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Happy Rattiversary- The Year in Quests.

Author's note: Bear with me, couldn't sleep, so I decided to write this. Lack of sleep induced errors may be ahead, you have been warned. 

 Because of 775, many Bombers (myself included) will have to travel elsewhere for Abe's approval.
 Because of 775, many Bombers (myself included) will have to travel elsewhere for Abe's approval.

One year ago, on April 8, 2010. Giant Bomb launched the Quest system, a system that would eventually spread throughout the Whiskey Family. A crazy yet awesome idea. Get quests, visit pages, get XP, level up. For myself, this was the main reason I started being active on this site.   

Sure, I listened to the Bombcast before, and I even signed up a while after that. But I was a little intimidated doing anything on here. But the quest system changed that, and I became hooked, I wanted to do every little thing. The search quests were addictive on their own, but once I made it through those, I quickly found out that there were a ton of other quests that tied into other sections of the site. If you've only heard the Bombcast, and had no idea about the kind of site GB is (ashamedly guilty) then it's a crazy revelation.

The early search quests led to some insane collaboration by the community. People searching and hunting for that one game to finish it. A thing seemingly overlooked when people think of quests. People worked together to get it done, and when the floodgate finally came down, cheers could be heard throughout Giant Bomb. Also, some of the games were WEIRD, games people have never heard of.

 People that have heard of Sqoon increased million-fold thanks to Giant Bomb quests
 People that have heard of Sqoon increased million-fold thanks to Giant Bomb quests

Speaking of the community, for each quest a goal would be set, and it would be up to us to reach it. "X members complete the quest, you all get bonus XP." While we seem to fail more than we reach it, it was fun biting nails and watching that number go up bit by bit. And PsEG's tension building charts only added to the pressure, and led to heartbreak when we failed.

There have also been some Limited Edition quests, which are available for amount of time. The most prominent of these was the dastardly 775 quest, which to this day is STILL cursed upon by Quest-goers who missed this one. For those of you unfamiliar, it was a quest which only required you to visit the Bombcast page during an e3 livecast. The only problem? Only 775 could complete it. With such a small number and such a short time period, it was a rare quest indeed.

Every time you complete a quest, along with the notification that you completed a quest, there was something else, something that made the quests just a bit more special. That would be the artwork that went with each quest. With every new quest Turbo_Toaster has some great corresponding artwork, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who thinks so. If you need proof, just check out this one from one of the Holiday quests, a recreation of a memorable Quick Look moment.

 It's impossible to see this picture without hearing the screams of the Giant Bomb Crew.
 It's impossible to see this picture without hearing the screams of the Giant Bomb Crew.

Some of you may love it, some of you may hate it. I was a complete addict for awhile. There was a couple week period where I was trying to knock out the search quests on Anime Vice, Screened, and Comic Vine at the same time. The important thing about a lot of these quests is, while it is cool to get them done and have proof, it's even better knowing that you are adding to the site. Which is an accomplishment in of itself.  Special thanks to all of the Top Men who implement these and make sure the quests are functional. I know that there are more thanks to be given, and more memories to relive. I have only scratched the surface. So post your thoughts about quests below, and here's to another year of questing!!