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Most Anticipated Games Of E3 2009!


The E3 Expo is around the corner, and like many a gamer. I wanted to talk about some of the games I'm most excited to see more of when E3 takes place at the beginning of June. Like all good lists, you'll probably agree with some of the choices and disagree with others. But that's what makes a good list afterall, right. Keep in mind that the run up to E3 is often full of rumour and talk, so I can't be sure what games will exactly be making an appearance. But why can't we let out imaginations run a little wild from time to time. So let's begin:

An apparent concept screen for Episode 3.
An apparent concept screen for Episode 3.
5. Half Life 2: Episode 3.

Half Life fans have been waiting a while for any news on the third episode in the fantastic Half Life 2 episodic series, and yet it still seems we wait. I for one, really do hope Valve Software finally offer us some solid information on episode 3. We know it's coming, but when exactly and why is it taking so long? The Half Life 2 episodes originally were going to appear a couple of months apart but the latest episode (Episode 2) was released in October of 2007, so what exactly is going on with the development of Episode 3. Well one things for sure, we can expect more improvements to the ever popular Source engine. Hardly any information as been leaked and only a couple of concept screens have been seen on the web. Strangely it almost seems to have been slightly forgotten by sections of the gaming media and rarely gets discussed much nowadays. Though the media is probably as sick of waiting as most fans of the series. While we can't be sure of seeing anything at E3, surely it's an almost perfect place to unveil the first true details of the third and final episode?

MW2 will no doubt deliver more stunning moments.
MW2 will no doubt deliver more stunning moments.

4. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

A game that will be high on many a gamers list this coming E3, Modern Warfare 2 already looks like a sure bet to sell millions even though we have seen very little of the game. The latest in this successful first-person shooter franchise looks to build upon the stunning work done in the original game. We haven't been offered any great pieces of information or much footage (though a new teaser trailer shows off some footage), but with the first full trailer hitting on May the 24th. I think it's fair to say that we will be hearing a lot of Modern Warfare 2 when E3 begins and I'm sure excited to know more. While it was the online modes that truly made Modern Warfare the financial success that it was, I personally have always adored the single player campaigns and who truly knows where this second installment will take us. Though it might have something to do with snowmobiles and scubber diving. 

Kratos is back, and less caring then ever.
Kratos is back, and less caring then ever.
3. God of War 3.

Potentially the most exciting PS3 title to keep an eye out for at E3, God of War 3 looks to continue the fine series which first saw fame on the PS2 some years back. While somethings have changed, God of War 3 still looks to be as violent and thrilling as any of the past games. First unveiled at last years E3, it is expected that Sony will announce a release date at this years E3. Though the talk on the videogame street (which doesn't exist by the way) is that we won't be seeing Kratos in full beautiful HD on the PS3 until 2010. Some footage as already been shown in the form of trailers and teasers, it's fair to say that GoW3 will be one stunning looking game and some leaked gameplay footage some months back clearly showed that the trailers were using the in-game engine. So there's potentially a lot to look forward to if your a God of War fan like myself this coming E3.

E3 will hopefully offer us some answers to our many questions.
E3 will hopefully offer us some answers to our many questions.

2. Mass Effect 2.

While Mass Effect 2 as been known about for a while now, true details concerning the game have been scarce and even when developers Bioware have been directly asked, they've been somewhat quiet on even the basic of details. So there are many questions to be asked, and I for one hope that some of these questions will receive answers this coming E3. Project Director Casey Hudson as already stated that things will become a little more clear at E3 potentially in the form of the first official trailer. I happily admit to being very excited about the first true details of Mass Effect 2, the original was a brilliant RPG that blew any JRPG out of the water. I know I'm not the only one excited to see what Bioware will do with the sequel, the second of a trilogy of games. There as been some simply stunning concept art released but I and many others want o see more at E3.

A diagram of the new infamous assassin wrist dagger.
A diagram of the new infamous assassin wrist dagger.

1. Assassins Creed 2.

While it is a close call between this and Mass Effect 2, I won't deny my great love for Assassins Creed. I adored the original despite the large amount of hate it received upon release, and it still offered one of the best atmospheric worlds created in any videogame. I've already talked enough about my love for the original in past blogs and articles, but I am truly excited about this sequel and where it could be taking the series. Some key pieces of information have already been released or leaked out, and a number of new gameplay mechanics have been shown off in the form of apparent screenshots. But it will still be nice to finally see the first official full trailer of the game this coming E3. What can we expect from Ezio? Is he a descendant of Desmond? What of Desmond's tale in all of this? Hopefully some of this will become clear at E3 2009.

So that's my most anticipated games of E3 2009, I can write this but we never know what might appear at this often odd but wonderful event. Nintendo will have hopefully learn't from last years terrible press conference and hopefully all three developers will be able to provide us gamers with more of an entertaining show (though anyone who didn't find Nintendo playing Wii Music funny as no soul). As we approach June, I'll be doing more blogs concerning the event and what I think we can expect. Hopefully Giantbomb will provide the fantastic coverage and drunk podcast we all loved from last year, it was all so very entertaining.

Thanks for Reading,
Joseph Bayliss (TrueEnglishGent)

(Twitter: JosephBayliss)