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Injustice and stuff!

In the not too distant past, Injustice: Gods Among Us was on sale for about $8 on PSN, so I bought it. Now I am writing about it. End preamble.

Despite liking the last Mortal Kombat game quite a lot, I missed out on this game during its initial release. I also skipped out on the PS4 re-release with all the DLC at first, though that ended up being the version that I played. Not really any reason why, it just never really captured my interest. Not enough to pay more than eight dollars, at least. As much as I love Batman (and I really do), I don't really care about any other parts of the DC universe. Which is not to say that I am inherently disinterested in DC universe stuff (except Superman, he's boring), it's just not a big draw for me. At least not in the same way that the Marvel part of Marvel vs. Capcom 3 was.

Here's something I should get out of the way right now: I'm not great at fighting games. I like them, and I've spent many hours of my life playing them. But I'm not good at them. And a fair amount of this is just going to be me comparing this game to other fighting games. Okay? Good, now let me move on.

Injustice is a good game. I might even be inclined to call it great if I wanted to take the time to really learn a character and get good at it. But I don't. For whatever reason, despite being perfectly competent in every way, this game just hasn't grabbed me like games like MK or MvC3 did. Which is a little weird, because this game is pretty similar to MK in a lot of ways. But that might be the problem though. It's too similar in some ways, and not similar enough in other ways.

Like blocking. MK has a block button, which is what I prefer, rather than back to block. Now, I actually got into a lengthy discussion on Twitter with someone who knows much more about fighting games than I do on this, and he seemed to think that block buttons are terrible and completely ruin games, whereas back to block is perfect. Or something like that, clearly I'm exaggerating (not that it matters, he isn't going to read this, he's boycotting GB for some stupid reason). Anyway, the point is that while I will sometimes actually block in games where there is a block button, I don't in games where it's back to block. The only times I ever tried to block in Injustice were when I knew my opponent was using a super, and I was trying to prevent it from hitting me (which worked some of the time).

Conversely, there's a lot about Injustice that is really similar. Things like how special moves are done. Rather than quarter circle forwards (something that I never seem to be able to do with a d-pad because I'm a scrub), it's down forwards. Which I prefer a lot, because I can do those consistently with a d-pad. And no, I don't know why I don't seem to be able to do quarter circle forwards consistently with a d-pad. I can with control sticks.

There's other differences, too, like what the face buttons do. Rather than two punches and two kicks in MK, it's a light, medium, heavy, and character specific button. I almost never used the character specific button. It's usually dumb stuff like Batman summoning little bat-bots, or Superman getting a damage buff. I mean, if you want to get good at the game, I bet that stuff is important. But I didn't really care. The other buttons are fine, and there's some crossover from MK, with things like uppercuts and sweep kicks that are done the same way as in MK. No Toasties, though.

That may actually be the thing that is the reason why Injustice didn't get me like MK did. It's not goofy. I mean, there's some humor in there, and it's certainly ridiculous. But it's not the right kind of ridiculous. It's hard to find the right way to word it. I mean, both take themselves seriously in the fiction, which I appreciate, but MK acknowledges how absurd everything is in the fringes. That's it. Injustice doesn't. Or if it does, I haven't found it. It's things like Toasties, and Kombat Kodes, and all the little wink and nods around the periphery that Injustice lacks. It makes it feel like a game that was made with a very serious set of mandates from men in suits that would be attached to something base on licensed characters (well, that's not really accurate given that WB owns both NetherRealm Studios and DC comics, but you get what I mean).

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Get over here!

And I'm also a little baffled by how that DC name is used. On the one hand, it's definitely one of the best uses of it, in terms of portrayal of the characters, and the story. The story has a lot of comic bookiness to it, which is appropriate, but by fight game standards, it's still pretty fantastic. It's the same as MK, in that it's a pretty lengthy thing with full on cut-scenes, and it flows really well. The voice acting is pretty good across the bar. Kevin Conroy is Batman, which I like. Troy Baker was in there somewhere (Nightwing, I think), but the game's Joker just felt like a pale imitation of Mark Hamil. Not terrible, but it felt like they got someone to try to copy that, rather than doing a different take on the Joker. Anyway, it doesn't really matter, because it was fine overall.

