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Peanut Butter Bandit and the Ave Maria (Hitman)

Jeez, I really haven't been posting on here very often... you can read this or just skip to the video. Just please leave some feedback on the video!
Well recently I just completed my first year at the University of Western Ontario in MTP (Media Theory and Production) which seemed pretty basic for first year and never really involved any hands-on-work. Instead it was meshed into a similar course, MIT (Media, Information, Technology), which involved talking about media and technology within society and how it effects us. It was interesting enough and I luckily scored those 80's, but I guess it just left me craving some of that camera work that originally directed me to go to Western. 
Almost immediately after arriving back home, I hung out with some buddies and explained that I would like to makes some videos but also mentioned that I really didn't feel like having to do each step - so my friend Mike volunteered to write scripts for me. He is going into Brock for Drama which involves scriptwriting, so for both of us - this is good to put on our resumes. His sense of humour is rather strange, but amusing. 
Anyway, so here it is - Peanut Butter Bandit. We have only made the introduction here. Let me explain that I filmed and edited this with only my own knowledge, and not from first year (it was too general and never covered it). I used Sony Vegas Pro 9.0d to edit this, and filmed with a Hitachi-BD7HA.  Watch this in 720p if you can! I apologize for the overridden mic at a few scenes, but I still have not purchased any sort of boom mic and was using a lower quality one.  
Remember to leave a comment on youtube and rate! Thanks and also give some feedback here! Part 2 will be coming down the road.