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I last updated this thing to observe the fact I hadn't played any 2017 games, now doing it again because guess what: no 2018 games either.

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Short: Mouse/Keyboard vs. Analog Sticks

 Aiming is better with a mouse than an analog stick. The movements of a mouse are directly correlated with the movements of the crosshairs: moving the mouse farther moves the view farther, and moving faster moves the view faster. The movements of an analog stick, by contrast, operate like a throttle: moving the stick farther moves the view faster, and (here is the important part) holding the stick away from the center for longer is what moves the view farther. This last trait of control stick motion means that it always takes longer to aim precisely than with the mouse, and necessitates a variety of aim-aids in console FPS games. Throttle is, however, perfect for controlling movement of the character model, but the mouse and keyboard configuration tragically maps movement control to the all-or-nothing keys, which cannot replicate the flexible speed of the analog stick.