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Shopping for import games teaches you the importance of titles.

I could be using this space to brazenly promote my recent review of Parappa for the PSP, but other than that link right there, I'm not going to talk about it at all. Nope. Instead, I want to show you the cartridge art for a game I stumbled upon on eBay.

Violence Killer. As you can surmise from the subtitle, it's actually a Turok game, although I can't say for certain which one it is since I never really played any of them that much. It's attached to Seeds of Evil if only because the background art seems similar, but I'm too lazy to actually investigate it. It's natural for Japanese releases to get alternate titles to better appeal to the market and this was especially true in the N64's days. More often than not, though, as Violence Killer shows here, the titles tend to opt to be more artsy-sounding rather than sensible. Perfect Dark was a game that was going by the title Red and Black over there for a while, for example, and although that did make some sense, they ultimately ended up calling it the same name we know it as here as well.
Moral of the story? Probably none, other than how Pepsiman's quest to find cheap import games for Christmas can sometimes take interesting turns at the most random opportunities. Derive meaning from that as you will.