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Games of this Gen, Ranked.

Addendum: This covers only the games I've played on the PS3, 360, and Wii. DLC and portable games are not included...I'll save that list for some other time.

The Breakdown

Sony Playstation 3Microsoft Xbox360PS3/360
  1. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
  2. Ratchet & Clank: Crack in Time
  3. Valkyria Chronicles
  4. MGS4: Guns of the Patriots
  5. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
  6. God of War 3
  7. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
  8. Killzone 2
  9. Resistance 3
  1. Mass Effect 1
  2. Mass Effect 2
  3. Mass Effect 3
  4. Splinter Cell: Conviction
  5. Halo: Reach
  1. Alice: Madness Returns
  2. Portal 2
  3. Prince of Persia
  4. Dungeon Siege III
  5. Dead Space
  6. Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
  7. Borderlands
  8. Batman: Arkham City
  9. Red Faction: Guerrilla
  10. Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
  11. Mortal Kombat
  12. Super Street Fighter 4
  13. Batman: Arkham Asylum
  14. Vanquish
  15. Darksiders
  16. Shadows of the Damned
  17. Assassin's Creed II
  18. Dead Space 2
  19. Street Fighter 4
  20. Red Dead Redemption
  21. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
  22. Dragon Age 2
  23. Assassin's Creed Revelations
  24. Madden NFL 09
  25. Rock Band 2
  26. Final Fantasy XIII
  27. Bioshock
  28. Castlevania: LoS
  29. Deus Ex: Human Revolution
  30. Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Nintendo WiiPC
  1. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
  2. Kirby's Return to Dreamland
  3. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
  4. Kirby's Epic Yarn
  5. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
  1. Portal
  2. Guild Wars
  3. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2
  4. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

List items

  • Total fanboy pick, I know. It's an SRPG (my favorite genre), it's a Fire Emblem game (my favorite franchise), and it's the best damn Fire Emblem game I ever played. Easy pick for me.

  • ME2 made the combat fun, introduced renegade/paragon triggers, and suped up the graphics from the original, but I have a confession...I wish they kept the elevator conversations in. :(

  • Crazy demonic teapots, floating card castles in the sky, insane girl with a knife...there's just so much to love here. Quality 3D action-platformers have become a rarity since the N64/PS1 days, which makes me especially appreciative of this gem.

  • The sequel is probably the better game, but the charm and originality of the first is simply unmatched. RIP Companion Cube, my dear friend.

  • Improved upon its already outstanding predecessor in every way. I rolled my eyes at the online multiplayer when I first heard of it, but holy crap it turned out to be pretty damn addictive. Ended up playing that more than the singleplayer campaign itself.

  • The first is dearer to my heart because it was so wacky and original at the time, but the sequel is simply a better game. Valve went the whole 9 yards with this thing and made sure things stayed fresh with an awesome story and neat gameplay additions like speed/jump gels, light bridges, etc. Puzzles felt a bit easier this time around, but maybe I'm just better at thinking with portals now.

  • Being a bit of a space opera nut, Mass Effect was certainly my speed. The gameplay left a bit to be desired, but the story and universe it introduced is among my favorites.

  • You can make enemies dance to a disco ball then summon a tentacle monster to drag them away to some other dimension. If that doesn't instantly make you love this game, something is wrong with you. Loved the temporal-based puzzles on Clank's missions too.

  • No other game has yet to stun me with visuals as much as PoP so far. It's simply breathtaking. The game was on auto-pilot, but I don't care. It still provided a helluva experience, and one of my favorite endings in videogames.

  • This is what sold me the PS3 back in '08. SRPG isn't exactly a genre known to take chances, but VC shows how the classic conventions can evolve with some ingenuity.

  • Resident Evil in space. Oh, but with competent controls. And zero-G basketball.

  • Mad Max x loot x co-op x bajillion guns = insane time sink.

  • I'm not really a fan of MMORPGs, but I took a flyer out on this one thanks to its "no monthly subscription" tagline. Turned out to be a major addiction for some time, but I eventually had to retire my Poon The Tangy. Maybe I'll bring her back in time for the sequel?

  • Even though the sequel out does it with over-the-top craziness (Trains! Helicopters! Oh my!), the original still provided plenty of campy fun, and I loved the trek down inside the Nazi bunker full of zombies.

  • I tend to lose interest in sandbox games like GTA real quick, but RF:G kept me tuned in from start to finish. I always dug the "destroy anything" mechanic of the old Red Faction games, and it really translated well to the "next gen" hardware. Sooo much fun thinking up all the wacky and creative ways to blow stuff up.

