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Dragon Age: Origins Part 3: Out Of The Fade

My last entry detailed my adventures in the Fade. I was nearly finished and was about to head into the Inner Sanctum. Thanks to everyone who gave me advice for batting the Sloth Demon. It was quite the fight. 

You don't scare me
You don't scare me

So after freeing my remaining teammates (how dare the demon Flemeth slap my Morrigan!) I ventured to the Inner Sanctum to kick some demon hind parts. I remember people saying that he turns into different forms throughout the fight. When I spoke, he was in a spirit form, so I thought, Well the first part of this fight should be rather easy, right? Wrong. After we finished exchanging words, he changed into an ogre and threw my team around a bit. We managed to defeat the ogre and whatever form came after that (I think it was a Burning Demon), but by the time he changed into the Spirit form, Alistair and Leliana were both dead, Morrigan was low on health, and I had no mana left. I should also mention that I was out of Lyrium potions. Not the best situation, huh? He slaughtered the two of us. Despite me feeling very discouraged from continuing, I hit Load Last Save and went to fight again. This time, I was ready. I decided to play around with the tactics menu, which I hadn't bothered with up until now. I switched Leliana to a ranged archer, but she didn't follow my orders. Probably because she doesn't have a bow or anything. Having a bow and arrows would certainly help an archer a lot. I was a bit more conservative about my mana use, and I also noticed the two Lyrium plants on the ground that I hadn't seen before. For the second attempt, Leliana was killed pretty fast, but she's almost useless in a straightup fight anyway. I spent most of the time casting frost spells and healing Alistair, while Morrigan stood waaaay back and shot a continuous barage of lighting at the demon. When the last stage came, both Alistair and Leliana were dead, and I was out of mana once more with both Lyrium plants extinguished. I started panicking, not wanting to go through that entire fight a third time. I switched over to Morrigan, who still had full health and full mana for some reason. I started casting every spell she had, and I managed to wittle the demon's health down to a very small amount. But the problem was, Morrigan had almost no health at this point, and mana was low. I did the last thing I could do: I transformed into a spider. I charged at him and was ready to trap him in a web of ownage when all of a sudden he died. Huh.  

Dude, yes
Dude, yes

After speaking to the depressed Niall and taking some weird scroll thing off his body, we FINALLY got of the Fade. I was overcome with joy. But there was still work to be done! I fought my way to the top of the tower to an evil man named Uldred, and I was surprised to see that Irving was still alive! Uldred himself looked like an easy opponent. How was a little bald man going to stand against me? I told him to come get some, and watched in awe as he transformed into a giant.....dragon.....beast thing! I thought, Well I'm screwed, and started battling. It was difficult trying to decide whether I should focus on his Abominations first or just go after him. My comrades seemed to be fighting the Abominations off, and I tried to get a spell in at Uldred when the chance came. It was a long and furious battle, and I admit that my heart was thumping the whole time. This was also the part where I realized that I could no longer transform into my friend Golem, since I was no longer in the Fade. Once again, Alistair and Leliana were killed towards the end of the battle. When he had but a little health left, I was out of mana and low on health. I began to retreat, when Morrigan suddenly took him down as I ran away. I ran over to Irving and walked him back down to Greagoir, who I still disliked. Irving promised to send a garrison of troops to help me in the battle against the darkspawn. And with that, my quest to secure the tower was finally over. 
Oh, but there's more. Oh yes, there is more. I decided to chat with my teammates after talking to Irving and Greagoir. I chatted with Alistair about Duncan, which was nice. I then chatted with Morrigan, and was surprised to see that one of the options was [Kiss her]. Instead of immediately choosing that one, I asked her how I could get on her good side. I told her she was brilliant and amazing, and despite my stating the obvious she approved. I then chose the Kiss Her option, and SCORED. Yes! She approved by 4 and even Alistair approved by 3. lulz 
So thus concludes my adventures in the Fade and the Circle of Magi. Tomorrow I shall leave the tower and try to convince another race that they should help me. Until next time.    



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Edited By natetodamax

My last entry detailed my adventures in the Fade. I was nearly finished and was about to head into the Inner Sanctum. Thanks to everyone who gave me advice for batting the Sloth Demon. It was quite the fight. 

