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My Gaming Update Coming up to New Years

So i havent written a blog for a little while so i decided to talk about the games i've enjoyed lately, what i still need to play, and what my favourite game and gaming moment this year.

So a bit over a week ago i bought an xbox 360 and bought gears 2, banjo nuts and bolts, pgr4, and ninja gaiden 2. But its also given me the opportunity to go and get some games that i never got to play last time i had a 360 such as eternal sonata which i'm playing at the moment.

But all has not been perfect however. My Gears of War 2 disc will read error randomly from time to time, never in the same place, and the time it takes to do it varies. Sometimes i can go for up to 3 hours without ever seeing it. To begin with i freaked out and thought that maybe there was something wrong with my 360's disc drive but then i played about 4 hours of ninja gaiden 2, beat the first 5 or 6 missions in banjo and played a couple of hours of pgr4 without ever seeing said screen.
The disc for gears 2 itself is completely unmarked or scratched so i dont know whats going on there either..... 
The copy of eternal sonata that i bought today works fine aswell.

The other problem is that i borrowed fable 2 off of a friend of mine cause i was keen on playing through it and he was done with it. But i cant play it. Because it freezes every 5-20 minutes. I again freaked out thinking that something was wrong with my xbox, cause freezing like that that much can mean that the 3 red lights are about to come. But yet again... i went back to playing other games, no incident WHATSOEVER.... i really dont know whats going on here....

Out of curiosity i googled "Fable 2 Freezing" on google and found a 1up story from october which seemed to think that some other people had had this problem too and had fixed it from not downloading the co op patch or doing some other stuff like clearing cache. None of this helped me tho, and dude, that was back in october. Also i've not seen anyone here with said issue either...
On the plus side i'm enjoying eternal sonata alot, i've wanted to play this game for quite some time and it did come out on ps3 but i didnt feel like importing it since its not out here in australia yet. On the other hand even if it was.... ps3 eternal sonata is still full price, 360 eternal sonata i got for half price.... sounds like a winner. The art style is gorgeous in this game, absolutely beautiful... and the premise while i thought sounded retarded when i first heard about this game i feel is pretty neat when you get to playing the game. Its just a charming game so far and its a nice change of pace from the frantic action of say: Ninja gaiden 2 which i've played up to chapter 9 so far and have probably played the most out of any 360 game i have so far. That isnt to say i think its the best game i have, i just havent felt like playing banjo so much lately even tho its a great game so far.

Now onto GOTY stuff.....
GOTY stuff is interesting to talk about because i am more prone to choose a game that i had the most fun or entertainment value from over a game thats technically more perfect and has less flaws but i didnt sink my teeth into as much even tho i can appreciate it for its merits.
I think GOTY is its most interesting because of the discussion of what leads up to it rather than the actual act of saying what the GOTY is, cause it helps reflect on all the games that came out that year and you get to sit down and disect them all.

But without blathering on about it for a page i'd have to say that my favourite game this year was Metal Gear Solid 4. It also contains my favourite gaming moment this year. Which is the Metal Gear Vs Metal Gear boss fight. Metal Gear 4 was very much a game filled with epic and memorable moments for me but that boss fight and the microwave top it for me. Both were tense, and in the case of the boss fight, it was just plain fucking epic.

In 2009 there are plenty of games i'm looking forward to, Killzone 2, Infamous, Uncharted 2, Heavy Rain.... i am so stoked.

Well thats my scrappy abstract blog entry for today hah