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Depends on who wins the Lawsuit.

As we all know, at this point in time, 3d Realms is kind of not so good at releasing games on time. Didn't they start development LAST FUCKING CENTURY?!

Anyway, I figure that if Take 2 is pissed off enough to sue 3d realms for not delivering on a game, if they eventually do secure the source code for Duke Nukem Forever (keeping in mind the fact that the litegation itself could take ...... forever.... <.<        >.>) Then I'm pretty sure that Take 2 will grab the source code, give it to a developer and have them shove it out the door in 12 - 18 months if they can - maybe even if they can't. At this point, with all this bullshit and all this back and fourth, it will sell either way. Wouldn't be surprised if they tried for a console release right out the door. That would be fucked.