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My Favourite Games with Pre-Rendered Backgrounds

Arranged in order.

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  • What can be said about Grim Fandango that hasn't be said already? This is by far THE best Tim Schafer game ever made. Each background is brimming with life that only concept artist Peter Chan can produce. It's amazing how the scenery are all flat images but with good lighting and physics, it creates the illusion of a three-dimensional space.

  • Rareware (now known as Rare Ltd) made a big gamble when the decided to make Donkey Kong Country using pre-rendering techniques. It paid off in the long run because this game was unlike any other platformer games out there at the time and the graphics still holds up to this day. DKC debunks everything Sega Genesis said about the Super Nintendo. Blast processing my ass!

  • One of the things that separates Resident Evil 2 from other games in the series in my opinion are the backgrounds. They look absolutely amazing! The moment you step in to a new camera angle, you know you're in for a treat, be it spooked or amazed. With the addition of Masami Ueda's music and Hideki Kamiya's directorial debut, Resident Evil 2 set the tone of what Survival Horror should be.

  • A truly underrated Adventure game, Still Life not only tells a great story but it also looks gorgeous. The environments definitely steal the show with its snowy night and warm lighting. I find myself playing it from time to time just so I can look at the scenes again. Too bad the sequel, Still Life 2, don't look as good (or plays well) as its predecessor even though it uses 3D environments. A perfect example that graphics aren't everything.

  • I did mention in Resident Evil 2 about how the environments are the best in the series but this remake of the original is an exception. To this day, I never get tired of admiring the interior and exterior of the Spencer Mansion. If I had the money, I'd build a house looking exactly like this one...but with a dog-proof windows installed.

  • I don't know what kind of creative mojo director Hironobu Sakaguchi fed to his art department but they keep producing one great Final Fantasy game after another, each with its own unique art style. Final Fantasy VIII is my favourite; from the Balamb Garden to Lunar Base, the environments in the game still captivate me.


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Edited By ZombiePie

Tell me more about Final Fantasy VIII.

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Edited By psykhophear