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Team Boke, reunite!

 If you've been a long-time reader of the Persona 4 forums here on the Giant Bomb, you're probably aware of the fact of how I and a few other people translated a fan-made manga, more or less because we could. It got a pretty nice reception for what it was and surprisingly there were few hentai/ecchi-related jokes, which almost seems to be practically a given for that particular line of work. Distribution issues aside (We have whole archive back online! Promise!), I'd say the endeavor has turned out alright.

It is with that in mind that I'm pretty psyched to announce that everybody directly involved in that project, Fallen181, Bartman3010, and myself, otherwise known collectively as Team Boke, will be returning to work on a larger project of a more serialized nature and with a dedicated blog, to boot. We've decided to tackle something a little more Shonen Jump, but nothing remotely like your usual Naruto, Bleach, or even Bakuman, if you're that sort of crowd. Rather, we're tackling a comedy series currently running in the magazine, as it's a genre that doesn't often receive much coverage compared to its more action-oriented contemporaries. The name: Inumaru Dash.

In short, Inumaru Dash is somewhat like other comedy series such as Crayon Shin-chan, albeit with significantly less outright vulgar humor compared to that series' brilliant English dub. Two of characters receive most of the attention of each chapter's individual plot lines, the titular Inumaru and Tamako-sensei. Inumaru is more or less a really young Japanese boy who, deliberately or not, has no idea of any sort of social etiquette and, to boot, knows more adult things than he probably should for his age. Tamako-sensei, on the other hand, is a newly inducted kindergarten teacher who works at Inumaru's school. She's the sort of bright-eyed, idealistic young teacher hoping to make an impact on her students and is then very quickly brought down to Earth upon being introduced to Inumaru. The stories typically revolve around the two and how they can botch up the standard teacher-student relationship, often to extremely unexpected results. Although some of the humor is pretty Japanese, as one of the people behind the project, I'd (naturally) say it's worth checking out.

Although we have no set schedule for releases because we all still have lives, we do intend to release each chapter at a variety of different venues, including such prominent places as One Manga. In addition, though, we've also set up shop at our own blog, which you can find, again, here. While there, you'll not only be able to keep tabs on our progress, but also access our previous works (including a persistent link to the Persona 4 doujin) and contact us at an email address tailor-made for the group.

So if you're curious, feel free to drop by onto the site and check out the preview version we have going for chapter one of Inumaru Dash. Thanks for your support!