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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Well I have been playing this game for the iPhone recently, and I have some thoughts about it that I will share here... 
I have been playing the game for quite a few hours at this point and I feel it is kind of long winded, the gameplay barely changes over the entire game. Yes it is a cool game to play, but at times the action that you have to do is so small and contrived that it is close to impossible to understand what you action you need to take. Maybe I am not cut out to be a "detective-lawyer" but at times I will be on a cross examination and reach a point where I have no idea where to go from a certain point. Other times I will bring up something else wrong with the testimony but I have no way to work off that. So what I am saying in that aspect was I wish there was more ways to get to the same verdict instead of a single direction.  
oh on another note... I AM GLAD OUR JUSTICE SYSTEM ISNT LIKE THIS!!!! man I have gotten more frustrated by the characters and the justice system in that game than any thing else... I am just left shaking my head at times... 
so there is a small rant... not done with the game but I am getting close to finishing it


A milestone or a coming of age?

Well I leave to go back to another year of college in a few days, and as I was going through the stuff that I needed to bring back, I decided that my PSP was not one of them. The last game I bought for the PSP was LittleBigPlanetPortable and I enjoyed the game a good amount, never got into the creating though because the screen was too small and I really felt I could do things a lot quicker with keyboard and mouse but anyways. Of course there are games that I wouldn't mind to play but just have no yearning to go and spend a certain amount of money to play it, maybe all of this would be different if I had various friends who had a PSP and I could socialize with them as I played a game, but the reality of the situation is the majority if my close friends don't really play games of any kind or play them regularly. This is very much a bummer as my steam friends account is still at zero, I am still waiting to find one of my friends who plays games on a regular basis. But enough of that back to the topic on hand. I decided that I didn't need my PSP with my at college, and I am not looking back, I guess the time I actually spent on it while I was at college wasn't enough. But still to me this is a key moment, I have moved passed the PSP and its poor catalogue of games (people will try to say otherwise but you just don't have a lot of impressive games on the PSP, GoW is the most impressive and no one has even touched that realm really yet) maybe the PSP2 will have a better life if it can play a back catalogue of PS2 games and has two analog sticks and is better than the PS2 but I guess we will have to see until that game comes. 
Well I guess this is it for this aimless rambling, sorry to subject any of you to this specific kind of writing, it is just ramble-writing. 


The Final Results from the survey on this Membership Mishap

Hello Everyone! 
Here are the results for the Membership survey that I put out, received more than 250 responses, which I guess makes my money worthwhile I hope. 
 Male 97.63%
 Female 1.58%
 Prefer not to answer 0.79%
 __-14 0.39%
 15-19 22.96%
 20-24 51.75%
 25-29 17.90%
 30-34 5.83%
 35-39 0.39%
 40-44 0.39%
 45-__ 0.39%
 Student 51.17%
 Full-Time 17.58%
 Part-Time 14.06%
 Unemployed 14.06%
 Prefer not to answer 3.13%
Those were standard to get a demographic that we are working with. Nothing really surprising there considering the user base of Giant Bomb. Now below is the questions that get more to the point, and are more focused on current Whiskey-Media events. 
Are you going to/Did you sign up for a Whiskey Media Membership?Percent
 Yes (Annually) 27.63%
 Yes (Monthly) 5.84%
 No 42.02%
 Undecided 24.51%
 If No, Why?Percent (Adjusted)
 Not enough content 8.16% (13.77%)
 Too expensive 14.59% (24.64%)
 Dislike the approach Whiskey Media is taking 36.48% (61.59%)
 N/A 40.77%
What is your opinion of Giant Bomb splitting up the Bombcast?Percent
 Frustrating 32.03%
 DISLIKE!!! ANGER!!!!! 21.88%
 It affects the community, but if it is better for them, than I am okay with it. 19.92%
 Meh... 10.16%
 It doesn't affect me 9.38%
 It's a good decision 6.64%
What was your opinion of the "Paid Member" video?Percent
 No opinion 42.19%
 It was funny. 28.12%
 It was done in poor humor. 14.45%
 It missed its mark. 11.72%
 it was boring. 3.52%
Are you going to/ Did you watch The Big Live Live Show Live?Percent
 I will/ I did 47.45%
 Part of it 33.33%
 Will not/ Did not 10.98%
 No, Because of this Membership mess. 8.24%
Did this Membership addition forever change your opinion of Whiskey MediaPercent
 Yes 18.82%
 No 41.96%
 Partially 39.22%
And those are the results, nothing really surprising I thought, pretty standard results. And as always this is only a small contingent of the Giant Bomb community as well as the Whiskey Media community so overall results might be slightly different. Let me know what you guys think and if you have any questions. After all is said and done though this was very profitable for Whiskey Media, and I am sure they will reap the benefits as well as the viewers and readers will reap the lasting benefits as well. 
I hope you all enjoyed the survey.  
P.S. if you would like to read any responses to the last question let me know.

