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In this entry, we get a firsthand look at how I slack off.

I like to think I'm an alright student. Got by in high school just fine and I'm naturally enjoying my time picking up Japanese as my major in university. I also come from a family with a history of education and education-related work in both public and private sectors. Suffice it to say that, at least when a class interests me, you'll find that I'm pretty happy to grind through it.
Today's women's studies session was not one of those classes, though. Consisting entirely of a Powerpoint filled from quotes from an actually really great and humorous novel, I wasn't exactly feeling all that engaged. I already knew most of the points that the professor was going to bring up, so I basically had 50 minutes of me time.
So what did I do?
I doodled a bunch in my notebook. In Japanese. I spent most of the time depicting myself as a cat named Boku-tan. I even wrote an anime theme song for it in the notes, should I ever be able to whore it out and make millions upon millions of yen. Other than that, you'll notice that I distinctly accomplished nothing in that class.
I have no reason to tell all of you this, but I wanted you to know. Here's the drawing in question below. It's a pretty big image file, but hopefully it won't kill your computer to load it..

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