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☆☆Adventures of an independent video game store owner☆☆

Hey everybody.

Sorry it's been forever and a day since I posted, but... OK fine, I suck at keeping up with this stuff.

You guys were right about a couple of things. Yes, I did accidentally leave the word "store" out of the title. My bad. Also, I put the stars in the title not to help me get more views, but because I just really like stars. Also, I am pretty sure that the nickle arcade is gone. Shame too, because it sounded like a fun little place. And finally, I am happy to say that we are still going strong.

Business has been, in the famous words of Homer Simpson "not to shabby". We are by no means making huge money, but we are making enough to make the store worth while. I am stoked to hear that some of you guys have actually been in here, and want to let you know things are on the up and up. First off, we are up to having 5 TVs for people to play. Right now we have an NES, a SNES, a Genesis, an Xbox, a Wii, a 360, a PS3, and a Virtual Boy that are all playable. The 360 and the PS3 are hooked up to our 41" LCD so people can sit on the couch and play. The other systems are at smaller TV's kind of like kiosks. People really seem to enjoy the fact that they can come in and play Castlevania for a little while.

As for our stock, I would say that it has more than doubled since my last post. So much so that not only are our shelves full, but I am trying to finish building another set of shelves. (I can't finish them today because they are made out of maple and the only place to get maple is from a specialty wood store.) Anyway, we literally have enough games to fill the new shelves already, but cant build more until we sell some of those games to pay for more wood (Nice wood is f'ing expensive).

Someone asked how we plan to steal customers away from GameStop, but the truth is that we don't see them as a force to be reckoned with. Here's why. Game stop specializes in selling new games. And to be honest, there is almost no money to be made in new games. Especially for us. You see, for us to get a new game shipped from our distributor, it costs between $55 and $60. And then after that, we have to factor in our cost for selling it. So ultimately, we make no money. Instead we use new games as a way to help bring in trade-ins. We give people an extra 20% value if they use store credit to pay for a new game. So ultimately, someone is able to get a new game from us for about $53 (after taxes) if they pay for it in store credit. Add that to the fact that we try to offer more trade-in value than anyone else, and people end up getting their games for cheaper. "But what about pre-order bonuses" you say? Because we are cool, we are able to offer the same bonuses as GameStop, BestBuy, or anybody else. So I guess ultimately, we will end up "stealing" customers from them, but that is not our focus.

You see, we believe that if we do the right thing, people will come to us on their own. We try to do the following:

1) We do NOT pester customers to "pre-order this or buy this". We don't like game stop either because they bug you about stuff, and we figure that if you are just chill with people, they will enjoy shopping at our store.

2) We always try to be cheaper than everybody else. We actually use game stop as a way to price our games. Then we set our prices usually 10% to 15% lower. We know gaming gets expensive, and we want to help people get the most game for their buck.

3) We try to offer more trade-in value for games than anybody else. While we aren't always able to offer more, we usually do. We typically find that we offer more than GameStop. Sometimes up to 3 times as much.

But most of all, we just try to be cool with everyone, and treat people the way we want to be treated. Isn't common sense awesome!

So all in all, we find that we really only have 1 real competitor, it's another independent video game store that is about 5 miles away. However, while he has been in business for eons and has almost every game you can imagine, people always come to us and say how much they don't like him and his prices are absurd. That's what the customers say... not us. It comes down to the fact that if you really want a game and are willing to pay out the a** for it then he's got it. I want to be clear that I am not bashing him just stating what others say. I'm not like that.

I can't think of anything else to say, but I promise to try and update more than twice a year. I know I suck at this. Until then have fun playing and we would love to have you stop on by. Even if it's to play games or talk about Jazz the Jackrabbit. Also, let me know if there is anything you guys want to know, and I'll try to answer. Till then...

Love Ya❣❣❣
