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Kotaku comments, on occasion, actually make me laugh.

For legitimate reasons, too.
I know I shouldn't read them. Many of you have chastised me about this habit. But alas, the human psychology morbidly intrigues me and there's no better place to find a bizarre combination of intelligent, stupefying, witty, and ignorant remarks than Kotaku, with all four of those traits often showing up in any given article's comment section.
But this time I actually laughed. The context is simple. Brian Ashcraft, author of the unfortunately obscure, yet excellent book titled "Arcade Mania" and all around Japanese market reporter, wrote his usual night note, talking about coming back to the States for Christmas and how his kid likes American food, just not all the time. Understandable. I had cravings for American food while over in Tokyo, too; as much as I loved the food there, sometimes you need to remind yourself that home still exists. But I digress.
This got the comments section talking about international food, naturally. Here's one thread's take on Bashcraft's kid wanting Japanese food again.

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This is probably funny to me partly because I should be in bed by now and am thus, by extension, becoming increasingly incoherent. Still, this site could use more discussion about Meow Mix, so I thought I'd jump start that. Should I be in the mood for writing, you can probably expect a way beefier post on here soon enough.