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BuyYourself Some Self Esteem II: Got it memorized?

Remember TestYourself, that awesome thing for PSN? No? Well, I did a blog back on this PSN title a few months ago when it came out. I did the Nervous System and Intelligence tests for those. I didn't do too bad if I do say so myself. I noticed that they released new tests, so I just had to buy them. I think my memory is decent, if only for the fact that I can remember certain bullshit facts, and forgetting other seemingly important details. Like forgetting to run a bank deposit from work. (That only happened once). Will this thing I spent money on affirm my opinion? Or can I just forget about it.


The first part was flash testing. Part one would be circles flashing, then you would have to place where the circles went. Pretty easy for me actually. When the puzzles got more and more elaborate. I just remembered shapes and lines.

The next part was almost the same as the first one, except instead of remembering just the location, it throws specific shapes in there. Circles, squares, triangles. Started off easy enough, but once it got to the bigger grids, holy shit. I didn't know whether to focus on both at the same time or just location. It became a mess.

I had the left side down, but the right side...ouch.
I had the left side down, but the right side...ouch.


The next test worked on short term memory, it would throw pictures up, and you would have to pick them out of a group of pictures. The ramp up on difficulty was pretty damn tough.

Plug, Star, baseball, boobs, red ring, triangle....psbbrt. That was the basic method
Plug, Star, baseball, boobs, red ring, triangle....psbbrt. That was the basic method

Mnemonic devices saved the day for me. The first step was turning a picture to a word, then shortening that word to either a letter or a syllable. Of course by the time it ramped up all the way I was just struggling to LOOK at all of them for a couple seconds before time ran out. Fuck, I even tried channeling Cam Jansen near the end. Just to get SOMETHING that would work.

"TV, rook, clover, sun, bullet, tulip, x, bra, ah...what the hell is that thing OH GOD MY TIME IS RUNNING OUT."


I was feeling pressured after that one. Maybe my memory is faulty, maybe I'm not as bright as I thought. This was weird. First I had to look at scribbles and link them to a word.

I'm associating this picture with love because it looks like fucking.
I'm associating this picture with love because it looks like fucking.

I didn't get that at first, I thought it was asking me "Which of these is a snake" based on some fucking thing I didn't remember seeing. When I figured it out, this seemed crazy. But I went with it. I liked some of the fucked logic I had behind some of these though (see above). One looked like a robot mask, so I picked child. The World is a fucked up place, so I picked the group of scribbles. That wasn't too bad, I just hoped I would remember them After I got done, I got hit with this...

No Caption Provided just go about my business? Hello?

As the timer went down, I did the usual stuff, post on twitter, read some articles, stare at the timer. For some reason, I was nervous. That's right, this damn self test was making me stressed. To my surprise, I did very well. It was kinda cool knowing these. The stupid logic worked, I remembered robot kid, the fucked up world, all of it! Made me feel a bit better.

The one that looked like...oh, this one's Love.
The one that looked like...oh, this one's Love.


So after experimenting, and stretching my memory as far as humanly possible, how would I do? Will I get another creepy letter? The anticipation is killing me! Open the letter, open the letter!

"You remember more and better than the average person"

WOOHOO! Ahem. So, this one was a bit stranger than the other results one. I can DEFINITELY recall random facts. But something kind of bothered me. It said I have social advantages because I can remember how drunk the people I know get? Right.

What the hell? This isn't random or anything. I hope I can remember all of...ohhhhhhhhh, fuck you TestYourself.
What the hell? This isn't random or anything. I hope I can remember all of...ohhhhhhhhh, fuck you TestYourself.

Of course this last page threw me off. It's like they just dumped the rest of their thoughts on it. I mean, okay, maybe I shouldn't be treating this like a real exam given by a real person. Anyway, that is the end of this edition. Next time I TestMyself on Attention, which frankly, I can't wait to fail. Until next time folks.