The story mode did feel a bit shorter, and was definitely easier than MK's. I'm not sure if it actually was shorter though, it's been three years since I played that game's story mode, I could be completely wrong. Maybe it's just faster paced, I dunno. It's definitely bigger in terms of scale, at least in the cut-scenes. On the other hand, the cut-scenes aren't running in real time, and they look noticeably worse than the in-engine stuff. Artifacting, I think is what it's called. And there's a lot of repeat locations in the story mode. I understand why, but it gets a little silly by the eighth time people are fighting in front of the same strip club in Gotham.

I also really have to question the choices in characters for this game. There's a lot of them (especially including the DLC), and I've heard of most of them, but not all. Like, who's Raven? And Killer Frost? And seriously, there's a DC comics character named CYBORG? They couldn't come up with anything better than CYBORG? And why was Martian Manhunter DLC? Not only that, but he doesn't have any STAR Missions (more on that later). And where's Darkseid? They put in Zatanna (whoever she is), but not Darkseid? Also, who is Shazam? And Black Adam? And why'd they go with Hal Jordan instead of the way cooler Green Lantern, John Stewart? You know, the black one from that one DC comics cartoon I watched as a kid that wasn't Batman. And also the comic books, I guess.

I dunno, I'm not one to criticize, I'm sure someone will respond to this about some dumb thing Cyborg was in and not understand how I don't know who he is. And probably Shazam too? I mean, the weirdest nerd moment I had in the game was when I realized Deathstroke was voiced by the guy who played General Martok in Deep Space 9. Apparently he was also Ares, which I didn't realize until I looked him up online. Also, given that I don't bat an eyelash at all the Norse characters in Marvel, I shouldn't find it weird that there's a character just named Ares in DC, but I find it weird that there's a character just named Areas in DC. And he's the god of war.

Ugh, comic books. This is why I tend to stick to stuff that's just Batman. Even when that stuff crosses over into the supernatural, it's still WAY more grounded than the literal god of war. Which, thinking about the subtitle of this game now (Gods Among Us), I should be expecting nonsense like that, but I didn't! Mainly because that subtitle is so bad I tried to forget it.

I've gotten off track, though. Back to the game. Like Mortal Kombat, Injustice has a challenges type mode called S.T.A.R. Missions. And while the S.T.A.R. name just makes me think of STARS from Resident Evil (especially because I don't think the game explains what STAR stands for), it's really more like the challenge tower from MK, just with all the challenges unlocked. Which is nice on the one hand, because I could just pick and choose what ones I wanted to do. On the other hand, I ended up just not doing most of them because I didn't care. I felt compelled to try to get through the MK Tower (which I ended up having to burn in game points or something to clear some, because they were so hard and I wanted to unlock that stupid Mileena costume where she's nude except for that weird white tape thing around her which was hilariously stupid). I didn't feel compelled to do anything of the sort here.

They're mostly fine challenges, from what I gathered. Some are stupid little minigames, and there's some that were DLC in the non-PS4 version, like ones for the DLC characters, and some Soviet Superman stuff that I remember seeing a "pre-order this game now" commercial for a long time ago (like last year). But there aren't missions for all of the DLC characters, which seems weird to me. Why don't Zatanna and Martian Manhunter get them? Why wasn't Martian Manhunter in the story? Was he too busy hunting men on Mars? Also, is that manhunter in the sense of literal hunting, or more like he goes to gay bars and tries to pick up men? Is that a bad joke? Probably. I thought about cutting that, but I didn't.

Some of the STAR Missions have little bits of story attached to them, but for what's there, there might as well not be. There's only like two lines of dialog per mission, and it's not voice acted. I dunno, I mean, I don't think any of the voice actors in this game were big enough to warrant not taking the time to record that stuff, but I don't know. Maybe that stuff was added in after all the voice sessions were done, or maybe they didn't think it was worth the extra time and money (it probably wouldn't have been). That said, it just seems cheap and bad when there's so much (good) voice acting in the main story.

There's a mode that is functionally similar to a traditional "arcade" mode, where you just fight a bunch of random enemies. But there's no end of arcade mode story like you get in something like MK, or even MvC3. That stuff was never super great, and it was clearly all non-canon since there was stuff for every character, but aside from maybe doing it with a couple of the characters I like best, I feel zero reason to do it here. What's my reward? More XP for a leveling thing I don't care about? Pfft. There are at least a bunch of variants in this mode (some of which have to be unlocked), but I didn't have any initial interest, so whatever.

