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RElapsed Fan - Resident Evil: Revelations 2

Previously I played RE5, read my thoughts here. Forgot why the hell I was doing this? Click here to find out/remember!

Hey everyone. You may not remember me, but last year I decided to play through all the main series Resident Evil games to rekindle my love and appreciation that I once had for the series years and years ago. After Resident Evil 5 I ran into a big problem, a Metal Gear (Metal Gear?!) problem. Basically MGSV took all my attention when it came to gaming and by the time I wrapped the game up in early November, I had lost my momentum to play Resident Evil games. Not surprisingly really, I played….in some form 10ish RE games within a 4-month period. I’m actually proud that I had accomplished so much in that time that I felt like I earned a break. But now…. I RETURN!

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And part of me wishes I didn’t. Oh boy.

So I originally planned to try and squeeze this game in BEFORE MGSV. I just came off hot and heavy of RE5 and felt like jumping into the next game, that was mid/late August. Little did I know Rev 2 is a little longer than I anticipated and was only able to complete the first episode (ran into a problem of buying the season pass or whatever but didn’t understand why I didn’t have any episodes after that, apparently you have to download them separately, fucking hell….) and then September rolled around and I threw this game on the digital shelf.

My initial impressions of the game were positive. Unlike Revelations 1, I thought the combat and controls were really good, the story was at least mildly engaging from the get-go and the atmosphere was really creepy. The hospital/insane asylum area sent some shivers down my spine as I was playing at night in the complete darkness of our apartment, it got to me and I enjoyed it. While for the most part I did enjoy my time with episode one at this point, something…. just didn’t sit right with me about the game. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it then and even writing this now I’m still unsure what exactly didn’t sit correctly, hopefully I can either crack this out by writing, or some of you lovely people can explain to me what I’m feeling.

In the beginning, the game truly got to me in some ways, very creepy first areas.
In the beginning, the game truly got to me in some ways, very creepy first areas.

Anyways as said I tried to jump into Episode 2 right away and shit…I have to download all the episodes….and my internet connection sucked that day and it was very slow….and MGSV is coming out in 2 days…. there goes my goal of trying to marathon the game quickly over a weekend!

So on, so on, I beat MGSV, I play some other games I had on my backlog, knocked off a couple other games and bam, I decided to return to the world of Revelations 2 a few weeks back.

Is it just me or is the lip just not look right?
Is it just me or is the lip just not look right?

And almost immediately the game is doing nothing for me.

It’s such a weird thing that happened, but nothing was clicking with me as it pertained to the game. Everything felt boring all the sudden. The characters I’ve loved from previous games felt stale and flat, the combat felt subpar, the story felt nonexistent. I honestly felt like I was only shooting zombie/crazy people because... because I was playing the damn game. Nothing made sense anymore. Revelations 2 has 2 of my top 4 favorite Resident Evil characters in Barry and Claire, and I hated playing as them in this game.

So I pushed on, maybe it was just a little rust that I need to shake off and it will start to feel better as I progressed further. Nope… that did the opposite. Basically by the time I’m going the opposite fucking direction in the Barry part of the episode as I was in the Claire part… I was pretty much broken. I thought to myself, what am I really doing here with this game? What am I trying to prove? I have tons of other games that I really want to play, I felt like I put enough time into this game for it to prove to me that it was worthy of my time and quite frankly it probably got more time than a game on equal quality (in my opinion) would’ve got. And it lost me, coming out of the sewers, my man Barry with a little girl, neither who I gave a flying fuck about anymore…

It's OK Moira, I might be back to save you.
It's OK Moira, I might be back to save you.

Maybe I’ll return to it in the future, give it another go. Maybe I’ll play it all together instead of having a huge gap between episodes, I’m sure that had an effect. But I’ve already hit options and delete application on my PS4, and I feel… relieved… oddly enough.

Well the next and FINAL chapter in my RElapsed series in the one. The only. Resident. Evil. 6!

I’m actually really excited to play the game for myself finally. I honestly don’t know what to expect, I could easily see myself falling into either camp of the majority saying its fucking shit, and the minority saying it is actually pretty good. I DON’T KNOW! Might wait a few weeks before I jump into it but I hope that regardless of how I feel about the game, that I’m proud of myself for actually doing this. I’ve literally been planning stuff like this for years and never make it past a game or two. This time I set a goal and while the parameters around achieving the goal changed (FUCK THOSE CHRONICLES GAMES!), this is a good start to future endeavors that are similar to this one for me.

On to…

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