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Games I've gotten every Trophy/Achievement for

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  • -- Version: PS3 ;; Platinum Date: 2/23/16 7:19 PM --

    Another game that's not hard to plat, but it's a test of patience because you have to play through it three times and it's not a very good game. I only played this game to get one trophy though, and it wasn't the Plat. It was the one called 2112.

    As you can probably tell from my profile page, I love Rush. I'm a huuuuuuuuuuuge fan. So even though I knew the game wouldn't be very good, I had to play it just to get this trophy. Props to the devs for the Rush reference though. I wonder if they're Canadian?

  • -- Version: PS4 ;; Platinum Date: 2/10/16 11:31 PM --

    Not a tough game to platinum at all, but it is a bit time consuming. It'll take about 35-40 hours for the Definitive Edition. Most all of the trophies are straightforward, but there is one which warrants mention:

    Pure Gold (Gold)

    This requires you to get 30 gold stat awards, which is pretty easy to do for about 29 of them. (There are 33 in the Definitive Ed.) The most difficult one to achieve gold level on is the second one on the list, Fluid Striker. You are required to get 50 free running kills, which isn't easy simply because there aren't many opportunities in the game to do them. However! I found a quick and easy way to get them, and it's actually done in one of the mini story add-ons: The Zodiac Tournament.

    One of the first missions you do in the Zodiac Tournament has you fighting some guys in an arena with a bunch of fire traps around the circumference and a fire pillar in the middle. This middle fire pillar is the key to getting your Fluid Striker gold stat award.

    All you need to do is position yourself so that you are on one side of the pillar and an enemy is directly in front of you on the opposite side of the pillar; that is to say, the pillar separates you. Now simply run towards the pillar while holding X and Wei should vault over it towards the enemy on the other side, hopefully kicking him in the process. Each kick kills an enemy, so you'll have to redo this mission a few times to get enough kills for the stat award. But this method is much, much faster then any other methods on the mainland, IMO.

    Sometimes it's a bit difficult to line up enemies properly because they're always moving, but just keep at it and you'll get it. In general try to get all the enemies around the central pillar and vault over it repeatedly, chances are you'll hit someone.

  • -- Version: PS3 ;; Platinum Date: 1/26/16 12:18 AM --

    After playing Darksiders 2, I wanted to go back and play the original - even though I've already completed it on 360 when it came out. About halfway through, I regretted this decision. After playing the sequel, the original doesn't hold up very well. It's very rough around the edges and a lot of the trophies are grindfests.

    The absolute worst one is "Aerial Predator." Fuck that trophy.

  • -- Version: PS4 ;; Platinum Date: 1/20/16 4:38 PM --

    FINALLY!! After four years, I've finally finished Darksiders 2!! I bought it when it came out on 360, but only got about 1/4th through. I went back to it about a year and a half later and restarted, only to stop at about the same point. But finally, after getting the HD remake for PS4, I've completed it! Turns out it was a lot longer then I was expecting! It's probably a bit too long for its own good, actually.

    None of the trophies are all that hard, but there's a ton of collectibles with trophies tied to them. Most all of the trophies can be acquired by simply playing the game, but as I said - the game is pretty damn long. I actually played it twice; once on Apocalyptic and again on Deathinitive (stupid name) NGP. I wish I had played Deathinitive from the start though, because it wasn't harder at all - and honestly, after about halfway you can build yourself damn near immortal if you get a good possessed weapon with life leech and wrath leech - which isn't hard to do if you save all the ones you find. And the crucible trophy is simple with this build, but you can just as easily do it on easy - it's not tied to a difficulty.

    So yeah, not a hard plat by any means, just takes a bit of time. I finished after about 70hrs, and that's with two complete playthroughs.

  • -- Version: PS3 ;; Platinum Date: 1/11/16 12:02 AM --

    I finished playing this game a few years ago, but left it with two trophies remaining - "The House of Luthor" and "Lantern's Green Light." I went back and got those without much hassle. I thought I'd need to play the story mode all the way back to the fight with Sinestro again to get the Lantern trophy, but no. You can simply use two controllers and have player one be Green Lantern and player two Sinestro, then simply kill him.

  • -- Version: PS3 ;; Platinum Date: 1/8/16 11:55 PM --

    Technically there is no platinum, but I got them all.

