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Mexalen, Demo-Man

Boy, has it really been a month since my last update?

With this girl taking my time and work sucking all my energy, there hasn't been a lot of gaming lately. I don't even manage to follow gaming-news like I used too. 
I guess it's a natural developement, when you start dedicating a bigger part of your life to your career, but I don't have to like it.

Anyway, I finally got my hands on the RE5-Demo and the Halo Wars-Demo today, and thought I'd let you into my thoughts about them.

RE4 was an awesome game, I played it on a friends Gamecube back then. RE5 however didn't manage to grab my attention like that. The idea of not being able to move while shooting keeps me from getting involved and the item-management is a pain!
Also the demo doesn't manage to explain what you have to do, where you need to go, etc  at a lot of points, and as there are no save points it was rather frustrating for me.

Halo Wars on the other hand seems to be rather easy. The demo was, at least. I like the story and the way it was told and I'd really love to play through it, just to satiate my hunger for Halo-Lore :) The controlls are easy to handle, but they leave a lot of options out. I guess there is never going to be a RTS on a console, that has a really good control scheme (ie: mouse & keyboard).

On a more somber note, I realized that my X360-harddrive is finally running out of space. I had to delete some content, just to get the demos on it. As it is a first-gen 360 I knew that the point where I'd need to invest into a bigger HDD would come sooner or later. Especially since I bought a couple of extensions that are f*ing huge. I'll probably  wait for a new game to arrive or when I actually have time to play more, before I am going to buy the new one anyway.

I hope it's not going to take another month, before I am able to share some thoughts with you guys. 
Happy gaming everyone!