So, I'm kinda torn on this game. It's a sound game, and if I had someone to play with (no way I'm touching the online at this point, I'll get destroyed), I could probably get many hours of fun out of it. And the story mode, by fighting game standards, is fantastic. And it's pretty great by comic book game standards too. There's a couple characters that I really liked playing as (Batman and Deathstroke come to mind). But I don't really feel any reason to keep playing it. Which isn't terrible, I only paid $8 for it, and I feel like I got my money's worth. I dunno, maybe I'll try it a little more, try to get a little better with Batman. But probably not. I've got other games to play.

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Before I bring this blog to a close, I want to add a few things about some of the Wii U games I wrote about last time.

I finished New Super Luigi U, and my thoughts on that remain pretty much the same. Which is to say that I enjoyed it quite a bit, and think it's a lot better than New Super Mario Bros U. There were a couple of frustrating spots, but overall, it's good.

Mario Kart 8 is the other one I want to add to. The first is something I wanted to mention last time, but forgot. Which is the character selection. There's thirty in total, which is a lot, especially considering that the max player count for a race is twelve. But the problem is that most of them are terrible. There's five baby characters. FIVE BABIES when there should be ZERO babies. And there's SEVEN Koopa Kids when there should be ZERO Koopa Kids. And there's Metal Mario? WHY? Pink Gold Peach? What the hell is a Pink Gold Peach? And Toadette? Why not just make that a color swap for Toad? I mean, I'm not going to say there shouldn't be lady Toads. But really, the biggest crime commits is that Birdo isn't in it.

Where's Birdo, Nintendo? HM? Actually, I'm not really that big a fan of Birdo (though I do like the weird noises Birdo makes and the absurdity of Birdo's design), but I think Birdo is a way better choice than any of those characters that I just complained about. But none of that really matters because I always play Luigi with the same dumb purple car.

Which brings me to a legitimate and game play relevant complaint. All the vehicle customization is cool in theory, but it's also time consuming, at least a lot more than just picking a racer, or at most a racer and a car like in the older ones. As a result, when you're doing things like playing online, you're locked into a specific kart until you exit the lobby, whether you're playing public games with random people, or private games. And I get why, it's to keep it moving (something I appreciate in a racing game), but it also goes a long way to stop me from experimenting with different vehicles. And the last week of me playing online mostly resulted in me getting wrecked by other people, whether it was the random people online, or an internet friend of mine who will not be mentioned by name because he was banned on GB and I can't be seen associating with him.

I'm not bad at the game, I've done well before, I just think I may have gotten myself into a situation where the other people are using better vehicles. Or maybe I'm wrong and I'm just terrible! I don't know! But there's no easy way to really test this stuff. It'd be nice if the game had a test mode where I could just pause and switch to a different kart or something. Sure, it wouldn't be seamless, still have to load stuff, but it'd be better than having to load out of a race, go back and select another kart, and load back into a race. But Nintendo's not going to read this and implement these changes in Mario Kart 9, so I dunno why I'm even bothering.

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Oh, and then there's PT. You know, the Playable Teaser for Silent Hills, the new Silent Hill game from Hideo Kojima and Guillermo Del Toro. It's a really interesting little teaser. On its own, it's definitely way more obtuse than it should be, but Kojima even admitted that's to make it harder for people to get to the reveal at the end. I think it looks great graphically, and I'm interested in it. More so than I have for any other Silent Hill game, at least. I'll be keeping my eyes on it.

I think that's enough for now. I have some other stuff I could write about, but I like this weekly blog thing I've had going for the last few weeks, so I'd like to keep that going for as long as I can. And now that I've said that it probably won't go much longer, but I have enough stuff for next week at least, so there's that! If I was smart, I would probably read over this for things like typos and stuff I forgot to add, so I wouldn't have to do addendums like I just did with Mario Kart 8, but where would the fun in that be? Of course, then as I go to copy and paste this into GB, I notice a glaring typo in the very first sentence! Which I corrected, but who knows what other mistakes lie within the text you just read?! Not I!

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I'm declaring that starting now, it is the Year of Birdo.



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Edited By Nodima

Injustice is definitely shorter than MK. MK has 16 chapters, DC had 12. MK also pads its length by throwing some terribly hard 1-on-2 fights at you. I ended up playing MK9 and Injustice for the first time pretty much back to back thanks to the same PSN deal you took advantage of, and it's taken me two months just to get to the Kabal vs. Mileena/Noob Saibot fight which is unbelievable hard to me thanks to both of them having teleport juggles and my similar lack of focus on blocking/defense. Whereas Injustice I beat in a pair of four hour sittings.

