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An interesting converstation with my Girlfriend...

So I saw this morning this post on gamespot, so, thinking I was being funny and would get a funny response I emailed the link to my girlfriend. The following is transposed from the ensuing email conversation:

ME: The DS officially has a lot to answer for…

GF: the people that use gamespot are c*cks. So what if the game industry wants to appeal to different people. Its not all about fancy graphics and gamer respect - they should be grateful people will be willing to put stuff like this out cos without diversifying the gaming industry may soon die out.

ME:  Did you copy that from somewhere?

GF: No - i just think those people need to remove their heads from their backsides. The games they want to play cost a fortune in development so why criticise the cheap to produce spin off games which will essentially be funding it.

ME: Because this will not be a good game and brings absolutely nothing to the industry. It’s a cash produced on the cheap by people who have no love even for the license, let alone making a great game. If one guy can make a game like braid, which won numerous awards as best downloadable game of 2008 etc on a small budget, cheap cash in games that go after people who don’t know any better shouldn’t be made. It is possible to make great games on the cheap with a small team, which will do the same job, they don’t have to farm stupid licenses to do it.

GF: i cant be ar*ed arguing with you

ME: I thought it was more of a discussion.

GF: i dont have the energy and lets face it nothing will change your mind

I personally thought I had a good point, but it got me thinking that without those cheap to produce cruddy cash in games, could the games industry really survive?

 Well yes, surely if the games produced are of a higher quality, and done by smaller and more dedicated teams with a passion for what they are doing, they can be both cheap to produce and great titles. I can’t agree that putting out games like the coronation street game is diversifying the industry, cause its not, if anything, its diluting and not moving it forward.

What do you guys think? who is right and who is wrong? Am I going to get a kicking when I get home?