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I liked the demo, I just played as The Warrior. I'm not that much into JRPGs but this one grabs my attention and so far I'm interested enough to pre-order it.

As other here have said, the graphics doesn't feel as the best choice, the developers call them "HD 2D" but I'm starting to get tired of seeing a bunch of games trying to simulate/imitate the 16-bit games era. We have these powerful consoles and amazingly good screens that starts to seem like a waste of hardware not to have very detailed graphics. I'm not a game developer, maybe it's cheaper to make a game this way, I have no idea but I would prefer to have highly detailed graphics with depth even if they're 2D side-scroller games.

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I'm bumping this old post just to let all the people that gave me their opinions that I've been playing BOTW and I'm enjoying it much more that HZD.

I can't pinpoint exactly what keeps me playing BOTW but I like the world and the sense of accomplishment when I complete the shrines. I sometimes waste a lot of time collecting korok seeds, I haven't feel bored by that but I probably have to stop doing that if I want to complete the game this year ;)

Thank you for your help.

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Thank you for your tips @fatalbanana, @gooddoggy and @rorie

I think you nailed it @joedangerous, the others have mention there are similarities in terms of inventory management and side quests but if I ever going to like BotW it might be because the world is interesting enough to keep me playing. There are also people like @afabs515, @fear_the_booboo and @xanadu who didn't like HZD but enjoyed BotW so... we will see, I think I'll have time this weekend to start playing it.

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I probably have given enough opportunity to RPG games (like a couple of Dragon Quest and one Final Fantasy) and a game with RPG elements like HZD. Maybe these kind of games are not my genre but I decided to ask for opinions because lately I've been tempted to give BotW a try. Maybe it's the last game I'm going to give an opportunity in the RPG/RPG-ish genre. I'll get the physical version in case I didn't like it I can trade it or sell it later.

Thank you for all your answers, helped me to make a decision

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#5  Edited By nulliver

Let me start by saying that I know they are different games but it's probably the only other game I can compare it with. I also know these games are not classic RPGs but when I see an inventory and stats on items in my mind those are at least RPG elements. I'm not a fan of RPGs but I have tried them before though I couldn't keep me interested enough to complete one :/

So I played HZD and I started enjoying it but after 25-30 hours I couldn't enjoy it anymore. Quest and side quests were kind of tedious for me, I know I was leveling up and getting a lot of useful items but I wasn't enjoying it anymore, even when I kept myself on the Main Quests I started to get tired of managing the inventory, go back to a merchant to get more shards, killing more machines, solving people's problems (for some reason I kept myself helping everybody, like I didn't have problems of my own), etc.

I have to admit that I enjoyed some fights, they were really fun and challenging but when I wanted to make progress it became annoying to not be able to move around the world without machines attacking me every mile, it felt like "random encounters" in games like Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy.

So, do you think it could be the same for me with BotW?

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I liked the game. I collected all the Power Moons one can possible collect in the first play and completed the game. I had a lot of fun doing that, I collected around 500 power moons but after defeating Bowser I didn't went back to collect the rest of the power moons.

I think that could be the main reason some people don't like it. The worlds are not that big and they were able to pack many moons in the same worlds for you to get back to those worlds. I enjoyed the game but I wouldn't keep playing the game to collect all the power moons, I already spend a lot of time in each world, I really don't have the desire to go back again just to collect them all.

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#7  Edited By nulliver

Maybe in California. In Texas is probably OK.

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I have never played a Far Cry game but this time I've been following the news about this game and it seems like it will be a lot of fun. I will probably buy but maybe a few weeks later after release.