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Thoughts and Feelings of Battlefield far.

This blog will focus mainly on the multiplayer aspect of Battlefield 3 because...well lets face it. That's the game. I would however like to start with the single player. I have played probably about 2 and a half hours of this so far. After reading reviews and comments on forums about the games campaign I expected to hate it. But I have to say it is surprisingly fun. I have noticed a few scripting errors here and there but over all I am impressed with the campaign. If there is one thing to mention it would be that it seems like a massive Black Ops rip off even down to how the story is scripted (flash backs from an interrogation...come on).

Anyway on to the real subject of this blog. Battlefield 3 multiplayer. Lets face it, the game has issues. Issues that will hopefully be fixed through patches but at the minute these problems are annoying the fuck out of me. Firstly. Connection problems. Quite often I will play for an hour or so. Going amazingly on a server, owning fools (okay well I will be doing okay) and suddenly be pushed back to the battlelog having lost connection to the server. This is then raising my disconnects and is not really recording the match. This is my main annoyance with the game actually. This seems like a serious problem to me and definitely needs to be fixed soon. Another annoyance is Origin. Oh My Fucking Gawd I hate Origin. Its not needed. It doesn't work and it is clunky as fuck. I am really glad that as soon as you launch the game that is the last moment it is actually used. I know its EA's shot at a steam like service but seriously do it better.

Well they are my only annoyances with the game (at the minute) I actually love every other aspect of battlefield 3. I am glad that Dice didn't try to imitate Call of Duty in playing style and stuck with the slower paced large battles with vehicles. I surprisingly love the fact that battlelog is your server browser too. It allows me to check twitter or giantbomb while I wait for the game to load up. I actually hope more games take this on.

Overall I love battlefield 3 and I can actually see this becoming my prominent multiplayer experience for the next year or doesn't help that the game looks fucking fantastic (seriously is the best looking game I have ever seen).