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#1  Edited By Nadril

Nothing. Still busted.  
Posted a thread about it on their official forums. Hope I get some sort of reply...   

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#2  Edited By Nadril
@bhspeed said:
" ok im not sure if this works yet im trying.. but if you had or have the beta delete the beta AND the saved data utility from the beta then delete all killzone and reinstall and try "
I got rid of beta and tried just getting rid of save data before. Now I got rid of the 1.2 patch or w/e too and repatching. 
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#3  Edited By Nadril
@bhspeed said:
" @Nadril: yea i cant find anything either.. its ridiculious, like we are the only two.. other people have said it fixed by there self but like wth.. this is crazy "
Yeah I just spent time looking around, no real definitive answer... 
It really is ridiculous. 
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#4  Edited By Nadril
@bhspeed said:
" dude this has been happening to me since i got the game.. which is weird cause on the beta i had no problems.. its pissin me off.. i didnt even get this game cause i wanted it i got it for socom but this is further making me have a reason to not want to play it... i got 3 games in and got over 10k points for nothing.. i port forwarded and reset net and all still nothing..  "
At least someone else is having the issue. 
What sucks is I can't find shit about it on their forums. It's just a bunch of people whining about unimportant stuff. 
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#5  Edited By Nadril

Anyway to fix this? I keep getting it constantly and it'd be nice to get into a match and actually get XP. 
For a while in the beta everything was fine than near the end of it (and now live too) it just won't give me any XP. 

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#6  Edited By Nadril

Callers were actually really awesome during the last segment. Seeing Ryan's disgust of Jeff and one caller creepin' it out was great, seeing Jeff break down after another call was classic.  
Seriously just the way they did that last call made it seem scripted, haha. 

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#7  Edited By Nadril
@Scooper said:
" @Nadril said:
" Yeah I know, I used to play a couple like that for a while.  In the end though it really still isn't griefing, it's part of the game. Sure there might be times where it is a dick move but it still very much is part of the game and something you deal with.   Honestly I kind of wish there were more MMOs like that with a decent population. I tried Darkfall but its a pretty low-pop game and still has some issues.  "
If you kill someone's character randomly for no reason and they loose a week's worth of effort for it I would consider that causing grief to that player. Hence a griefer. In WoW you loose nothing and it's actualy fun. There is a difference. One game's PvP causes laughter and maybe a bit of embarrassment, the other causes grief. I'm really done with this line of conversation lmfao, can we end it please ffs.  Also if you want to play an MMO that's more weighty try EVE or if you can't care about graphics try Tibia. "
We're probably never going to see equal on this. My only point is it isn't griefing if you're just going along with the server rule-set. Maybe you don't like full loot MMOs, others do. Some people get really angry when they die, others find it funny / get mildly annoyed.  Whatever though, we can end it. 
And I've tried EVE, was bored to tears. Sucks because its a cool premise. 
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#8  Edited By Nadril
@Scooper said:
" @Nadril said:
" @Scooper said:
" @Nadril said:
@Scooper said:

" Just because you can kill someone for no reason while they're just standing around doesn't mean you have to. Some people play those servers because they want to be with friends but also occasionally do some PVP or have the means to kill people who wrong them. They're not carebears (stupid word), you're a griefer. "

And you're a griefer when you shoot someone on call of duty.   "
Lmfao. In COD you can only do 1 thing, kill people on a tiny map. Everyone has the same goal.  Actualy, I realise what Koas is talking about now. I forgot that in WoW a PvP server is Horde vs Alliance. I was thinking of some other MMO where it's just everyone vs everyone. Sure, gank all you like. I used to do it all the time on my Rogue when I played a couple years ago. It was the best part of the game. "
Yeah, I know. (thats the point!)
My point is if you join an MMO on a PvP server you are agreeing to that ruleset. I join PvP servers because I like the random encounters with other players (for better or worse). It's better than killing AI mobs over and over again. 
Saying that ganking is griefing is pretty silly no matter what style of PvP it is. Anyways I don't understand why anyone would ever get mad about getting ganked in WoW, you don't lose anything. "
Hence my redaction when I realised he was talking about WoW. There are some MMOs where if you die you can loose days, weeks or even months of work and in that sense the PVP isn't and can't be just random like it can be in WoW, and those were the games I was thinking about when I replied. "
Yeah I know, I used to play a couple like that for a while. 
In the end though it really still isn't griefing, it's part of the game. Sure there might be times where it is a dick move but it still very much is part of the game and something you deal with.  
Honestly I kind of wish there were more MMOs like that with a decent population. I tried Darkfall but its a pretty low-pop game and still has some issues. 
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#9  Edited By Nadril
@Scooper said:
" @Nadril said:
@Scooper said:

" Just because you can kill someone for no reason while they're just standing around doesn't mean you have to. Some people play those servers because they want to be with friends but also occasionally do some PVP or have the means to kill people who wrong them. They're not carebears (stupid word), you're a griefer. "

And you're a griefer when you shoot someone on call of duty.   "
Lmfao. In COD you can only do 1 thing, kill people on a tiny map. Everyone has the same goal.  Actualy, I realise what Koas is talking about now. I forgot that in WoW a PvP server is Horde vs Alliance. I was thinking of some other MMO where it's just everyone vs everyone. Sure, gank all you like. I used to do it all the time on my Rogue when I played a couple years ago. It was the best part of the game. "
Yeah, I know. (thats the point!)
My point is if you join an MMO on a PvP server you are agreeing to that ruleset. I join PvP servers because I like the random encounters with other players (for better or worse). It's better than killing AI mobs over and over again. 
Saying that ganking is griefing is pretty silly no matter what style of PvP it is. Anyways I don't understand why anyone would ever get mad about getting ganked in WoW, you don't lose anything.
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#10  Edited By Nadril

 I like "carebears" on PvP servers: they cry the loudest. Granted with the faction-centric PvP games you never get to hear them cry (unless they're on your side) anymore. Still always sort of satisfying knowing some guy is mad because of you on the internet. 
@Scooper said:

" Just because you can kill someone for no reason while they're just standing around doesn't mean you have to. Some people play those servers because they want to be with friends but also occasionally do some PVP or have the means to kill people who wrong them. They're not carebears (stupid word), you're a griefer. "

And you're a griefer when you shoot someone on call of duty.