Some Survey Results from this Membership Mishap...

  Hello Everyone, 
First of thanks for answering my survey, at this point I have over 250 responses which is awesome. 
So here are some early results  for you guys, after a few more days or something I will release the final results unless I find that no more surveys are filled out and then I will release the results early. For the final results let me know if you would prefer the data to be in table form, and I will put it in table form. Ok to some of the results, This is about half of the results compiled thus far. 
Male: 98.95%
Prefer Not to answer: 1.05% 
__-14: 1.03% 
15-19: 24.74% 
20-24: 55.67% 
25-29: 13.40% 
30-34: 4.12% 
45-__: 1.03% 
Student: 51.55% 
Full-Time: 17.53% 
Part-Time: 16.49% 
Unemployed: 11.34% 
Prefer not to answer: 3.09% 
Now for some more of the interesting questions and results... 
Are you going to sign up for a Whiskey Media Membership? 
No: 42.27%
Yes (Annually) :24.74%
Undecided: 23.71%
Yes (Monthly): 9.28% 
If No, Why? 
N/A: 47.13% 
Dislike the approach Whiskey is taking: 28.74% 
Too Expensive: 17.24% 
Not enough content: 6.90% 
What is your opinion of Giant Bomb splitting up their bombcast? 
Frustrating: 28.87% 
DISLIKE!!! ANGER!!!!!: 23.71% 
It affects the community, but if it is better for them I am ok with it: 17.53% 
Meh...: 11.34% 
It doesn't affect me: 9.28% 
It's a good decision: 9.28% 
What was your opinion of the "paid Member" video present on Whiskey Sites? 
No Opinion: 39.18% 
It was funny: 30.93% 
It missed its mark: 13.40% 
it was done in poor humor: 12.37% 
It was boring: 4.12% 
Are you going to watch the Big Live Live show Live, or did you? 
I will/ I did: 46.88% 
Parts of it: 35.42% 
Will not: 10.42% 
No, because of this membership mess!: 7.29% 
Did this membership change forever affect your image of what Whiskey Media stands for? 
No: 46.88% 
Partially: 38.54% 
Yes: 14.58% 
And that is more or less it, for the final results I will post some of the better responses to the final question. Let me know what you guys think! 
For those who haven't  answered this survey a link is below for it, it wont take a lot of time, please check it out so we can get some awesome statistics.    


Various aspects of RPG's that I hate...

Well I have been watching through the Persona 4 Endurance run because it is summer time, and with my recent accident, I have a lot of time in which I need to rest up. With that I have noticed somethings about RPG's and have been thinking about RPG's (currently playing through Chaos Rings on the iPod)  and there have been various aspects of the genre that have arisen that frustrate me and things that I dislike about the genre in general. This is not furious monologue coming from some one who has never touched an RPG, in my lifetime the majority of the games that have I have played have been RPG's. I have played through the Rockman EXE series (Megaman Battle Network), various Final Fantasy Tactics games, golden sun games and the list continues. And so to start of a new blog entry here is my... 

   List of aspects in RPG's that I hate.  

