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Started on GTA4 again ...

With Gay Tony coming out today, I thought about giving the original GTA4 another try. I bought it on release day, played it a bit and while being kinda impressed for a while, I never really grew too fond of it. Some frustrating missions made it quite unenjoyable back then, so I stopped and moved on. Well, things are working out a bit better this time, as I was able to progress quite a bit more, but I can't help myself - GTA4 is kinda dated now. Compared to Uncharted 2, the presentation just isn't that exciting anymore - the character faces look not very real, animation is puppetlike and the textures look compressed. The clunky controls aren't any help either. But what I am missing most are the checkpoints. It's so damn annoying and frustrating to fail at the very end of a mission, and then after restarting having to do everything again, including the driving to the target. That's just damn tedious and not very fun.
I'm not getting any expansions for GTA until I finished it. I'm pretty certain that if I can't at least complete the main story, I'm not ready for more.