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Average score of 7 user reviews

Classic Slasher Movie in Videogame Form 0

I enjoyed Until Dawn, much to my satisfaction. In recent years, I've found myself much more interested in story focused, less complex games, such as the Telll Tale adventure games and the like. I was hoping to get a similar experience from Until Dawn, and I can say I am very satisfied.The gameplay is basic, yet challenging. You are either moving a character through an area and clicking on shiny things to look more closely at, and action sequences which are entirely quick time events. It tota...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A Link to the Future 0

The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds is a game filled to the brim with joy. It is a refreshing new take on a series that has started to show its age, but still holding in high esteem what made the series great to begin with. My main complaint with the past few Zelda games has been the length, not that I have a problem playing long games, but Zelda games so rarely justify their length in gameplay variety or narrative, instead padding out the latter halves of games with mindless fetch quests...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A Pirate's Life for Me! 0

First, I just want to say that I've played to completion all of the Assassin's Creed games, except Revelations, and by the end of each one I was completing it simply out of sheer will. They were mostly good games, except AC3 which was just terrible, that overstayed their welcome and ended up leaving a sour taste in my mouth. Luckily, AC4 is exactly the opposite.The game starts you off immediately on the right track, killing dudes, and you never stop! It has the best combat of the series, refinin...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

What happens when you take the platforming out of the platformer? 0

What is left after you take nearly all of the platforming out of Crash Bandicoot, and instead pump up the combat difficulty unnecessarily? Well, you probably guessed Knack, and you’d be right. Knack is such a bizarre game. It bills itself as an action platformer, although it has almost no platforming, and when it does it is ludicrously simple. The platforming, then, is in stark contrast to the often frustratingly difficult combat the game is packed to the brim with. What’s more, Knack is pitched...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

The last video game ever? 0

The Stanley Parable is a fascinating piece of fiction that plays out in ways I've never seen or even knew I wanted to see in a game. It explores the choose your own adventure tale that we see in games far too often, and expands on it in many hilarious ways. It's probably not worth it to read my review because I might end up spoiling aspects that are much better discovered on your own, but know that it is a well spent 12 (or when it comes off sale 15) dollars.The most important aspect of The S...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

GTA is Back 0

Grand Theft Auto III was a transformative game for me. I was obviously too young to play it, my parents knew that, but I was able to obtain a copy and play it in its entirety none the less. I really do believe that the experience of playing that game turned me into the game enthusiast that I am today. That’s the baggage any game carrying the name Grand Theft Auto carries with it: equal parts hype and dread. I’m happy to say GTA V lives up to it’s name entirely. It expands on what you want it to,...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

How Reboots Should be Done 0

DmC Devil May Cry wasn't even close to being on my radar, and I think that's what made it so surprising to me! Some background: I played Devil May Cry back in the day, but it didn't leave a huge mark, I also played Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening a bit, but I stopped shortly after getting the guitar weapon because I just thought it was too ridiculous in addition to not being fun to play. However, I love the God of War franchise, which has always been bigger, more bombastic, and much simpler. ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.