  • Attacks that never work against Bosses:   Now this list isn't in any particular order but the first aspect is pretty darn annoying. One example of this is confusion spells, they will work against normal enemies but as soon as you get to a boss the attack never works. I can kind of understand why this would be implemented by developers because it could make some bosses easy if they didn't have anything to guard against it, but there are other ways around it. How about after they are confused the boss has code written in that after he is confused he uses a spell that will guard against confusion for a period of time. Something needs to be set in place that makes it some a certain part of the game isn't rendered completely useless and void.
  •  This battle shouldn't be so long...
     This battle shouldn't be so long...
      Ridiculously long boss battles: This is coming after watching a very long battle against Teddie's "alter ego" and a battle that took about an hour. Eventually you reach a point where the tactics are repeated over and over again to a disgusting point. Now I am not saying all battles should be 2 minutes long, but as the battled reach an hour that is a very long time to be sitting in a single place using the same attacks again and again. Battles should be refreshing and new, and shouldn't dull your mind, they should keep you on the edge of your seat but not last so long that the bottom of your butt begins to flatten out.     
          Level curves shouldn't be crazy
          Level curves shouldn't be crazy
       Insane level curves: I encountered this aspect when I was playing through a later dungeon in Zenonia. I eventually found after trying to progress that there was about a 20 level difference between the first room of the dungeon and, as far as I can tell, close to the end of the dungeon. That paired with a low pace of leveling and incredibly boring enemy types it made the game almost unplayable. To this day I haven't passed that section have no yearning to return to that world or that game. Now, I am okay with a certain amount of grinding, and the feeling of relief and power that comes with it as you reach the next dungeon overpowered a certain amount.
  • Repetitive monster types: I hate seeing some monster in the early game, and having them show up, just differently colored in the later game. I feel like it is lazy on the side of the developers and the designers. Yes, I do understand that other character models take up extra space, and designing new attacks,characters and animations takes a good amount of time, but recolored characters bring the quality of the product down. there is no excitement in fighting a recolored enemy from earlier in the game, it is just boring and lengthens the game in an unnecessary way. One interesting part of RPG's is seeing new attacks as the game progresses and seeing the new animations that come with it, recoloring sprites or models decreases that interest.
  • Certain types of Backtracking: One type of backtracking that I do not like is the type in which you head back to an earlier town and nothing in the town changes and the monsters in that area are pushovers and barely help you level up and increase in power. If I head back to an earlier town I want to see something new, something worth heading back for, and I also want it so that I don't have to painfully work my way through battles that are going to do seemingly nothing for me. I understand that that is a lot of requests but again that is unnecessary lengthening of the game.

Well that is more or less all that I want to say for right now, I am sure there is a lot of aspects of the genre that are frustrating as a whole and I want to know what you guys think. What do you like and dislike about the RPG Genre? One thing that I am waiting to come is one incredible RPG that changes the genre and doesn't stick to the RPG conventions. It would be something like that, which would invigorate a good portion of the Japanese Games developing community and change the perception of the drama. Hopefully a game like that can come along soon.


My Favorite Shows on TV right now...

Hello Everyone here is another Blog post by me this one about my favorite shows on television right now... 
Burn Notice 
This has been a wonderful series in my opinion, the main character is very talented and the side characters are nicely balanced with a lot of good character progression. I am interested to see where this series is going and I love all of the tidbits of information given, and this whole spy genre in Miami. 
30 Rock 
In my opinion one of the better comedy shows on television right now, Tina Fey is wonderfully talented and the humor in this show is very funny. At times I get fed up with a few of the characters but I love how this show has an almost limitless amount of possibilities in what this show can become. 
Parks & Recreation 
Just started with this show actually, didn't watch it in its first season on TV but I got back into it for the Second season, and I am enjoying it. Amy Poehler, another talented actress and Aziz Ansari is hilarious funny, yes hilariously funny. It will be interesting to see where the writers take this show. 
Ill admit it I was a Drama Geek in high school, and thus this show brings back some of the humor and good times I had back then, and the music is wonderful, adding acapella versions to wonderful songs already. Unfortunately at times i feel the writers are trying to make the show more of a PSA for various problems and such and then lose sight of where the show should be going and some of the humor that could be present and isn't.  
The Office 
I am kind of up in the air about this one because it at times has wonderful humor and at other times I can be completely sick of it and it can be really draining. Storyline wise nothing is happening of interest really, and this is the next show on the chopping block I think, we will have to see if they improve anything
Shows I used to watch 
V, Heroes, Prison Break, among others.