  • -- Version: PS4 ;; Platinum Date: 1/6/16 1:06 AM --

    It's an easy game to Plat (pun intended) save for two sections: Chapter 5 on Extreme and Pro-Bending League on Ace. That is to say "Extreme Avatar" and "The Fire Ferrets Strike Again!"

    Getting through Chapter 5 on extreme was a massive test of patience. It's really hard at first, and really the only way you'll ever get through it is by repetition. I tried for over an hour and got it on my last try, before I was about to give up.

    Getting through Pro-Bending on Ace is less about skill and more about luck - though there is a luck factor in the previous trophy as well. The first three matches aren't too bad, if you're lucky with the teams you face. The last two can range from pretty hard to impossible depending on who you faced in the previous three. If you're unlucky like me, and you get the Rabaroos for your last match, save yourself the time and just start over because you will never beat them. I spent over an hour on this one match getting absolutely destroyed by those fuckers.

    I don't know if it's for story reasons that I'm unfamiliar with, but that team is much more powerful then all the others you face. When I restarted I faced them in match 2 and they were significantly harder then the team I faced on round two of my first play through. Unfortunately, the luck factor also comes in to play with your two AI teammates. Sometimes they do really well, countering and dodging at least as aptly as the opposing team, and other times they may as well be standing still because they get knocked back so often it's ridiculous. I had one guy get knocked back from the starting position all the way out of the ring while me and the other guy remained in the starting zone. Truly wondrous AI programming.

    Those two trophies will be hard-won but the rest are easy. You may need to do some minor farming for a few others, but nothing crazy. It's a pretty short game.

  • -- Version: PS4 ;; Platinum Date: 1/4/16 12:06 AM --

    Most of these are much easier to do once you get yourself a good SS weapon and upgrade it a bit. After doing that, it's pretty easy to kill most of the bosses without getting hit by simple virtue of you doing so much damage they don't have much opportunity to hit you.

    The hardest trophy to get is called "Platinum" and no, it's not THE platinum trophy. It's difficult to get because the scoring system in this game is really stupid. There are no bonuses whatsoever for doing combos like most games, and your time and damage (taken, not given) bonuses are capped at 200 - which is very low.

    Basically the only way to get SS ranks in combat missions is by farming headshots with low damage weapons, or by spamming vehicle rush attacks. Oh, and you won't know your rank for each combat section until after the battle; and if you don't get a high enough rank, guess what? Fuck you, we auto save after every battle. Guess you're doing the entire chapter over again.

    Now there is a workaround involving a usb flash drive, and it's pretty much the only method to use if you value your sanity. But even that requires you to close the game, copy the save data over and relaunch the game after every single battle mission. A process that gets old very quickly, especially considering Chapter One alone has 16 battle missions. Have fun with that.

    There's a reason 0.1% of players have the Platinum for this game. Mostly because no one played it, but that trophy is still a bitch and a half! More like a bitch and 3/4. Actually, let's just say two. It's two whole bitches.

  • -- Version: PS4 ;; Platinum Date: 12/24/15 3:56 PM --

  • -- Version: PS3 ;; Platinum Date: 11/14/15 11:50 PM --

    Not hard to plat, just time consuming. You'll probably need a guide for "The Hero" though, just because it's so easy to mess it up.

    I played over 350hrs of this game. Mostly because I liked it.

  • -- Version: PS4 ;; Platinum Date: 8/27/15 5:09 PM --

    Really easy plat, but I really like Fables, so this wasn't some quick game I played just for a plat.

  • -- Version: PS4 ;; Platinum Date: 8/18/15 5:41 PM --

    This is the first Batman game that I've been able to plat, thanks to the fact that they didn't include those infuriating "get all 2 billion medals in challenge mode maps" trophies. That being said, there was one trophy that was really hard for me to get - and that was "Perfect Shot." For some reason I had a hell of a time getting it. I must have tried for 2 hours straight, and right when I was about to give up, I got it. Other then that one, the rest are pretty doable.

    Stupidly, I played the game on hard mode from the beginning, thinking there would be a trophy for it (like all the other games.) But there wasn't. And God damn, that last Batmobile battle outside the GCPD on hard mode is a fucking nightmare. Speaking of nightmare, there is a nightmare mode - but I suspect it's just normal mode with no counter prompts, because it seemed a hell of a lot easier when I played thought it then on hard mode.

  • -- Version: PS4 ;; Platinum Date: 10/24/14 10:26 PM --

    I don't know what it is with these types of games, but I almost always get all the trophies with them. It's probably my favorite genre, so that probably helps.