It looks like the "full movie" versions of both games on Youtube clock in at about 120 minutes on average, but MK9 is certainly the more difficult game, and therefore "longer" in that sense. I rarely had trouble with the CPU during Injustice, whereas MK9's 1-on-2s and some of the boss fights are terrifyingly hard until you figure out the right exploits, basically.

Also, I thought Green Arrow was the most fun character to play with, and the boss fight with Aquaman did a REALLY good job of making him seem like a badass. Easily the hardest fight in the game for me with all his spear juggling.

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I played a bit of Injustice yesterday actually. It seems pretty crazy and fun with the environments and because the buttons are so different than MK, I felt like there were WAY more moves than MK (although there probably isn't). Also looking at the roster I was quickly reminded why I never cared about anyone in the DC comics universe besides Batman. I think I had heard of maybe 15 of the characters, because like 5 of them are from the Batman universe. Ares is a comic book character? Black Atom? Shazam? I can't even remember the others because where the hell did these characters come from? Anyway, the game seems fun but if I am going to play a fighting game to try to be good and competitive it will be Street Fighter and if I want to play one to have fun it will be MK.

Also forget year of Birdo, it's finally time for the year of Shy Guy!

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Gross! Block buttons! :S

I really wanted to like Injustice because of my love for DC Comics (whaddyoumean who is Shazam! And Black Adam is coo yo) but I've always been too much of a SF guy to get into the groove of MK-style fighting systems. Just the pace of MK/Injustice feels so weird to me and the art style they rolled with wasn't my jam really.

I'm soooo pumped for Silent Hills but I'm worried I've aged out of horror games. I even had trouble in some parts of RE4 and that game really ain't much for scaryness. I couldn't get past the first hallway in Amnesia because the camera angle was so scary. Still, the combo of Kojima/del Toro/SH is impossible to resist.

Sweet blog as per usual, but, you know, what do you have against headers? :D

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Edited By MooseyMcMan

@geraltitude: Headers?

You mean like this?

Yeah, usually I use those, but I guess I forgot this time! Oops!

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@geraltitude: Headers?

You mean like this?

Yeah, usually I use those, but I guess I forgot this time! Oops!

hahaha, yep.

Simple minds like mine need every block of text ~ 500 words to be separated by a new header. That's how my brain lets me now I'm making progress.

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@geraltitude: Sorry about that! Usually I do, but...Next time!

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@mooseymcman So much I want to respond to. But mostly, I really appreciate that you took the time to think yourself through all of your feelings about Injustice.

  • The general consensus is that Back-to-Block offers more to a fighting game than does a dedicated block button. A central fighting game mechanic is the "cross-up." Typically in games that utilize Back-to-Block, you can only defend on the side you're facing. This means savvy aggressors can land blows on the opposite side of the defender's hitbox as a means to open up avenues of offense. Having a dedicated block button--particularly as it refers to MK9--means those kinds of situations don't exist. Holding the block button just auto-blocked regardless of direction, meaning the defending player only had to account for high or low attacks. The block button design philosophy is more accessible for newcomers, but ultimately removes some of the potential strategy involved in high-level play. It's like playing a racing game with the braking assist on.
  • Like you, I adore the fact I can play this on a d-pad. I just can't stand some of the more advanced maneuvers Street Fighter or Killer Instinct ask you to perform on an analog stick.
  • Some characters' unique traits are more important than others, and can completely change any given match if used appropriately. Batman's, particularly, is one of the more consistently useful in the game.
  • DC Comics definitely has a reputation, especially post-2008, for taking itself way too seriously. For some, that's part of the charm. For others, it's a complete bore. I don't necessarily agree that Injustice is that stone cold, though. Especially since Scorpion and Lobo are both walking anachronisms to this atmosphere. Though I agree that the narrative is pretty self-serious.
  • Here's the comic book snob coming out--Raven, Killer Frost, Cyborg, Hal Jordan, Shazam, Black Adam--ALL of these guys are pretty prominent DC characters. Particularly Hal Jordan.
    • I'm italicizing this as a sidenote: Hal Jordan is the Green Lantern. Apart from two characters for brief windows of time (Alan Scott and Kyle Rayner, whose wiki's are linked for posterity's sake), Hal has always been the most important Green Lantern in DC's history. There exists a rift, however, between people who know DC Comics, and people who grew up watching or only know DC through the Justice League cartoon, where John Stewart was featured prominently. It's worth noting John Stewart is playable as an alternate skin for Green Lantern. Complete with the voice actor who played him in the cartoon.
  • The STAR Mission thing (and, I guess, the XP level) sounds like an inadvertent flaw in the Ultimate Edition. That was more or less exactly like the Mortal Kombat Challenge Tower when the game first released. You had to complete missions to unlock more. Having them all opened from the start seems a bit like a waste of time. The experience you gain from completing matches was initially used to purchase alternate skins from the game's Archive. But, as with the STAR missions, they're all available from the get-go in the Ultimate Edition.