Long time has gone by without writing...

Well I am sitting here and it is almost something like 2 years since I posted a blog post, wow I have been on this site for a while, it is hard to imagine that this site has been around for this long but it is awesome! (I am not saying they weren't going to have success just it is weird to think this site has been up for so long, it seems like it was just recently started.) Well here I am wondering what i should write, maybe I will put and excerpt from a future narrative that I am writing, I am having major troubles finishing it and just need some kind of inspiration. So here is a short excerpt of it... 

 August 11, 2025

            It has happened, this day was not one that I thought I would ever see. Whether it is something “exciting” that has happened, I do not know, but something has happened, and now the future I once thought to be bleak is not any more that than it is any brighter, my future lays upon unsteady rocks, the rocks are deep below the land my weight pushes upon. At about 4:40 P.M. today, all forms of American communication where disrupted, not by a force outside of the country but by the government, the government that I have just smiled and waved to, despite deep down wanting to change the wrongs that happened years ago. At about 4:40, all Americans were told that the threat of Apocalypse was real, and that preparations were being made to save Americans. It is all just bland talk from our arrogant government. This government was formed on the ideas of being able to survive by itself, and those ideas have manifested into, “this country is the only country that has any need of surviving.” That means selfish wars, ulterior motives behind seemingly beneficial acts, and a blood thirst for weapons and arms. Sickening. There are a billion people in our world that deserved to be saved move than the majority of these “Americans” that are going to be saved.

            At the mention of the apocalypse being real, I was surprised that the entire country did not erupt into mass-hysteria as the government went on to explain their plan. Since the 1970s, the United States has been working on an overwhelming underground facility that could save the Nation from Nuclear disaster and fallout. An underground facility that would allow the entire nation to thrive, and still continue to be in the best possible condition without the precious vitamin D the sun provides. A self-sustaining facility that would allow a nation to survive for one hundred years without any major problems. It seems to good to be true. In the presentation they really emphasized the word “nation.” It sickened me to hear that word spoken over and over again; there was a reason why they were saying it so much. This nation has fallen apart years ago. Whether this place, Nedan Fort, the name placed on this underground haven by the government, is hell on earth, or the chance to actually survive, I have yet to decide. Has technology actually given us the chance to escape God?   Or is this escaping what we could have with God? Questions that no one can give me answers fill me tired brain; this is just one more thing to think about. “Everything will change.” [i] I would be leaving the world above, a place that gets darker by the day, and is seemingly beyond repair. Is this good or bad?

            Later in this executive order it was said that this was the reason why our debt had been in such a dire situation in the decades past. Why was the public never informed of this decision by the high powers?   Too many questions, I need to concentrate on other things. Nedan Fort almost seems like it is out of some science fiction novel it seems too good to be true. An entire “nation” all under ground just seems impossible. Before the intermission was terminated, they left us all by saying we would descend to the new world on October 11, two months from now. Two months left.   Can I make the most out of these two months? 61 days till everyone goes underground. 1,464 hours until we descend. Two whole months.

[i] Brand New Colony – The Postal Service

 And there is one excerpt of it, it starts out in journal entries by the main character and then eventually goes into a third person view of the situation, and there is a lot to it and a lot I want to do with it. Peace.

Long time has gone by without writing...

Well I am sitting here and it is almost something like 2 years since I posted a blog post, wow I have been on this site for a while, it is hard to imagine that this site has been around for this long but it is awesome! (I am not saying they weren't going to have success just it is weird to think this site has been up for so long, it seems like it was just recently started.) Well here I am wondering what i should write, maybe I will put and excerpt from a future narrative that I am writing, I am having major troubles finishing it and just need some kind of inspiration. So here is a short excerpt of it... 

