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Tritton Ax Pro Settings: PieGuy's advice for Games and Movies

This was originally a response to a user asking for help however I met my post limit. It could help others so I have posted this as a blog.

I got my Tritton Ax Pros a few weeks back. 
This is my personal settings and the ones I find best for me however it may be different for you. At the very least this could act as a base for your own setup.

 On the left is the inline controller in which to change individual speaker settings.
 On the left is the inline controller in which to change individual speaker settings.
Hope it helps.

For movies I find you want to put the inline controller on the highest blue (NOT CYAN), from there:
Front = +3 (Now should be white)
Rear = +2 (Again should be white)
Center = 0 (Leave on highest blue)
Sub = Your choice, I've found that movies differ in how it handles bass so try different levels.

This will be loud so on the decoder box put the right switch right and adjust volume with + and - how you like.

As for the decoder box you will want to put time delay to zero for movies so:
Right switch to the left
Left switch to the left
Then the - button 15 times (This ensures it is 0 as max is 15)

As for games this also differs, most of the settings guide you see online are optimised to 'sound whore' on Call of Duty for instance having rear louder than front but you will find it sounds strange in most games and causes confusion. For general gaming I would go for the same as the settings I have for movies however some games (shooters in particular) you want to put the time delay to +10. This helps in working out precisely where gunfire is coming from. However games such as Fallout 3 or Oblivion it causes dialogue to echo, if you encounter games with a weird echo then reduce time delay to 0.

Also  you may want to put the center +1 in some cases as some game's dialogue seems to be tied to the center speaker.