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#1  Edited By Rasmoss

@SamDrugbringer said:

I just finished, haven't watched the terminal videos yet, but I don't think they should be nessisary.

Man, that story was all over the place. It wasn't that hard to follow, just... scattered. I really hope they do better in Halo 5.

To me, the real problem was the ending. Cortana clones shoot out of a light bridge, Master Chief is somehow protected from a nuclear explosion. It just became cheesy and silly.

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#3  Edited By Rasmoss

@Milkman: That's just how I feel. Plus look at all the comments of people arguing back and forth, calling each other names. That's not helping things. Also this is a video game website, if you want to bring awareness on an issue you need something that can reach a more wider broader audience. Getting an interview with a local newspaper, radio or tv news channel would help more I think, or maybe try getting on a national newspaper or tv news channel. I'm sure some of the people in games media know someone from a news show be it on radio or tv.

Reach a wider audience? Like...I don't know...Twitter maybe? Which is exactly what they did. And this story has been picked up by a bunch of major news companies. So, whether people like it or not, this was already successful.
In fact Roger Ebert just tweeted the story that was picked up from Mother Jones. Dude's got 750000 followers.
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#4  Edited By Rasmoss

@Zetetic_Elench said:

The majority of people trying to maintain a "civil discussion" are using a completely bullshit privileged "tone of argument" position that ignores that this is a thing that you should probably be upset about, while at the same time have been constantly dismissive of the problems and issues that are being raised. Why shouldn't I be upset about rampant casual acceptance of sexism? It's great to claim you're being civil, but if at the same time you're actively trying to stifle conversation of a serious issue, fuck off. Sexism in gaming as an industry and a culture is a thing. It really is. Don't just sweep it under the rug and push it away to PMs instead of having a public discussion about it. If that means people with really awful opinions get called out for saying sexism isn't a big deal and that women need to grow a pair and deal with it end up getting called out and having their feelings hurt, oh well.

And okay since the breast cancer month thing got brought up again, yeah, theres a month that has a thing about awareness about women's health. You know, something that gets overlooked a ton. As an example, when people talk about the signs and symptoms of heart attacks, the only symptoms that people really bring up with any regulatory are the signs that are much more prevalent in men than in women, leaving out arm and jaw aching and nausea, and mostly focusing on just chest pain which isn't as common with women. Women's health, like a lot of other issues unique to women, are just swept under the rug and don't have any importance placed on the. So yes, theres a single month devoted to breast cancer awareness which is much more common among women than in men, but I don't see how raising that as an issue is a bad thing. The entire tone of that kind of discussion is that "well, theres a women's issue so we better interject something to do with men!" which just drowns out the conversation of women's issues and that's a fucking problem.

Excellent. Spot on.

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#5  Edited By Rasmoss

@Jeff said:

Wow, Kotaku must be thrilled to see their name mentioned so much here. I mean, if genuine articles about actual, serious issues make people think of them then they must be doing something right, huh? It's certainly a step up from the typical complaint they get about... video game cakes and Japanese panty shots or whatever it is.

It's sad to see some of you people get so furious over the basic idea of equality, as if that's something that should be argued about instead of just being implicitly understood. I mean, did you grow up with mothers that were constantly putting cigarettes out on your arms or something?

Or are you just currently growing up as an outsider and feel the need to lash out whenever anyone claims that there are groups of people out there that somehow have it even worse than you do? I was like you once. I was angry all the time. As I grew up I cooled down and gained a little perspective on the world. I hope, for your sakes, that you have a similar experience and get out of your weird, little bubble, at least for a little while. It gets oppressively ignorant in there.

Thank you, Jeff. Well spoken.

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#6  Edited By Rasmoss

@TomCostello said:

Giant Bomb was the only gaming site I could visit that didn't have this third wave tumblr culture bullshit plastered everywhere. Now look, the community is divided in two and I no longer hold this site as one of my favorites anymore. I used to quite like Patrick and gave him a chance but this is the last straw.

Couldn't agree more. This garbage didn't shift a single person's opinion on a single thing by a single inch. People who hold misogynist attitudes are still going to hold them, and people who treat women with respect are still going to do so. All he did was cause a huge eruption of bile and acrimony to no discernible benefit to anyone. How about replacing Patrick with a woman at GB? Maybe she'd write about the hobby we all love instead of subjecting the community to utterly pointless, divisive gender war harangues.

It served the purpose of making it clear that this site is visited by moany, self-ansorbed whiners with no sense of perspective.
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#7  Edited By Rasmoss

It's so discouraging to like something, and then find out that a large group of people who like the same thing have humongous life issues.

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#8  Edited By Rasmoss

@EnduranceFun said:

@Rasmoss: I think there is greater irony in complaining about the effectiveness of an internet comment on a twitter movement through internet comments.

But there is not. Logically.

You have come out against the idea of affecting change through speaking out on the internet, and you are trying to affect that change by speaking out on the internet.

But hey, I'm past hoping that logic will win out in this discussion. So by all means, carry on.

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#9  Edited By Rasmoss
@EnduranceFun Just pointing out the massive irony of complaining about the effectiveness of a twitter movement through internet comments
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#10  Edited By Rasmoss

@fiberpay said:

#thismovementsolvesnothing. This will just me another fart in the wind in a couple weeks. Twitter and social media is not how you solve a problem like this. It's in the work place by fling lawsuits and reporting it to bosses. By doing this women will get more respect and people will choose their words more carefully, thus more women voicing their opinion and spreading to more areas throughout the game industry. More women throughout the industry will lead to less stereotypes. Problem solved now stand up for yourselves and stop putting this crap on twitter like its going to make a difference because if 140 characters is all the effort you are going to put in then this whole "movement" is for nothing.

At least the women tweeting are standing forward with their names rather than typing big words from internet anonymity.