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Playstation 4 incoming!

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Machtubato, 'nuff said.

So I've been catching up on some Bombcast episodes as of late (perfect on my mp3 player at work), and one of the episodes had the topic of sandwiches. I am a bit on the fence concerning sandwiches, considering they are so easy to mess up and one ends up eating something that is the food equivalent of sitting through infomercials while neither intoxicated nor tired. It's dull eating. But as they were discussing this, my own sandwich pick came to mind and I couldn't erase it, I craved me some sandwich for the first time in a long time. But, this caused a dilemma. For my sandwich to work, I need mayo (Hellmann's) from the US and not from here (Sweden), because there's a taste difference between the two and ours doesn't do my sandwich justice. Lucky for me though, there's a grocery store in town that has that imported. The twist though is that it's way off on the other side of town from where I live and that's just annoying when you dont have a car, but I go past it when I get a ride home from work by my coworker. Today I decided enough was enough and told him to drop me off by the store. This was going to be the day when I get my sandwich.

Once I got inside I started collecting the ingredients; tomato, bacon, cheese, turkey, mayo and white bread. My joy knew no boundries. I'll exclude the rest of the shopping of groceries that doesn't concern my sandwich, because they're irellevant! Well, aside from my paper towels I use to nuke bacon with. Microwaved, paperwrapped bacon, it doesn't get much crispier and tastier than that. It will be glorious! What wasn't glorious though was walking for 20 minutes carrying my groceries home under a unforgiving sun while having too much clothes on. I felt like a slave to my own sandwich crave.

Enough of the sandwich rant, hopefully they will turn out well and I will be in a state of bliss the rest of the evening. Which will be spent in front of the tv watching something worth watching. I would play the DLCs to Fallout 3, but after having 2 nights in a row with a max of 4 hours of sleep, I could use the rest and early bedtime. The phrase "there is a tomorrow" comes to mind, which is a sign that I'm getting older apparently.

I promise, my next entry will have more to do with games and less to do with sandwiches.