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This Text Contains Offensive Language

Kevin Larsen

That's my name. It's not really unique. But to Nintendo it's offensive. I found that out earlier this year when I used my name for my character in Tomodachi Life. I was still able to use the name, but could not make a QR code out of any of the characters that shared my last name. Why? Because if you take away the L and the N you get "arse".

Sorry to those with virgin eyes for me exposing you to such a horribly offensive word.

Today when I tried to use my name in Persona Q, I received the same message. Except this time, I couldn't use the name at all. I had to use a completely different name, which resulted in me using the unofficial official name of the P4 main character "Chuck Tunoku" since "Charlie" was too long for a first name. I could have changed my last name to Larson and it would have worked, but for all the times I've seen people spell my last name that over the years it's quite annoying seeing that spelling of my name. Also the fact that this was a M rated game that for my knowledge doesn't have any real online play that my name would be seen it is even more ridiculous.

I'm sure I'm not the only one that has had this problem with Nintendo games, and it seems weird that Nintendo doesn't have some sort of way of ignoring certain names. But to have something like that even be an issue just boggles my mind. I have never had that issue anywhere else. Is someone really going to look at my last name and only see the word "arse" and be offended? Heck, it took me almost 28 years to even notice it and I see it multiple times a day.

I now wonder if I would have problems with my last name in all games on a Nintendo platform. I would like to hope one day I would never have that issue on any of their platforms again, but this is Nintendo we are talking about so I highly doubt it.