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maxx77: Favorites

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  • The current-generation equivalent of the SNES Final Fantasy games. One of my current favorite games.

  • My all-time favorite RPG. I still play through it all over again every few years.

  • One of my top ten favorite games of all time. It's excellent in every aspect. I especially love the writing, voice acting, and overall theme. It might as well be the modern day version of an H.P. Lovecraft story.

    The sequel is all but confirmed. Here's to hoping it'll live up to the first game's standards.

  • Perhaps my second favorite RPG. It features some of the best music of any game. It's probably the first game that made me take notice of game music.

  • It's not "just Pac-Man." It's much, much more than that. This game is the very definition of addictive. The only thing missing is a way to record or download replays.

  • Best racing game I've ever played. The physics, AI, and graphics combine to create the most fun and realistic racing game on the market. Gran Turismo 5 has better graphics, but Forza 2 wins in every other category. I bought the Force Feedback wheel ($99) and a racing chair to mount it on ($300) just for this game.

  • It's Zelda. It's Ocarina of Time. What else is there to say? It's an amazing game.

  • Best 2D Zelda game ever made, and one of the all time best games in any dimension for that matter.

  • "They should have sent a poet..." I can't properly articulate how great this game is. The controls, the inventive levels, the graphics, the way the game is constantly surprising you and reinventing itself from the beginning all the way up to the climactic end... It's as pure and genuine as games get. It's unadulterated fun. It's brilliant. I could pile on superlatives until I run out of words. It's my favorite game of 2007, and that's saying a lot considering all the AAA games that came out that year.