 August 11, 2025

            It has happened, this day was not one that I thought I would ever see. Whether it is something “exciting” that has happened, I do not know, but something has happened, and now the future I once thought to be bleak is not any more that than it is any brighter, my future lays upon unsteady rocks, the rocks are deep below the land my weight pushes upon. At about 4:40 P.M. today, all forms of American communication where disrupted, not by a force outside of the country but by the government, the government that I have just smiled and waved to, despite deep down wanting to change the wrongs that happened years ago. At about 4:40, all Americans were told that the threat of Apocalypse was real, and that preparations were being made to save Americans. It is all just bland talk from our arrogant government. This government was formed on the ideas of being able to survive by itself, and those ideas have manifested into, “this country is the only country that has any need of surviving.” That means selfish wars, ulterior motives behind seemingly beneficial acts, and a blood thirst for weapons and arms. Sickening. There are a billion people in our world that deserved to be saved move than the majority of these “Americans” that are going to be saved.

            At the mention of the apocalypse being real, I was surprised that the entire country did not erupt into mass-hysteria as the government went on to explain their plan. Since the 1970s, the United States has been working on an overwhelming underground facility that could save the Nation from Nuclear disaster and fallout. An underground facility that would allow the entire nation to thrive, and still continue to be in the best possible condition without the precious vitamin D the sun provides. A self-sustaining facility that would allow a nation to survive for one hundred years without any major problems. It seems to good to be true. In the presentation they really emphasized the word “nation.” It sickened me to hear that word spoken over and over again; there was a reason why they were saying it so much. This nation has fallen apart years ago. Whether this place, Nedan Fort, the name placed on this underground haven by the government, is hell on earth, or the chance to actually survive, I have yet to decide. Has technology actually given us the chance to escape God?   Or is this escaping what we could have with God? Questions that no one can give me answers fill me tired brain; this is just one more thing to think about. “Everything will change.” [i] I would be leaving the world above, a place that gets darker by the day, and is seemingly beyond repair. Is this good or bad?

            Later in this executive order it was said that this was the reason why our debt had been in such a dire situation in the decades past. Why was the public never informed of this decision by the high powers?   Too many questions, I need to concentrate on other things. Nedan Fort almost seems like it is out of some science fiction novel it seems too good to be true. An entire “nation” all under ground just seems impossible. Before the intermission was terminated, they left us all by saying we would descend to the new world on October 11, two months from now. Two months left.   Can I make the most out of these two months? 61 days till everyone goes underground. 1,464 hours until we descend. Two whole months.

[i] Brand New Colony – The Postal Service

 And there is one excerpt of it, it starts out in journal entries by the main character and then eventually goes into a third person view of the situation, and there is a lot to it and a lot I want to do with it. Peace.

Long time has gone by without writing...

Well I am sitting here and it is almost something like 2 years since I posted a blog post, wow I have been on this site for a while, it is hard to imagine that this site has been around for this long but it is awesome! (I am not saying they weren't going to have success just it is weird to think this site has been up for so long, it seems like it was just recently started.) Well here I am wondering what i should write, maybe I will put and excerpt from a future narrative that I am writing, I am having major troubles finishing it and just need some kind of inspiration. So here is a short excerpt of it... 

 August 11, 2025

            It has happened, this day was not one that I thought I would ever see. Whether it is something “exciting” that has happened, I do not know, but something has happened, and now the future I once thought to be bleak is not any more that than it is any brighter, my future lays upon unsteady rocks, the rocks are deep below the land my weight pushes upon. At about 4:40 P.M. today, all forms of American communication where disrupted, not by a force outside of the country but by the government, the government that I have just smiled and waved to, despite deep down wanting to change the wrongs that happened years ago. At about 4:40, all Americans were told that the threat of Apocalypse was real, and that preparations were being made to save Americans. It is all just bland talk from our arrogant government. This government was formed on the ideas of being able to survive by itself, and those ideas have manifested into, “this country is the only country that has any need of surviving.” That means selfish wars, ulterior motives behind seemingly beneficial acts, and a blood thirst for weapons and arms. Sickening. There are a billion people in our world that deserved to be saved move than the majority of these “Americans” that are going to be saved.