I'm glad you took the time to play Injustice. The game is totally worth the look you gave it, even this far out. I agree that you sort of have to have a passion, or at least an understanding, of the DC Comics lore to get hooked by the premise (which, as Zodiac Motherfucker put it last year--IMAGINES A WORLD WHERE SUPERMAN AT LONG LAST DECIDES TO FULFILL HIS DESTINY AND SAYS FUCK IT IM JUST GONNA OWN EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVERYBODY).

But, ultimately, any fighting game lives or dies on the backs of two conditions: how much time you put in, and who you're playing with. Injustice's AI is, like Mortal Kombat's, pretty fun to spar with. But you outgrow it soon enough. And if you aren't pairing up with someone who is also interested in the game, its candlelight burns out quickly.

Great write-up!

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@historyinrust: I was mostly joking about Hal Jordan, I know he's the most famous one. It's just that I was exposed to John Stewart first in that cartoon as a kid, so he's the one I always think of first. I didn't even realize there was an alternate skin in the game, Batman was really the only one I messed around with the skins. I'll have to go back in and check that out (and that's a great touch if they got the other voice actor in just for one skin). It was probably DLC that they added in later, but it would have been nice if that was in from the start, and alternate universe Green Lantern was another Green Lantern (like John, or one of the others) rather than just evil Hal Jordan (like with Nightwing).

I didn't really spend a lot of time with the DLC characters (despite those being the screenshots I used), and they aren't in the story, so I didn't think to mention them as counter-points to the game's generally serious tone. You're right though.

I didn't realize most of that STAR stuff and costumes was all locked in the other versions of the game! No way to know that when you just buy the game on a whim like this.

Yeah, I did appreciate making Superman the villain, given that I find him to be pretty boring in most things. And to be fair, good universe Superman is still pretty boring in this game (not game play wise, I liked playing as him, just not as much as some of the others).

And thanks for taking the time to read my stuff and respond with a really well thought out response. I could try to reply to more of it, like the block stuff, but I really don't know enough about fighting games. I just grew up with dumb things like Soul Calibur II and Super Smash Bros. Which is not to say that those games inherently can't be played really well at a high level, but I just mashed buttons and goofed around with those. That's kinda also what I did in MvC3, just with slightly more finesse so I could actually do special moves and switch between characters.

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@historyinrust said:
  • Here's the comic book snob coming out--Raven, Killer Frost, Cyborg, Hal Jordan, Shazam, Black Adam--ALL of these guys are pretty prominent DC characters. Particularly Hal Jordan.
    • I'm italicizing this as a sidenote: Hal Jordan is the Green Lantern. Apart from two characters for brief windows of time (Alan Scott and Kyle Rayner, whose wiki's are linked for posterity's sake), Hal has always been the most important Green Lantern in DC's history. There exists a rift, however, between people who know DC Comics, and people who grew up watching or only know DC through the Justice League cartoon, where John Stewart was featured prominently. It's worth noting John Stewart is playable as an alternate skin for Green Lantern. Complete with the voice actor who played him in the cartoon.

You forgot about fans of Cosmic Odyssey! That's where the real John Stewart magic happens, long before there was a cartoon. Great Martian Manhunter moments therein too. All around a great series.

CYBORG is junk though, imo..

About Mario Kart: I played it a friends house so only one time experience, but I really loved the way it felt and really wasn't excited by the characters. I wish they would take a Super Smash Bros approach to the roster, and I wonder why they haven't yet?

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Zatanna was added as DLC because she was the most desired, as per a poll of popular requests compiled and organized by Ed Boon. I'm happy she made it, as I was one of those yapping at Boon to include her as a download.

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@geraltitude: The best answer I can think of as to why Mario Kart is still just Mario characters is that it's always been that way, and Nintendo doesn't like to change. But even then, there's Donkey Kong characters like Diddy and Cranky that would make better additions! Then again, Diddy was already in the best racing game of all time, so maybe he shouldn't be...