  • I've never been any good at fighting games, but SSF4 is the most committed I've been to actually trying. Many an hour was spent trying to get those damn M.Bison combos down.

  • Loved it when I first played it, but my appreciation has gradually diminished over time. It felt deep and engrossing while in the moment, but looking back, it's more convoluted and nonsensical than anything. I think I was mainly blown away by how good it actually controlled. Imagine if MGS 1-3 played like that.

  • Even better character interactions than PoP and Uncharted. The voice work and facial animations/expressions are flat-out amazing. Alex Garland, please write for more video games!

  • It's the first R6 game I've played since the Rogue Spear/Urban Operations back in the 90s. Sure, it's janky and glitchy as all hell, but I still love me some terrorist hunts online.

  • Admittedly, it's the start of everything I hate about FPS these days (level-up bullshit, perks, airstrike nonsense, regen health, the fact that it's so easy to kill, lame down-the-sights action, etc.), but at the time, it was a breath of fresh air. I just wish every new FPS today didn't try to be the SAME EXACT THING.

  • Crazy ass story mode had me grinning ear to ear the whole way through. Shao Kahn can go to hell though.

  • I usually don't care for metagames, but holy crap was I into the whole Riddler Challenge thing. Not only was it actually fun to figure out how the question marks lined up, but it also gave a chance to further explore the great environment they created in Arkham Asylum. Plus, the easter egg for completing it was a nice treat, too.

  • And so concludes the trilogy of the angriest bastard to ever carry two chained blades. I'll always remember how gruesomely satisfying it was to push down on both analog sticks to gouge Poseidon's eyes in with Kratos' thumbs...and watching it all unfold from poor Poseidon's perspective. :)

  • I dug the stealth elements, but it sorta forced you to play more guns-blazing near the end. Or maybe I was just doing it wrong, I dunno. Either way, it was a pretty fun spy adventure with face-to-urinal action!

  • Initially, I was pretty disappointed, especially given the high expectations it had to live up to, but as time passes on, I'm warming up to it more and more. I think it's just that I'm forgetting how shitty the motion control BS was.

  • I've got a bunch of minor quibbles with this game, but it was pretty enjoyable overall. Besides, smartass FemHawke is just too awesome of a character.

  • Everything about it is so incredibly over-the-top...the rocket-knee slide, the bullet-time slo-mo, the ridiculous set pieces, the massive baddies, the campy writing and voice's just fucking extreme. The last boss was a serious bitch to get past though.

  • Even though traversing across the rooftops could stand to be less clunky, I've never seen anybody pull off free-roaming like AC2. I can't wait to see what the 3rd will have to offer.

  • Better than AC2 in practically every respect (plus a really neat multiplayer mode throw in for good measure), but the stealth missions and moments of clunky controls really aggravated me. I wish the game focused more on those Romulus quests instead, which were flat out amazing.

  • Didn't have the same impact as the first, but it's still a pleasure kneecapping space zombies.

  • Stepping into Mexico on my horse then having that Jose Gonzalez song kick in was one of the most memorable gaming moments of '10 for me, and one of the best uses of music I've experienced in videogames.

  • No matter how manly you figure yourself to be, this game will break you down into a sappy pile of mush. Good fun in short bursts.

  • The first (and probably last) Halo game I've played. It was a decent shooter, and I can certainly see why so many hold it in such high-esteem, but it just didn't hit me with the same chord. I did really like the after-credits ending though.

  • I haven't played a Madden game in awhile (maybe since '05), so I figured I might as well check it out again now that it's made the jump to the next gen of consoles. Fun for a bit, but yeah...I think I'm over Madden.

  • That one guitar, felt good in his hands, didn't take long, to understand<br>

    Just one guitar, slung way down low<br>

    Was a one way ticket, only one way to go<br>

    So he started rockin', ain't never gonna stop<br>

    Gotta keep on rockin', someday gonna make it to the top

  • After all those years of anticipation, what a disappointment this turned out to be. I wanted to strangle the characters, the story was boring, and nothing happens in the first twenty (TWENTY!) hours of the game. FF9 and 10 were my favorites of the mainline series, and how foolish I was then to believe they'll just keep getting better and better.

  • Even though I never played the original KZ, I was really excited to get into this on the PS3, especially after all the rave reviews and hype going around. Turned out to be a fairly average shooter with maybe a handful of memorable moments. Never really got into the multiplayer either.

  • A few neat boss battles here and there, but the game is crap in general.

  • Wow, this game is so overrated. I can understand why people love it for the atmosphere and story, but the gameplay just made me feel so bored and numb. Felt like a chore.

  • I know it's made for the multiplayer, but I only played the campaign. And it was downright atrocious, aside from the last part.