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8.8.8 The olympics have begun. yay 4 human rites???

so the olympics will be gorgeous in hd. that's great, i still won't likely watch more than the swimming events...and mebbe kayaking. i like the water sports.

anyhoo, so i broke 11,000gamerscore, and i can't help but thank sc4 for it's large contribution over the last week. other cool stuff this past week include forza2 finally lifting my auction ban....mmm yeah... i sold cars with nekkid ladies on them. i'm so ashamed !!!! anyhow, they lifted my ban and i celebrated by watching some that was cool. bwahaha!

i also got back into GRID. that game, is awesome, tho a total sleeper hit. and i can prove it! i watched gphoria 08 last nite on xplay and the racing game of year, went mario kart wii?!?!?!?!? cart racing beat out GT5 prologue, nascar 09 (ok no surprise there), and GRID?  this is exactly why politically, children cannot vote. because in games, when they do, cartoon racing beats stellar action and superior design in virtually every conceivable facet.

oh! and i got achievements in cod4 for the first time in months last nite. somehow i hadn't noticed that i didn't have look sharp, and three of a kind...the latter of which is possibly the easiest achievement to get in that game, by knifing the yokels in their bunks and the hallway in the very first mission. point is, i hit 400 pts in the game, and that is respectable, having not beaten veteran. i'm okay with that! and why? because i've beaten halo3 legendary, gears of war insane, and mass effect insane! i'm doing just fine thank you.

i should have a solid gaming weekend too and i'd love to make 12,000g...but we shall see i spose.