  • -- Version: PS4 ;; Platinum Date: 4/3/14 9:34 PM --

    My first PS4 plat!

  • 360.

    Excellent game. One of the best XBLA games I have played in a long, long time. Just right on the achievements too.

  • 360.

    I don't think very many people would have ever completed this game 100% if not for the internet. What if this game had come out in the early 90's or late 80's? It would have most definitely achieved cult status and many rumors about non-existent features or secrets. It's kind of sad how a game like this - that took five years to create - with all it's complex puzzles and secrets that would normally have taken someone weeks, if not months to figure out, was pretty much torn open and all it's contents laid bare in a matter of days of it's release thanks to the internet. The last puzzle in the game (the Black Monolith Room) was solved not by careful examination of clues, or meticulous inspection, but by brute force methods. Basically, a whole bunch of people got together and just mashed buttons until they figured out the code sequence. I'm no luddite, but it's sad how pretty much ANYTHING that goes on in the world is up on the internet either shortly after the event, or while it's happening! I'm not just referring to video games. Concerts, movies, books, tv shows, radio! Anything! It's like there are no more secrets anymore...nothing is sacred. Some of the best games from pre-internet times are so great because of the mystery surrounding them. Now it's all but impossible to maintain such a level of mystery, and that makes me sad.

  • -- Version: PS3 ;; Platinum Date: 5/3/12 9:48 PM --

    Shamefully, I haven't updated this list in a while. That would most likely be because I haven't 100% or plat'd any games recently. You can blame Devil May Cry HD Collection for that. But I managed to plat this one, which is a much easier feat then the first one...Stupid Web of Intrigue. This game is pretty easy to plat, and there aren't really any trophies that are difficult to obtain; just a bit time consuming. (pun not intended) This game is so easy you can probably get them all on one play-through, provided you start on Hard, which really isn't all that much harder then normal. I did two play-through's, just because my Heller wasn't at max level by the end of my first. The only trophy I'd say that caused me any trouble, however small it might have been, was the Road Rage trophy. I got it by accident towards the end of the game during a random tank killing spree in the Red Zone. I'd say that you would need to have your vehicles skill upgraded to the max for this one, and it is much easier to get it in the Red Zone then any other zone, just because there are so many tanks and helicopters wandering around when compared to the other zones. So..yeah. Prototype 2, my latest plat. Unfortunately, my plat streak was killed a few games ago at six. So that's my record. Once again, thanks a lot DMC.

  • -- Version: PS3 ;; Platinum Date: 2/1/12 11:06 PM --

    Finally plat'd this one a little bit after Ghost of Sparta. Ironically, despite being probably my least favorite out of the series story-wise, this is probably the God of War game I've played through the most; probably about 4 or 5 times. I know I originally had it on PSP when it came out, and played through it at least a couple of times at that point. Then with the HD remake I played through it twice. Like the other game in the HD collection, this was also a fairly easy game to plat. The most difficult achievements are, of course the Challenge of The Gods ones, but for this one the "Mutton For Punishment" one was kind of a pain also. (Slit 50 Satyr throats) But this is mainly due to the QTE in which you use to do the actual slitting of the throats. It's one of those analogue-stick movement ones, which I've never been a fan of; it's a half turn of the stick either left or right, chosen randomly and with a narrow window of opportunity. But, with two play-through's it isn't too hard to rack up 50 of 'em as long as you make a point to kill all the Satys you see in this manner. Now all that remains is to finish up the remaining four or so trophies for God of War 1 and 2. The Challenge of the Gods on God of War 1 is a total pain, so I don't know if I'll ever get that, despite being quite adapt at the series. Being the first game though, I'm used to the more updated control schemes and all of the various improvements implemented in GoW 3 and Ghost of Sparta.

  • -- Version: PS3 ;; Platinum Date: 1/29/12 11:05 PM --

    Been a while since I've updated this list with a new 100%'er. This was a great game, and probably my second favorite out of all the God of War games; of which I have all completed several times. This was a fairly easy game to Plat. Of course, I did this on the HD Collection version, as the PSP version has no trophies. Also, Keres Wraith.