You don't scare me
You don't scare me

So after freeing my remaining teammates (how dare the demon Flemeth slap my Morrigan!) I ventured to the Inner Sanctum to kick some demon hind parts. I remember people saying that he turns into different forms throughout the fight. When I spoke, he was in a spirit form, so I thought, Well the first part of this fight should be rather easy, right? Wrong. After we finished exchanging words, he changed into an ogre and threw my team around a bit. We managed to defeat the ogre and whatever form came after that (I think it was a Burning Demon), but by the time he changed into the Spirit form, Alistair and Leliana were both dead, Morrigan was low on health, and I had no mana left. I should also mention that I was out of Lyrium potions. Not the best situation, huh? He slaughtered the two of us. Despite me feeling very discouraged from continuing, I hit Load Last Save and went to fight again. This time, I was ready. I decided to play around with the tactics menu, which I hadn't bothered with up until now. I switched Leliana to a ranged archer, but she didn't follow my orders. Probably because she doesn't have a bow or anything. Having a bow and arrows would certainly help an archer a lot. I was a bit more conservative about my mana use, and I also noticed the two Lyrium plants on the ground that I hadn't seen before. For the second attempt, Leliana was killed pretty fast, but she's almost useless in a straightup fight anyway. I spent most of the time casting frost spells and healing Alistair, while Morrigan stood waaaay back and shot a continuous barage of lighting at the demon. When the last stage came, both Alistair and Leliana were dead, and I was out of mana once more with both Lyrium plants extinguished. I started panicking, not wanting to go through that entire fight a third time. I switched over to Morrigan, who still had full health and full mana for some reason. I started casting every spell she had, and I managed to wittle the demon's health down to a very small amount. But the problem was, Morrigan had almost no health at this point, and mana was low. I did the last thing I could do: I transformed into a spider. I charged at him and was ready to trap him in a web of ownage when all of a sudden he died. Huh.  

Dude, yes
Dude, yes

After speaking to the depressed Niall and taking some weird scroll thing off his body, we FINALLY got of the Fade. I was overcome with joy. But there was still work to be done! I fought my way to the top of the tower to an evil man named Uldred, and I was surprised to see that Irving was still alive! Uldred himself looked like an easy opponent. How was a little bald man going to stand against me? I told him to come get some, and watched in awe as he transformed into a giant.....dragon.....beast thing! I thought, Well I'm screwed, and started battling. It was difficult trying to decide whether I should focus on his Abominations first or just go after him. My comrades seemed to be fighting the Abominations off, and I tried to get a spell in at Uldred when the chance came. It was a long and furious battle, and I admit that my heart was thumping the whole time. This was also the part where I realized that I could no longer transform into my friend Golem, since I was no longer in the Fade. Once again, Alistair and Leliana were killed towards the end of the battle. When he had but a little health left, I was out of mana and low on health. I began to retreat, when Morrigan suddenly took him down as I ran away. I ran over to Irving and walked him back down to Greagoir, who I still disliked. Irving promised to send a garrison of troops to help me in the battle against the darkspawn. And with that, my quest to secure the tower was finally over. 
Oh, but there's more. Oh yes, there is more. I decided to chat with my teammates after talking to Irving and Greagoir. I chatted with Alistair about Duncan, which was nice. I then chatted with Morrigan, and was surprised to see that one of the options was [Kiss her]. Instead of immediately choosing that one, I asked her how I could get on her good side. I told her she was brilliant and amazing, and despite my stating the obvious she approved. I then chose the Kiss Her option, and SCORED. Yes! She approved by 4 and even Alistair approved by 3. lulz 
So thus concludes my adventures in the Fade and the Circle of Magi. Tomorrow I shall leave the tower and try to convince another race that they should help me. Until next time.    

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Edited By HaltIamReptar

I hear that the dialog between Alistair and Morrigan is pretty hilarious if you romance one of 'em.
Also, good to hear that you're back to enjoying the game.  I need to be validated by the internet to be happy.  VINDICATION!

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Edited By natetodamax
@HaltIamReptar said:
"I hear that the dialog between Alistair and Morrigan is pretty hilarious if you romance one of 'em. Also, good to hear that you're back to enjoying the game.  I need to be validated by the internet to be happy.  VINDICATION! "
The dialogue is rather hilarious, especially when Alistair expresses his concerns about Morrigan sucking the blood out of me, and she comes back with the greatest reply I've ever heard.