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The Flock

So as it happens, we've achieved combustion. Giant Bomb is up, and a whole bunch of my online friends have migrated like a flock of birds -- though through the grapevine I hear they won't be flying back after the winter is over.

My "home bases" are still Gamespot (I mean, come on, they still cut me a freelancer check) and Chupporitos. Sadly, my limited attention span and nature as a creature of habit will probably lead to me forgetting to post here after a good two weeks (just ask 1up and Destructoid what happened to my blogging there), so it may have seemed pointless to duplicate my existence over here. Well, there's one difference: friends. Like I said, a whole flock of you seem to have landed over here, and some aren't going back. It'll be easier to maintain a presence here with people that I know, for sure. In any case, I'll do my best to stay 'round hurr.

But, what the hell anyway, right? My blogging has mostly devolved into reports about when we post the podcast and talking about how woeful my backlog progress is. Not like you'll miss me if I drop off the face of the Bomb. In any case, the most important thing is, The Dark Knight friggin' rocked.