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#1  Edited By neoyamaneko
@Black_Rose said:
" @neoyamaneko said:
" Says the guy who just got finished mocking me because I called out his misreading of a portmanteau. Pot, meet kettle. "
Key word: mocking. Because seriously, your argument is laughable.  "
Nice reveal. Now who's the troll?
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#2  Edited By neoyamaneko
@Hailinel said:
" @neoyamaneko: You are quickly wearing my good will thin here.  Perhaps I should recant my aplogy.  When borrowing words from another language, the meaning ascribed to it in its new language can either be identical to that of its parent language or adapted to fit as new terminology.  Perhaps it's something unique to the parent language's home culture, or perhaps its something that is merely used as a means to describe something that is different enough to warrant its own descriptor.  Case in point:  What an American typically thinks of as a futon (a bed that can fold into a couch) is different from the original Japanese concept of a futon, which is a mat that one lays out on the floor and folds up when not in use.  Similarly, in Japanese, anime refers to animation in general.  In English, anime refers to animation produced in Japan. "
Well, when you re-enter a thread being condescending instead of being just downright hostile, the goodwill of the original aplogy is meaningless anyway.
And the futon analogy isn't very strong, either,  seeing how a western futon is an "evolution" of the original Japanese futon.  It took the original concept and "improved" on it so much that they became two different things, but they still use the same word.  Anime has been a general term in Japan for all animation.  The west never tried to improve or evolve the concept, but the fanbase has made the artforms separate from each other.
The East/West terminology of futon and anime are very divergent from each other.
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#3  Edited By neoyamaneko
@Black_Rose said:
" @neoyamaneko said: 
Denial just isn't a river in Egypt. "
Ok, now you're just trolling. "
Says the guy who just got finished mocking me because I called out his misreading of a portmanteau.
Pot, meet kettle.
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#4  Edited By neoyamaneko
@AgentJ said:
" @neoyamaneko: You do realize that at this point you are the only one fighting your side of this? Maybe you should consider the fact that you barked up the wrong tree. Arguing that we shouldn't use "anime" to designate that sort of animation is ridiculous, and I doubt that was your original intention "
I'm arguing your fervor in trying to put Japanese animation on a pedestal when the Japanese don't even do that.
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#5  Edited By neoyamaneko
@AgentJ said:

" If you are really advocating not having a seperate word for Anime and just calling it cartoons the way they do X-Men in Japan, then I doubt anything we say will get through to you "

They call X-Men "anime" in Japan.   They don't discriminate.  Will you criticize their classification system as you are doing mine?
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#6  Edited By neoyamaneko
@Hailinel said:
" @neoyamaneko said:
" @Hailinel said:
" @neoyamaneko said:
" @Hailinel said:
" @neoyamaneko: So why not just call it anime and be done with it? "
Because it's just not meant for Japanese style cartoons, perhaps? In Japan, they don't call Wolverine and the X-Men a "cartoon".  It's called "anime" the same as the rest. "
It's the definition that was given to the word when it was borrowed into the English language.  Would you prefer that English be policed much the same way that the French government strictly regulates what words are and aren't allowed as "official" French? "
So, you're allowed to take the words from Japanese, but change the definitions as you see fit? "
You don't get how this whole linguistic borrowing thing works, apparently. "
I do, but you want to have it only when it suits you and your cause. 
@Black_Rose said:
" @neoyamaneko said: 

" Bitter much?  Just admit you read the portmanteau wrong. "

It's Jap-animation as much as it is Japan-imation and Japa-nimation. It's a ridiculous term that is uneeded because we ALREADY HAVE ONE.  "
Denial just isn't a river in Egypt.
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#7  Edited By neoyamaneko
@Hailinel said:

" @neoyamaneko said:

" @Hailinel said:
" @neoyamaneko: So why not just call it anime and be done with it? "
Because it's just not meant for Japanese style cartoons, perhaps? In Japan, they don't call Wolverine and the X-Men a "cartoon".  It's called "anime" the same as the rest. "
It's the definition that was given to the word when it was borrowed into the English language.  Would you prefer that English be policed much the same way that the French government strictly regulates what words are and aren't allowed as "official" French? "
So, you're allowed to take the words from Japanese, but change the definitions as you see fit?
You want to make these distinctions for saying "this is Japanese animation!", when the Japanese (Shintaro Ishihara nonwithstanding) don't make the distinction themselves.
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#8  Edited By neoyamaneko
@Hailinel said:

" @neoyamaneko said:

" @Black_Rose said:
" @neoyamaneko said:

"Japan-imation, not Jap-animation. "

 Then why the hell should we call American animation cartoons? let's just call it Amerinimation!    That's AMERI-NIMATION in case you didn't get it.      "
Bitter much?  Just admit you read the portmanteau wrong. "
Now you're just baiting. "
Me?   As if:
" That's AMERI-NIMATION in case you didn't get it."
after clearly reading the word wrong isn't baiting.  I had nothing to do with him looking for a racial term in the word.
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#9  Edited By neoyamaneko
@Hailinel said:
" @neoyamaneko: So why not just call it anime and be done with it? "
Because it's just not meant for Japanese style cartoons, perhaps?
In Japan, they don't call Wolverine and the X-Men a "cartoon".  It's called "anime" the same as the rest.
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#10  Edited By neoyamaneko
@Black_Rose said:
" @neoyamaneko said:

"Japan-imation, not Jap-animation. "

 Then why the hell should we call American animation cartoons? let's just call it Amerinimation!    That's AMERI-NIMATION in case you didn't get it.      "
Bitter much?  Just admit you read the portmanteau wrong.