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The tentative trials of Tao.

I'm getting better! Honest! Apologies for posting so soon after the last one of these but hell, I don't know how blogging works anyway.

Right, the last videos were relics of just over a month ago, since then I've put in some pretty casual practice up to this week where I really put some time in online. I feel it's kinda payed off, I appear to be beating people now who would've stuffed me previously. Not to say I'm no longer making stupid mistakes or not comboing properly but it's going much better.

Seems only right to start with another Noel match as that was one of my first victories online when I started this endeavor. This one didn't have the good grace to barrier burst early and stand still for ages like the first one however, so I really had to work for a win. There's a few times where I fail to block or decide to try and pull off a move that really isn't going to happen but overall there's less mashing and more coherence to play now.
Throws that weren't teched: 0
Failures to follow up on a lucky 6C: 4ish
Stupid pounce useage: 1 

The other match that I feel I have to post is one vs a V-13 player who clearly outclasses me in every way. Just to show the caliber of people playing online, it'd be nice to match his standard of play at some point but that's probably a long way down the line. I think he was on the phone for rounds 1 and 3 as he later messaged me! But the trip to fantastical fish land and a Jubei cameo were success enough for me!
Rounds won: 2
Rounds shouldn't have won: 2
Cat people: 1 
Anyway, thanks for reading if you got this far and I'll hopefully have some more videos up when BlazBlue: Continuum Shift releases here in October.