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Tips on how to get into the game industry-Part 1

Hey Giant Bomb community! I know there are many people out there who want to get into the video game industry, but don't exactly know how. So, I thought I would write a few different blog articles on what I've learned so far. To be clear, I am not an employee of a video game company, nor have I ever been one. I've been to a couple of GDCs, read a few books, and feel I feel that I have some semi-useful information that's worth sharing. Whether that is actually the case is an entirely different matter. Now, considering that the game industry is HUGE, writing one massive blog article probably isn't in the best interest of your sanity or mine. Instead, I'm going to start out with what I consider to be some of the more important tips. So, without further ado, here we go: 

1. Connections Are Key

There are many jobs out there that almost require an "in", and unfortunately the game industry is one of them. Knowing the right people at the right time can be the difference between working on the next AAA title, and ending up like the guy who made "Bob's game". But how does  one get to know the right people at the right time? Well, I have found the best place to be the Game Developers Conference or "GDC" which is generally located at San Francisco's Moscone Center. This event allows future game developers to put their foot through the door by talking with different developers. It's filled with people who just love video games, and want to teach others not only how to make better games, but how to get into the industry in the first place. Showing off your work, and networking with those who can get you to where you want to be, is one of the most important things to do, if you want to be noticed. You don't have to got to GDC to network with industry professionals, but it's one of the better places to do so. 

2. Make an Online Portfolio

Game developers are always looking for talent, but keep in mind they are also extremely busy, and generally won't go out of their way to look at your work if you make it difficult for them. That's why it is essential to have an online portfolio. A web page that contains all of your previous work, and informs potential employers why you deserve to be hired. Don't worry, you don't need to have 2-3 years of web page design and build a website from the ground up in order to do this. Just do what most game developers do, and use sites like WordPress and Linkedin. For now I'm going to focus on WordPress. WordPress is a great place to build an online portfolio, as it allows you to write about yourself (hopefully things an employer would like to hear) and upload important files like your resume. To give you an idea of a great online portfolio, visit Jacob Minkoff's site to see how he organizes his work. Use his site as a a general guideline when making your own WordPress profile, as anyone likes sites to be clear, and easily navigable. 

3. Be Accessible 

Word Press also has tools that allow people to navigate your profile with their smartphone. That might not seem that important, but trust me, making your page accessible to smartphone users is essential, as that's how many game developers visit online portfolios. I've learned that since many game developers are crazy busy throughout the day, the only time they have to visit online profiles is while they are on the subway or ferry back home. Because you want your profile to be accessible on a smartphone, you'll also want to keep in mind that Flash doesn't work with everything (like the iPhone) and so if you have any video on your profile, be sure to upload that video to Youtube, and then upload the Youtube video, to your site. Nothing sucks worse than having an awesome video to show off to employers, only to have it never be seen since it's not compatible on mobile devices.  
I warn you: My next piece of advice is going to sound really dumb, but trust that it will help you in the long run. Post your contact information on the site. Not just email, but your cell phone number as well. If you are still reading this, kudos! Because that was some crazy-sounding shit I just said. However keep in mind that you want to make yourself as easy to contact as humanly possible. Yes, chances are that you will get some spam, but making yourself easy to reach is key if you want to get ahead. 
Those are just some of the general tips, I've learned and they certainly don't cover all everything you need to know (if you are trying to get into the game industry). Hopefully they were helpful to you and you can use them to achieve your goals. If you have any questions, comments, etc., feel free to comment below or send a PM my way and I'll try to respond as quickly as I can. Until next time, cheers!