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My Extremely Late Most Anticipated Games Of 2011!

    So I have been away from giant bomb for awhile (tear) and my excuse list is long for this but what it boils down to is I simply had no time. But although I have been away from giant bomb that has not stopped me from gaming more than I have ever been. Whether it was sinking 25 hours in AC:Brotherhood (and loving every minute of it) or wanting to rip my hair out in Super Meat boy Last year was a awesome year for gaming. But it`s a new year (and has been for awhile) and although there have been some noticeable releases this year so far I decided to my extremely late most anticipated games for 2011!   

              I love Valve. Steam is phenomenal. Left 4 dead is awesome. The Half life franchise is one of the most well regarded in history. But, above all else my favorite game valve has ever released was Portal. Smart, funny, mind bending puzzles, and bursting at the seems with personality. This was without a doubt my favorite part of the orange box. I beat this game again. and again, and again. This leaves me chomping at the bit for Portal 2 and so far everything I have seen for this game (online or at pax) it looks to be even better than the first one. I guess we will have to wait until April 21st to know for sure but i`m left sitting here with one question....Is the cake a lie?
              Oh man, Dragon age. Did I play Dragon age? Yes. How long? 110 hours. I don`t know what it was about Dragon age that possessed me too play that game obsessively for a week straight but the fact of the matter is Dragon age took control of my life. It was almost a daily routine of waking up and going right to the PC. I took brakes such as going to the bathroom and eating but that was it. Hell, I did not even change clothes until late at night just feel like I accomplished something for the day and even than it was into more pajamas. The combat, the story, the characters, and the DLC oh god the DLC. To put it simple Dragon age was old school RPG mechanics at their finest. Oh, by the way, yes I already have set aside a week to play dragon age 2 exclusively. It will be glorious.
              Uncharted 2 was amazing. It blurred the line between a cinematic and actual game play. A awesome story that kept me hooked until the end, and great game play to bring it all together. Uncharted 2 was one of the best games to ever be released on the PS3 and triumphed over it`s predecessor (which I also loved). But from what I have seen of uncharted 3 makes me excited. Very excited. I am very interested to see how naughty dog will utilize the new setting and how the story will play out. I am extremely excited for uncharted 3 and if I wrote the reasons why in this blog it would be extremely long. But to put it simple uncharted 3 may be the game i`m most excited for this year and this leaves eating up every bit of information until it comes out. 11-1-11 can`t come soon enough.
              I loved the first inFamous. The main thing I loved about it was how it made you feel like you were in control of a comic book story. I also loved the game play system. It made the flow, move faster sort of speak. Also the traversal system made some of the action moments completely insane. I also adored the story and the twist and turns it took throughout the campaign. Now when inFamous 2 was first was first announced we all know what happened the voice actor changing the chaaracter design being awful. When all this happened I lost hope. But now that we have seen the new old Cole (god I hate that term) I am once again very very excited for inFamous 2.
             We all know Batman Arkham asylum was awesome. The combat, characters, story, and really every thing about that game was very well made and some would argue it as GOTY 2009 over Uncharted 2. Most were worried when arkham city was announced the same year as arkham asylum came out but to be honest I was sort of excited. See I felt that while arkham asylum was a decent length I wanted more. The combat and stealth arenas did nothing for me and I wanted more story. Hell even if it was just DLC added story missions I would have loved that. But arkham city could be awesome. Although we have yet to see actual game play I have some trust in rock steady that they will gives us yet again another awesome Batman game.
That`s it although I am excited for many, many more games this year I felt that these were the one`s I was most excited for. So yea I guess we will have to wait and see if these are any good (they probably will) 