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@geraltitude: The best answer I can think of as to why Mario Kart is still just Mario characters is that it's always been that way, and Nintendo doesn't like to change. But even then, there's Donkey Kong characters like Diddy and Cranky that would make better additions! Then again, Diddy was already in the best racing game of all time, so maybe he shouldn't be...

Truth emphasized.

A new Diddy Kong racing would be swell, reminds me to wonder what's next up for our favourite Kongs but I guess it will be some time. Tropical Freeze only just came out.

I mean, if they were still making F-Zero and Metroid games there would be an argument to keep Mario Kart pure but at this point just do us a favour, huh? Imagine racing Captain Falcon in a cute little blue whatever-that-car-is-called!

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@geraltitude: I wouldn't mind seeing Falcon in Mario Kart, but NEVER at the expense of a new F-Zero. It's been


since F-Zero GX.


Damn it Nintendo!

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@mooseymcman: it's so sad when you put it in headers.. :(

I like to think there have been many F-Zeros in secret development at Nintendo, but they're just never good enough.


this summer, Nintendo presents...


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@geraltitude: As hilarious as WUX would be, I think they would just go with U X. Or reboot it and just go with F-Zero. Or...


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Back-to-Block Or Bust!

I'm bad at MK :(
I'm bad at MK :(
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Edited By Aetheldod

You dont block??? D: but , but that is fighting games 101!!!!! Dear god nooooo... please god no ....god no ... NOOOOOOOO

Well DC universe has a lot of characters and I also hardly know of many so I dont blame you for that. But Im of the people who dont enjoy much MK and by extension Injustice , I dont think nether realsm are bad developers but their style of games is not of my liking. And yeah I am excited for Silent Hill , I always liked the games in fact the only one I havent played is Downpour (because of lack of funds rather than lack of interest) and that Wii one which I refuse to (no combat is a big no no for me when it comes to SIlent Hill games) , so now that Guillermo is part of it I am very eager to see what the games shapes up to be , hope he has a lot of say in the development of te game , also I am of the few who trust Kojima as wel.

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I felt largely about Injustice the same way you did. There's just something missing for the experience, it feels a bit soulless despite being well crafted.

Evil Sperman just ain't a compelling villain comapred to say DarkSeid

as far as Raven and Cyborg goes, I guess you are not a Teen Titans fan. That was DC's main hit cartoon last decade. Kinda suprised they didn't add Starfire to be honest.

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Whether his name is lame or not by today's standards, Cyborg is significant because he is one of the older prominent completely original African American Heroes in American Comics.

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@slag: Oh yeah! I never watched that show because it seemed really dumb to someone that never watched any of it and didn't want to watch something where Robin (rather than Batman) was a main character. And yeah, I get what you're saying about Cyborg's race. It'd just be nice if he had a better name.

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Man, I liked your write up and all but you wound me. I only got this game AFTER they added Zatanna in since she's my favorite DC character. Fuck Darkseid, Zatanna is where it is at. Zatanna has helped out the Justice League several times and if she wanted she could literally be the strongest one. Her power is magic. Literally. She can do pretty much anything because she has the power of magic. The trick is she has to say all her spells backwards (which is why her movelist has her moves backwards) and her crippling weakness is that she can be defeated simply by covering her mouth. People like to harp on Superman for being perfect or whatever but Zatanna literally has the power to do anything she fuckin wants so long as she speaks backwards. But as per comics her powers are determined by the writer at the time but just know that Zatanna fuckin' rules and if she were more popular she'd be the magical Superman.

The DC universe should always ask if a problem in a comic could be solved faster with input from Zatanna and the answer will always be yes.

@hailinel said:

Zatanna was added as DLC because she was the most desired, as per a poll of popular requests compiled and organized by Ed Boon. I'm happy she made it, as I was one of those yapping at Boon to include her as a download.

My man!

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Edited By dichemstys

I'm still not great at it but Injustice is my favorite fighting game ever.

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I enjoyed Injustice for a bit, but I feel like the praise its story missions get is only deserved from the standpoint of what other fighting games have to offer. For my part, very few of the main characters they had me play as were ones I actually wanted to get any good at and I would have preferred a wider sample. What I want in a fighting game is single player content for the characters I enjoy playing, not single player content where I can mash my way through it on unfamiliar characters so I can see the story, then flavorless arcade/challenge modes for the rest.

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Just a small update: I was trying to play a private match with a friend in the UK, but the game didn't seem to want to let us to that (Injustice). But we play Mario Kart 8 online all the time, so it has to be the game, right?