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A deal on Gears

So early Sunday morning I finished GTA IV. Since then I've been trying to figure out what I'm going to play until Madden comes out next week (yes I buy a Madden game every couple of years). Last night while I was checking on something that I sold on Ebay I decided to check and see if I could get a good deal on a copy of Gears of War. No, I haven't played it yet, I've wanted to but I didn't get a 360 until March.

So, long story short I was able to snag a used copy of Gears of War for $21.84 (shipping included), which is, as far as I know, about seven or eight dollars less then a used copy on Amazon and pretty much anywhere else.

What was the point of this blog post, nothing really....just wasting time.



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Edited By mathewballard

So early Sunday morning I finished GTA IV. Since then I've been trying to figure out what I'm going to play until Madden comes out next week (yes I buy a Madden game every couple of years). Last night while I was checking on something that I sold on Ebay I decided to check and see if I could get a good deal on a copy of Gears of War. No, I haven't played it yet, I've wanted to but I didn't get a 360 until March.

So, long story short I was able to snag a used copy of Gears of War for $21.84 (shipping included), which is, as far as I know, about seven or eight dollars less then a used copy on Amazon and pretty much anywhere else.

What was the point of this blog post, nothing really....just wasting time.