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My Favourite Games OF ALL TIME!

There are games out there that have kept me entertained for hours and hours on end and they never cease to be enjoyable so this list is for them!

List items

  • The game that started it all. My grandparents got a free PlayStation with a purchase of a television and this is what came with it. I always struggled to get very far, I believe it was because I never figured out how to save the game.

  • This was one of my favourite games on PS2 because of the battles fought on the streets of New York against the invading Soviets. Remember: "Better dead than Red"

  • The whole series (Gearbox expansions included) is an epic ride from start to god knows were we are now and has been a joy to play.

  • The first RPG I ever played and it blew my mind.

  • One word: EPIC. The first mission where you jump off the boat and charge the beach is an experience that at the time was like no other.

  • Surprising that a multiplayer only game could ever be one of my favourite games but for me it was my first foray into online gaming and it was amazing. Every battlefield game is the best example to me of what good multiplayer is: teamplay, lots of guns, vehicles and knife kills, mmmm dog tags.

  • An excellent game which really took RPGs in a new direction.

  • This just took the excellent Oblivion formula and gave it guns. What an improvement.

  • This game was great for local multiplayer which could fill hours of time. The best part? Being able to have one person with a 300% health Jaws with no weapons against a large army of James Bonds repeatedly punching him.

  • Co-op at its finest. My friend spent hours of time with this fighting through waves of tanks and soldiers against all odds using C4 on tanks that could kill us in seconds. Awesome.

  • Few people bought this game and I am proud to be one of that group. It may be niche in its game play but for that reason, to me, this game really stands out.

  • For me this captures the essence of how any child would want live their lives if their weren't any consequences so this game is the perfect place to do it.

  • The NPCs companions in this game make it a more enjoyable quest that actually brings you into the world and makes you care about saving the world from the blight.

  • The atmosphere in this game creates a terrifying and exciting experience. There is nothing more terrifying than hearing the howls and scream of an invisible charging bloodsucker.

  • The best game in the series. Hand me a Lee Enfield over a SAW any day.

  • A fantastic crime game that goes against the usual GTA formula: not rags to riches but more rags to slightly better rags.

  • Who doesn't like building a fort out of cargo containers filling it with combine and letting antlions attack it?

  • Throwing a meat cleaver at a masked hoodlum never gets old, especially if it's in slow motion.

  • The first time co-op became more interesting than competitive play.

  • My favourite RTS due to its small and unique scale.