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Street Fighter IV and a Few Gray Hairs Later.

Street Fighter IV is an amazing game, it could be the game to bring back the fighting game genre back to it's former glory. But for me it's possibly one of the worst kind of games, not because it sucks because, again, it's an amazing game, but because it's also hard to get a handle on. Especially online, it doesn't matter whether or not you know how to do combos or all of the characters special moves because without knowing when to do those combos or special moves it's all useless. To me the split between the mind games and the actual fighting in a game like SFIV is something like 60/40. Figuring out ways to make openings in your opponent by faking him out or predicting what they'll do is what separates the good players from the bad. In the same vein, switching up your style so your opponent can't figure you out is also something essential to being good. These kinds of things you cant really learn from the single player or some mode in the game. The only thing you can do is play. Play as many matches online or with your friends and if you lose learn why and bring that into you next match.

So while I learn why I'm losing all the time I want to suggest something to those that feel like blaming the game or the person that decided to pick Ken. Think about what just happened, did your opponent just spam an attack? Then think about how you can get around it. Did he turtle? Think about how to get him out of his shell. Was he able to constantly pull combos and just dominate you? Think about how he was able to open you up to attacks and maybe you'll fair better next time. These are the kind of things that can't be taught.

So what makes SFIV the worst kind game? It's so good but so very frustrating.


Why were these guys not nominated for company of the year 08?


I mean come on, look at the polish on these titles! You can tell they put a lot of effort in to each and everyone of these modern classics. Even to go as far as to get a voice actor to play every single role is such feat all game companies would never try to attempt. Such a dedicated group of people, it really is sad.

MGS4 Coming To 360? Here We Go Again...

It seems like MGS4 was always on the fence whether or not it would go multi-platform and now almost 6 months after the release another hint that it may be coming to Microsoft's console. But now with a little bit of hard evidence to back it up.


So what does this mean? The " i " could just be the letter I or, I've been told, could mean safety while the classic " ! " is meant as alert or danger. 
So Safety + Alert/Danger = 360 power button? I don't know. Maybe this isn't about MGS4. Underneath the mathematical equation reads " A Next Metal Gear Is..." besides not making any sense it could mean a completely new multi-platform Metal Gear title. Seeing as though MGS4 concluded Snakes story and possibly the whole line of "Solid" games could this be a new start on a new console? One person gave the possibility of a Metal Gear AC!D coming to the consoles, this seems to fall in line with how the AC!D games were marketed, with the over use of symbols. Well as a great man once said "Only time will tell."

Fallout 3 Bobleheads

For future reference. Thanks ColMustard !!

Bobbleheads –
1 – Agility – Greener Pastures Disposal Site – Office, on table.
2 – Barter – Evergreen Mills – Bazaar, Jack’s NE alcove: top right shelf behind work bench.
3 – Big Guns – Fort Constantine – CO quarters, inside open safe.
4 – Charisma – Vault 108 – Cloning Lab, on table.
5 – Endurance – Deathclaw Sanctuary – Initial Chamber, next to corpse pile.
6 – Energy Weapons – Raven Rock – level 2, colonel Autumn’s quarters, on table.
7 – Explosives – WKML Broadcast Station – Sealed cistern, next to ham radio. Look under rocky outcrop south’ish of station for the cistern.
8 – Intelligence – Rivet City – Science Lab, on table.
9 – Lockpick – Bethesda Ruins – Bethesda East Offices, top floor, on desk in central room.
10 - Luck – Arlington House – On shelf in cellar.
11 – Medicine – Vault 101 – Dad’s clinic table.
12 – Melee Weapons – Dunwich Building – Virulent Underchambers, mall maintenance room.
13 – Perception – The Republic of Dave – Museum of Dave, in a bookcase.
14 – Repair – Arefu – Evan King’s house, on table.
15 – Science – Vault 106 – Living quarters, medical bay eastern wall on shelves.
16 – Small Guns – National Guard Depot – National Guard Armory, shelf in equipment storage.
17 – Sneak – Yao Guai Tunnels – Yao Guai Den, on metal crate in eastern area of central caverns.
18 – Speech – Paradise Falls – Eulogy’s Pad, on table.
19 – Strength – Megaton – Lucas Simm’s house, sheriff’s bedroom on table.
20 – Unarmed – Rockopolis – Next to Argyle’s body.


Problem: I'm hyped for Rock Band 2

Now why is that a problem? I don't have a 360 so I'll have to wait another month before I can get my hands on it...ugh!

Normally I get hyped for a game about a week to the day before release. I know I won't be able get RB2 for another month so I started to wonder "Why am I so excited for this game?" I know it's going to be a good game but every game I get hyped about I know is going to be good. Then I realized I didn't really get hyped until I started reading all the reviews and watching the videos that are coming out for it. So..

Problem: Hyped for Rock Band 2
Solution: Stay away from the internet?

You could probably avoid most problems by staying away from the internet but I don't think I can do that...


Graffiti, where have we gone wrong.

    I woke up this mourning a little groggy, like usual and went to get ready for the day. I walked outside to my car and found a giant "13" painted on my garage door. A local gang decided to mark their "territory" on my families property. I felt angry but also a little sad because this isn't what graffiti should be used for.  Pure vandalism just because your part of a gang is disgusting and I hate them for making graffiti nothing more than that. I feel graffiti should be an art form that should have a message. It's should be an underground movement, a form of protest. but somewhere along the line we let these...worthless idiots take that away from us and defile it to what many people see it as today.  With this recent incident I'm starting to share the same feelings that most of the world has about this art form gone wrong and that saddens me.

Stop War
Stop War
True freedom.

Cabin fever, cured.

    I got back from a trip to a cabin that a friend of mine has to shoot a movie and it was a mess... in both meanings of the word. Maybe it was my fault for bringing a PS3 with Rock Band and GTAIV along. There where 5 of us total and usually half of us were too distracted by the games to start shooting the movie. We would get into little arguments yelling to each other to put down the damn game so we could shoot this movie. It wasn't usually the same person that was getting yelled at, we would kind of rotate around the game.  We didn't get to filming till about midnight the second night we were there.

    Ok, we were trying to shoot this horror movie where a guy goes crazy and starts killing guys, you know a horror movie. But it was to dark to shoot half of the movie so we decided to shoot the other half where I die. So I have to pour this concoction of corn syrup, red food coloring, water, and for some odd reason red kool-aid which, combined, makes blood.  At first it was kind of cool to see myself as this bloody mess but soon after about 3 or 4 takes it turned into this terrible, sticky and uncomfortable situation. So we shot that and a few other deaths and stop to film the next day but then proceeded to clean up all the "Blood" that  had sprayed all over the room we were shooting in.

    I guess I should tell you that the camera we had was from my college that we rented for the weekend because I'm a film student, well technically a digital video student but I just say "film student" because I get less confusing looks that way, and they have better equipment. But anyways we went to start filming, shot one scene and then the battery died. I wasn't actually there when the battery died because I wasn't in this scene but I was in the cabin while the other guys where in the woods somewhere. I was playing Rock Band with my friend. So while I was playing the game I heard my friend in the distance yell "F**K!" because we got a camera that didn't come with a damn battery charger! We decided to stop because that's the only thing we could do at that point. So we played Rock Band some more and left the cabin. To finish another day...maybe.

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