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Hurray! The PSN is back online!... an update already? Damn...

After almost a full month, Sony has re-instated everyone's favorite part of using the Playstation 3 online: Mandatory Updates.  Oh, how I had missed them... the hours I wiled away unable to do anything but watch a progress bar fill.  Thank goodness they got it working again... *sniff*

This has been a truly trying time, not only for Sony fans, but everyone who owns a PS3.  I, for one, am thankful it is finally drawing to a close and it leads us, the users, to ask a few very important questions.  Questions like, "Can this happen again?", "Can this happen to other systems?" and, perhaps most importantly, "What do I get in return for continuing to use this system?"  The answers, in order are Yes, Yes and we'll get right back to you on that.  In the meantime, enjoy a full month of Playstation Plus... Hopefully you'll subscribe to it too... we really need the money.

Also, what does this do to E3 for Sony?  I can only imagine a re-enactment of Jack Tretton's last month at work.  Picture the scene... A lone desk.  A sleeping figure, his head in his arms.  The phone CONSTANTLY ringing, all 10 lines lit up.  The racking, deep sobs of anguish and terror.  He lifts his head, the eyes that haven't properly slept in 20 days.  The unshaven face, the unwashed shirt, the look of utter, UTTER defeat on the man's face as he reads a quickly scrawled note, "Yeah, I'm not coming this year... You're on your own for the press conference.  Best Regards, Kevin Butler."  Behind him, pandemonium as PR people run backwards and forwards as though their heads are on fire*, desperately trying to draft a press release with the scant information they are allowed to release to the public.  Finally he stands up, composes himself and says, through the exhaustion and pain, "2011.  The year of the Sony Playstation... this year our... I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!!!"  Security and men in white coats run out to stop him stabbing himself with a desk ornament.  Kaz Hirai pats him amicably on the back, "You tried your best Jack... We take care of our own.  Go get some rest, I can handle it this year."

All kidding aside, I'm glad things are getting back to normal.  Hopefully Sony can ascend from this dreadful pit back up to the level they once held, just weeks ago.  It's gonna take a lot of free stuff though.  A lot.

*I wouldn't mind seeing some of them actually on fire.