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@steveurkel said:

that mode is called "AD2013" ...

what are people getting score wise for super hot? I'm getting 47 as my highest in endless mode but now averaging around 30ish but i feel like I could always get higher! Damn shotguns ...

I just got 88 on the stairs, but it was super boring by the end because I just found a room to camp.

I found that on the first endless level I couldn't get past about 45 because the combination of the spawns behind your back with the time penalty for looking around makes it pretty much impossible to cover all sides at once.

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Quokkas are great, but there's two k's so it's Quok-kah not Quo-ka.

It's not entirely true that they don't have any natural predators though, and they do exist on the mainland, it's just wild foxes and cats have destroyed most of the mainland population leaving Rottnest Island relatively untouched.

EDIT: In an interesting coincidence, I was just using a copy of Superman: Red Son under my keyboard as vibration isolation. It's alright? The story is w/e but it's fun romp to see the weird soviet redesigns of DC characters.

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I like the idea of the RPG mechanics in this, but they seem super shallow. I'm currently tentatively excited to see how this game turns out content wise, but holyyyy shit is the script in this game bad. No matter how good the gameplay loop of this game turns out to be, I don't know if I could handle any more of that CSI: Cyber-quality character interaction.

EDIT: Nope, the DZ shit looks like an awful clusterfuck with exactly the same problems that the Kane & Lynch games had, only cranked up to 11 because of the respawns and lack of downside to trying to jack other people's stuff.

With the respawn so close to that particular location, it seems like it's nearly impossible to adequately defend yourself without going rogue. Having to take a decent amount of damage before someone is marked as a rogue means that you can't pre-emptively fight off players you know for sure are trying to kill you (i.e. someone who already went rogue 30 seconds ago and is back for revenge). It could maybe be fixed by making the rogue status persist after death, but the game not having any kind of threat/ultimatum mechanism (e.g. "leave my extraction zone or be marked for death") means you just have to stand around while other groups of people make very obvious moves to line you up and kill you without recourse or you have to shoot first to go rogue and then deal with a horde of other players who can now shoot you on sight.

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@oursin_360: I think that's just the nature of the (g)beast when it comes to audio mixing. The problem being that the NY crew don't have the manpower for a dedicated AV engineer like the SF office does. Vinny is in most (if not all?) GBE videos, so he has to try and manage levels and EQ for himself which (in my experience) is almost impossible to do on the fly. It's very hard to get an objective view of your own voice unless it's pre-recorded...

...Basically what I'm trying to say is "pls gibe me job"

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I like the idea of anime videogames, but why do most of them have to be spoiled with creepy sexy children?

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Alex's pronunciation of inchoate was killing me in this; somehow it managed to surprise me every single time. For future reference, it's "In-Co-Ate"

Otherwise, this game seems really aesthetically rad and I played about 12 hours of it when it first came onto Steam, but I felt like it was too mechanics heavy in ways that really break the atmosphere and such for me. I had weird situations were high level adventurers were simultaneously begging me not go on another mission while claiming that certain dungeons were beneath them.

I love hard games and I've played a decent number of roguelikes, but certain things about this just feel too nonsensical and videogame-y like not being able to heal outside of combat, and the recent addition of corpses

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Jesus Christ Vinny, are you doing this to me on purpose? Hahaha, I swear that 90 degree orbital inclination was giving me palpitations.

EDIT: I know these are recorded in advance, but if you want to match that orbit the easiest method to get close is to:

- First enter a basic equatorial orbit (Flat around the centre of the Earth, but anything vaguely close will do.

- Then adjust your inclination. You want to burn 'Normal' (Up) or 'Anti-normal' (Down) which are the purple vectors when you're creating a manoeuvre node BUT only when you're at an Ascending or Descending Node which is the point at where the planes of your orbits cross. (In super simple terms: If you look at your orbits from the side, the nodes will be the point where the orbits make an X)

Once your in an orbit with matched inclinations you should be able to rendezvous with some trial an error manoeuvre nodes, waiting around and burning Relative Prograde/Retrograde (Make sure your set your target otherwise it will default to relative to Kerbin/Earth) There are more efficient ways to get it done, but they're much more difficult to explain and you've got more than enough fuel to fudge it.

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I don't know if anyone else has said it already, but as far as I know the 'Six' in Rainbow Six is a common military designation for the leader of a unit? I haven't ever read a Tom Clancy book, but I'm pretty sure the titular 'Rainbow Six' was actually the general who oversaw the whole of Rainbow Team and not an operative himself.

In this case that might make Angela Bassett the 'Rainbow Six', but I doubt that was really considered too deeply in the development of this game.

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I'm not sure why Dan hates emotes so much, sure they're dumb, but wrestling is basically just emotes made into a 'sport'.