            At the mention of the apocalypse being real, I was surprised that the entire country did not erupt into mass-hysteria as the government went on to explain their plan. Since the 1970s, the United States has been working on an overwhelming underground facility that could save the Nation from Nuclear disaster and fallout. An underground facility that would allow the entire nation to thrive, and still continue to be in the best possible condition without the precious vitamin D the sun provides. A self-sustaining facility that would allow a nation to survive for one hundred years without any major problems. It seems to good to be true. In the presentation they really emphasized the word “nation.” It sickened me to hear that word spoken over and over again; there was a reason why they were saying it so much. This nation has fallen apart years ago. Whether this place, Nedan Fort, the name placed on this underground haven by the government, is hell on earth, or the chance to actually survive, I have yet to decide. Has technology actually given us the chance to escape God?   Or is this escaping what we could have with God? Questions that no one can give me answers fill me tired brain; this is just one more thing to think about. “Everything will change.” [i] I would be leaving the world above, a place that gets darker by the day, and is seemingly beyond repair. Is this good or bad?

            Later in this executive order it was said that this was the reason why our debt had been in such a dire situation in the decades past. Why was the public never informed of this decision by the high powers?   Too many questions, I need to concentrate on other things. Nedan Fort almost seems like it is out of some science fiction novel it seems too good to be true. An entire “nation” all under ground just seems impossible. Before the intermission was terminated, they left us all by saying we would descend to the new world on October 11, two months from now. Two months left.   Can I make the most out of these two months? 61 days till everyone goes underground. 1,464 hours until we descend. Two whole months.

[i] Brand New Colony – The Postal Service

 And there is one excerpt of it, it starts out in journal entries by the main character and then eventually goes into a third person view of the situation, and there is a lot to it and a lot I want to do with it. Peace.

My view on the upcoming games... *THE HANDHELD/ COMPUTER EDITION*

Ok so this is my second blog, and my second blog about upcoming games this one about handhelds and computers specifically. I will probably do this type of blog quarterly maybe, as new games come out and others appears out of the the dark mists, that is the gaming industry. 

I will start off this post with Resistance: Retribution, which came as a bit of a surprise.
So far from what i have seen the game looks surprisingly strong, the graphics are good gameplay solid. But just like ever other game in the world there has to be something that could go wrong with it and in this case how will the frame rate be? Will it be slow and slugish or will it use the PSP's recently update hardware to the full power. Another thing is how well will the story be told will the story be sacrificed for the sake of gameplay? And a final irk that seems irksome, will yes we have seen the underground maps will that be all. Oh well i guess there are other things that pop into my mind. Will the colors seem to similar and then blend in? will the game be to easy? And with that i will end that look at resistance retribution which i hope is a good game, for the sake of the PSP.

Grand Theft Auto : Chinatown Wars
A shooter for the DS!!!! i don't think it will work out that well, the graphics on the DS are just ok and becuase of that reason it wont be a first person shooter or a third person shooter, it will be a top down shooter and an okay one at that. I don't think the game play from the rest of the GTA series will translate well to the DS. It will be a GTA game but it wont feel the same. Another thing is with the name "Chinatown Wars" makes the game seem limited and small ( *not a racial slur*). Of course i cant say to much about this game being nothing but the name and what platform it is on is really known about the game, and not gameplay footage has been shown. I wonder how this violent game will translate to a kid friendly platform.

Well this will take care of both the PC and MAC part of computer gaming. This game does look like a fun game and a strong online game. It looks like the replayability factor will be big in this and it will be kind of nice to have an end to the game unlike the sims game (unless you put a sim in a room with no doors hehe). It is cool how the community has responded to the creature creator and it will be interesting to see what happens with the actual game. I am thinking over it and there really isn't anything that comes to mind on what could be wrong with it. I am still wonder how the game play will work out but i guess i will find out when i get it. Look for this game when it comes out next month.

AND THAT concludes this issue of " MY VIE ON UPCOMING GAMES..." i hope you enjoyed it and i LOVE feedback give my feedback and also i am looking for more blog ideas so PM me some ideas! 
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