conversations get harder.

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#9  Edited By LotusPrince

1, 3 and 4 are full of fun. Complex yes. Great definitely. Don't play 2. Or do and form your own opinion. I can't in good faith recommend it to you though.

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#10  Edited By LotusPrince

Hello! This is long and I type like I talk, so rambling happens. I apologize.

So here's a thing that's been on my mind for a while now, especially now that the game is out and review are comming in, ect.

I have -zero- intrestin in playing this game, each review I see makes that more clear to me. That's ok, eveyone has tastes. I'm not upset at anyone who likes this game.

What I'm more intrested in is how this game, from annoucement to relaease day, was besieged with a lot of bad blood from certain fans of the series. Some more warented then others.

I admit I was part of the "THEY CHANGED THE HAIR NOW I HATE THIS SHIT!!!" faction. But after a time that arumenent bacame silly and as more trailers were released, my complant changed. I'm more annoyed with the company making this game then I am the product itself. Kind of like how I can't bring myself to read "Enders Game" becasue Orson Scott Card is a homophobe. Keep in mind I'm not equating Ninja Theory to that particular man I'm just making a comparison. It should also be clear that when I say, "Ninja Theory" I'm more refrencing Tameemi Antoniades.

Not since IGN's Greg Miller( a dude I have the upmost adoration for, real talk I love his work on IGN, specifically the podcasts) have I seen a reaction over a change in the way a video game character looks. I will agree that -AT FIRST- most of the criticism of this game was due to art style changes. But them something happened between the first reveal and now.

1) The issues with the game change from irritation with the look, to lack of confidence in the developer

2) Said developers reaction to the initial criticism*

3)Gamming media outlets perpetuating the idea that the rage was all about the hair and nothing else.*

*These two in particular are important. Namely because this what, from my perspective at least, came up the most when talk of this game arose. I'm watching some old preview videos for this game now, most of them make the easy "fans hating change, his hair is black now" joke. Harmless, not threating to anyones saftey, but drew away attemtuon from actual complaints or disscussions on art style choice and how something so drastically different, but changeing the same name can arouse ire in fans of something.

To use games in general as an example, I'm sure at one point or another you've been annoyed when someone confuses a game you enjoy for something else, especially if that soemthing else was something you did not like for whatever reason. You're a big Team Fortress 2 fan, but 8 out of every 10 people you meet keeps calling it Black Ops 2. This would more then likely annoy the shit out of you. Now imagine that the game you hold dear, in this example being TF2 was getting a new installment. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!11111

But instead of looking anything like TF2 or an improvement of that art style or anything remotely resembling the reasons you like TF2 to begin with, it looks -exactly- like BO2. And is being made by Game Loft. How would you react to this? Especially if in most outlets you looked about this new game, Game Loft kept calling TF2 "aged" "inferior" and assured, with out any evidence, that this new TF game would be better. I imagine you might be annoyed, to say the least.

That is kind of, not exactly, but kind of what we are dealing with in the case of DmC.

Next example.Greg Miller. Love the man and the company, they do great work. I listen to most every IGN podcast I can and I respect and take to heart the opinions of games. Greg is a smart dude. He also fucking raged when Cole from infamas got a redesign.

Pic here:

Remember that shit? Were you mad at this? I did not care in the least. I don't own a ps3 so I had no dog in that race. Funny now considering how I feelt about DmC when it was announced. Shoe on the other foot and all.

Mill-money( and I'm gonna assume alot of fans) raged, they got a redesign, fanfair was had( I assume) and that was that.

DMC fans get mad, and apparently they hate change and should suck it up.

You can make the argument that Infamous was newer and didn't need to be jazzed up but the parallel lines hold up like a pushup bra made of Titansteel.

I should wrap this up. Here's the TLDR version of this, I think.

The fan and developer interaction of DmC is a interesting example of how a company, by way of who they choose to be the figure head of their produces and how they respond to all forms, good or bad, of criticism can cool the perception of their games. Even if the game itself it not torrid, attitudes can turn silver to copper. I do not doubt, for a second that if Ninja Theory had chosen to respond to angry fans in a way that said, "We understand why you are upset, we have a vision for this game and we want to make it something you enjoy. We will take this criticism to heart and bring you a Devil May Cry game you can be proud of." We might be having a different conversation. Sucker Punch Productions chose to work with the fans and not be labeled as "caving in". Ninja Theory, for one reason of another, instead of saying, "Lets talk." they said:

(But thats just my opinion, whats yours?)

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