  • -- Version: PS3 ;; Platinum Date: 10/11/11 8:53 PM --

    I'm putting Ico & Shadow of the Colossus on this list as separate items, as that is how they appear on my Trophy list. But just to be clear, I am playing these as they are on the Ico & Shadow of the Colossus HD Collection for PS3, not the original PS2 versions. (obviously, since there are no trophies for those versions) Every trophy in this game is pretty easy to get just playing the game normally, all except for one: the "Castle Guide" trophy, which requires you to beat the game in less than 2 hours. It took me three tries, but I finally got it along with my Platinum for this game. Which, by the way, is my latest in a seven Platinum streak! There were many times when I wanted to murder Yorda and whoever designed her dumb-as-a-sack-of-rocks AI. There were also times when the wonky and dated controls made me quite angry as well. But, I had to power through it and keep reminding myself what a great game this really is, despite it's dated mechanics.

  • -- Version: PS3 ;; Platinum Date: 9/29/11 10:28 PM --

    My latest in a six game platinum streak! Fuck Chapter XIV. The Forgotten one is a son of a bitch. I was able to do all the trials for this chapter, but there was absolutely no way I was going to put myself through the torture of beating that son of a bitch on Paladin just to get my trophy list back to 100%. It sucks because I really enjoyed the base game and the first DLC pack, Reverie. But, God, Resurrection sucked donkey balls. It left me with a bad taste in my mouth that nearly made me forget how much I really did enjoy the game up to that point.. Anyways, I may not have 100%, but I do currently have a Platinum for this game though, which is why it is on this list. **UPDATE** After the release of the PS4 PSN has now started listing DLC trophies separately, so yay!! I DO have 100% on the main game now!

  • -- Version: PS4 ;; Platinum Date: 9/3/11 7:16 PM --

  • 360.

  • -- Version: PS3 ;; Platinum Date: 8/11/11 8:24 PM --

  • -- Version: PS3 ;; Platinum Date: 8/3/11 9:52 PM --

    I played about a quarter of this game back when it came out, but never finished it for reasons I can't remember. But I did go back and complete and plat it after playing through Infamous 2.

  • -- Version: PS3 ;; Platinum Date: 7/27/11 7:41 PM --

  • -- Version: PS3 ;; Platinum Date: 7/14/11 10:46 PM --

  • -- Version: PS3 ;; Platinum Date: 3/10/10 11:51 PM --

    Getting some of the trophies here were a real test of patience. Not really hard, just tedious sitting through those cut-scenes over and over.

  • PC

    I actually first played through this game on PS3, which I didn't platinum. Then I went to play through it three more times on the PC, which I did get all the achievements for there. But, unfortunately they are in-game achievements, so really I don't have any way of proving it or get any sort of progression towards a larger goal.

  • PC

    Same as the other two Mass Effect entries. But this one deserves a little note for it's multi-player achievements: This game has done them the best way I've ever seen them done. You have a multi-player achievement, which I hate, but they all have ways you can earn them in single-player. All MP achievements should be done this way.

  • PC

    Same as with ME2, but I started this on 360 instead and never finished it. Only after having completed ME2 thrice times on PC, I went back to play through ME1, which I acquired all the in-game achievements in the same fashion.

  • 360

  • I actually have completed this game three times, on three separate systems PS3, 360 & PC. Unfortunately, the PC version doesn't have any sort of achievements, nor does the PS3 version.

  • -- Version: PS3 ;; Platinum Date: 3/25/10 10:20 PM --

    This was the first game in the series that I was actually able to complete the Challenge of The Titans. Probably due to the fact that it saves after each challenge and you don't have to do it all in one go, ala God of War 1 and 2. Which are the only achievements holding me back in those games. The Challenge of The Titans in God of War 1 is a living hell, no pun intended.

  • -- Version: PS3 ;; Platinum Date: 2/20/10 12:22 AM --

    Very easy Platinum.

  • 360

    For a short time, I enjoyed having a full 1000/1000 on this game. Then, the developers decided to add one more achievement, which screwed everything up for me. Since I no longer own the game, I can't go back and get it. Plus it's a crappy achievement. I mean, go through the game without dying? No thanks. While the game wasn't all that hard, I recall having died many times.

  • 360

  • 360

  • 360

    Unlike most people, I actually played this game because I wanted to, not to boost my gamerscore.

  • 360

  • 360

  • 360

    I still technically need to get and complete the DLC, but before it came out I did have a full 250/250.

  • 360

    This was actually my first game to get 1000/1000 on. I liked this game quite a bit, especially the music. I still regularly listen to it to this day. Grant Kirkhope is a mastermind!