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#1  Edited By Quarters

Oddly, I never noticed the lack of a lock on. However, I fully contest that this is because I've always stuck with the lower difficulties in DMC(always cared more about the story than challenge). Due to this, in those, I only used the lock on because that was the only way to do Stinger and such(at least in some of them). Otherwise, in character action games, I usually like flailing and hitting what I can, and just free aiming when I want specific dudes. As I said though, I have no idea what higher difficulties are like. That may be an issue there.

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#2  Edited By Quarters

@Demoskinos said:

Hmm after looking at screens of the other ones I think im totally down to buy this. Dark Dante looks pretty neat. Im ready to throw money at them for basically anything regarding the game though. Totally hooked.

This. I'd do it just to support the game, because I figure it'll need all the help it can get.'s kind of hilarious. I was cool with DmC Dante, but I wouldn't mind having the other ones for kicks.

As a side note, to those who are wondering, yes, you do unlock a white haired version of DmC Dante after you beat the game(not sure if he has the red coat or not though). So not everything's paid for. And that's from the lowest difficulty. I have no idea what else you can unlock, if you can.

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#3  Edited By Quarters

@CityHunter said:

@Klei said:

She gave out her opinion. She has the right to do so. That is, I agree with most of what she said. Most of the loudmouths who bitched about this reboot had very little to say except '' Its not 30 frames per second, it's not castles and gothic shit, not white haired enough and horrible writing. '' As a writer of seven published sci-fi and steampunk books in french, I can defend DmC right there. It has a good storyline. It's paper thin, it's simple, but it's well told and actually believable within the established world of DmC. It's a character action title, you can't do miracles with a 9 hours long action game based on a dude slicing demons while eating pizza and body surfing on fiends. But hey, once again, it's just my humble opinion. Please take it like a grain of salt.

Well, at least I can tell how this is going to go. First off, nobody who criticizes DmC ever brings up the hair, it's the least of the game's problems to us. It's almost like you're the ones obsessed with it. Your whole "wah it's her opinion" defense falls flat when you consider that she's a journalist, as in a PAID PROFESSIONAL. She doesn't get an opinion, and she certainly doesn't get to insult her readers. It may come as a surprise to some, but feelings and opinions have no place in a professional field. I find it kind of funny that you would make the claim that "Most of the loudmouths who bitched about this reboot had very little to say" when the second page of this very thread starts with a detailed analysis of the story's problems. In fact, it's one of three such analyses, check his post history for the other two. And before you try to hide behind the "most of" part, he compiled that piece from several sources, some of which have been steadily building for two years. You see, there's a heavy focus within the community on being thorough, though obviously the effort is lost on most of you. Also, great job on simplifying the DMC3 storyline, it makes it obvious that you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

One more thing: I don't give a shit how many books you've supposedly written in France, it doesn't somehow not make you an ignorant asshole, nor does it suddenly make DmC anything other than a poorly written copy of They Live with some Futurama tacked on.

I can't help but feel there's a discrepancy in tone within these two responses.

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#4  Edited By Quarters

@Demoskinos: Oh, don't get me wrong, I do like DMC4 a lot. Probably second best(or best, kind of bounce back and forth between it and DMC3) of the series. I really liked the way Nero played, and him as a character, and thought it was a bit more balanced in the crazy cutscene department than DMC3 was. It's just that one quibble that I had with it. I wish it had a bit more fleshed out plot in certain areas, but overall, it was a very strong entry in the series.

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#5  Edited By Quarters

@Demoskinos: Nah, it wasn't the one at the end that really bothered me(though I didn't like the board game thing), it was the 2nd time around where Dante just went through the same levels. True, all the games had backtracking, it just felt the most...egregious out of them.

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#6  Edited By Quarters

I absolutely loved it. From story to gameplay, probably my favorite DmC. Really liked the way the ending set up for the rest of the series. Also, I actually enjoyed the boss fights. I didn't think they were too different from old school DMC bosses(except with more grappling). At least you didn't have the ridiculous repeat fest like DMC4 had. Fighting each of the bosses 3 times? That's just lazy.

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#7  Edited By Quarters

In regards to the series having a clear arc pre-reboot, I don't agree with that. Now, yes, it did have good continuity(which I loved), but it's major fault was that there wasn't a major arc carrying throughout the games. The Mundus/Vergil arc carries over through the first novel, the manga, DMC3 and DMC1(and VIewtiful Joe if you want to count that), but after that, it just kind of stopped, and went into standalone plots.

Part of the issue was DMC2. First off, I actually really enjoy DMC2. That being said, since so many people treated it like the worst game created by the hands of men(until DmC of course), it got pushed forward in the timeline, making it the last entry in the series chronology-wise. This put them in a pickle. No matter what they did, there was no way they wanted to touch anything near DMC2. Therefore, whatever they ending up making next, odds are DMC2 still would be the ending to the series. Though they teased Nero being Vergil's son in DMC4, they didn't actually set up new plot lines for the future. They just made him a hunter, pushed his backstory aside(except for the Japanese novel), and just left it at that. They were showing the first signs of stagnation.

This is why I feel DmC is a very good thing narrative-wise. It sets up an actual arc, this time focusing more on the Vergil side of things(which was the best thing the original story had going for it), and seem to be putting the focus on that, with improved character development. I think one thing that people are getting thrown off by is that this isn't a remake of DMC3. If anything, it's setting up for DmC2 to be the remake of DMC3.

And as for people bringing up the pregnancy thing, I feel that's being taken completely out of context. Dante didn't do the deed, and didn't approve of it. The only reason he mentioned it later is because it was stressed that it would cause the distraction they needed, which he needed to accomplish to save the day. He was only bluffing when he was talking about it, he wasn't genuinely happy that it happened.

Overall, as a long time fan of the series, I was extremely pleased with DmC. I think it's an excellent reboot, and I hope the more extreme negative forces going against it don't prevent a sequel from happening. I would love to see what NT does next.

Now, speaking about the reaction and criticism, I have no issue with people not wanting to play it or what have you. That's the fun of opinions. It's just this notion that one side either has to agree with the other, or they're somehow lesser for disagreeing. That's just unhealthy. Honestly, the type of reactions I've seen come out of this are approaching ME3 ending levels. It's getting ridiculous, and absolutely immature. And using stuff like, "Oh, DmC has that scene with Dante and the hair" as an excuse for fans to fire back with FAR more nasty stuff is nonsensical justification. People shouldn't treat other people like that, period. In short, just be respectful of each other.

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#8  Edited By Quarters

PS3 version is definitely worse. 360 runs great. That comes from first hand experience with both released versions. Seemed like mainly cutscenes were bad though. Actual gameplay was smooth as far as I could tell. Only judging from the full first mission, however, in the PS3's case.

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#9  Edited By Quarters

I will warn you ahead of time, the PS3 version is kind of rough. Played the first level, and was taken aback by the low framerate in cutscenes. However, in gameplay, it seemed better. In comparison, the 360 version was locked at a pretty solid 30 FPS(I switched out my PS3 version for it because of this, was extremely glad for my decision). If you think you're good with it, go for it, but if your PC can run it well, go for that.

On a side note, the game's awesome. Beat it yesterday morning, and it's easily one of the best, if not the best, games in the series.

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#10  Edited By Quarters

I'm not gonna lie, it actually looked entertaining in the QL. Seems relaxing.