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Games i Have yet to Beat.

Possibilites of Finishing them.

- Absolute: You can bet your ass that i will be finishing these games.

- High: Very Likely, i'm interested in it a lot, but we'll see, there are other things in the way.

- Average: if i feel like it, i will, if i don't, i won't.

- Low: Not very likely, just not very interested, but if i'm bored i might give it a try once again.

- Unexistent: Fuck This game.

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  • Possibility of Finishing: High


    I'm very interested Thus Far, there is just something about it that i find weirdly compelling...

    Too bad i can't really play for too long because i have to share the PC.

    But i'll definetely try to put some work into it.

    The only reason that is not definite is because i don't really what i'm i supposed to do(other than find some guy named Strelok), so the story doesn't really.... Pull me in.

  • Possibility of Finishing: Low


    I Don't know, i kinda like the Combat system but everything is wonky and boring.

    It has interesting ideas, and theres nothing disgracefully wrong about it, it's just not that interesting.

    and BTW, i haven't played Two Worlds(and i never will, i've Heard Enough)

  • Possibility of Finishing: Average


    The Biggest Problem with this game: The Combat is HORRIBLE.

    But i have rarely(if ever) seen an Spionage RPG(like this, anyway), i find it's concept interesting enough to consider it, but then i think about the Combat, and then i shudder.

    I'm Really thinking about it.

  • Possibility of Finishing: Average


    I have not played it for over an Entire Year.

    i don't remember anything other than the SLOOOOOOOW start, and there is little more than i hate than having to re start a game without finishing it first, i absolutely hate it.

    i'm having a lot of problems with my WII as well.

    i am however highly compelled to return to it, but going through all of these issues, only to re start everything(cause again, i completely forgot how to play)....

    just doesn't seem very appealing.

    i'll be thinking about it.

  • Possibility of Finishing: low/Unexistent


    Very, Very, Very Unlikely.

    i played it for an Hour.

    The first half Hour was ok, then the rest of that half hour was boring as shit.

    i don't feel compelled to play it ever again, hence why it's almost in the "Unexistent" possibility category.

    But, i do still have the game(for some reason i don't understand), so if i'm ever bored and don't really have any others games to play.... i might give it another chance.

  • Possibility of Finishing: Unexistent


    After 5 hours of gameplay, i realized 2 things:

    1) i had already played this game

    2) i gave Capcom 60$ for a Character skin and a new scenario.


    Traded it.

  • Possibility of Finishing:Average ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    i'm just indifferent, it has some fun moments, but it's comedy doesn't really work for me, and the story is god awful.

    i still have it, if i feel it... i might finish, for now... nada.

    HOWEVER, i have heard that Saints Row 2 is a lot better(i never played it), so i might check that one out.

  • Possibility of Finishing: Unexistent -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    I Don't even have it anymore.

    it was completely "Meh", throughout.

    at first it was entertaining, but it got boring REALLY fast.

    Note to Developers: Killing robots isn't as fun as killing beings with Flesh.

  • Beaten(25/01/2012)


    I'm Speechless.

    i'm just.... huhuh..... i don't know.

    This game is Great, more than Great, it's just....

    The Twist, it's universe, it's music,It's Story(especially story), even it's combat...

    Loved Everything.

    I, Fully and 100% Recommend this to you, if you're into RPGs.

    It is now among my Favorite RPGs of all time.

  • Beaten (30/01/12)


    This is Awesome, and no, i'm not a "Masochist" who likes to die a hundred times over to make me feel like a Real Gamer, i was frustrated with this game way too many times to count, but even during those moments of Frustration, i still loved every second of this game, because even when i losted, i knew the game was encouraging me to keep going, because that's what Dark Souls really is: a game that wants you to keep going, but it's going to do everything it can so that you don't.

    Dark Souls made it to my favorite RPGs ever even before i finished it, and the ending did not change that.

    Now i don't what to Decide, Witcher 2 or Dark Souls..... you know what? I DON'T GIVE A SHIT, BOTH!!!!!!!!!!!