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Things are getting a bit crazy...

-There are so many damn games coming out! Ahhh! No doubt is it awesome, but damn I can't keep up. This whole college thing is taking up way too much of my time and it's starting to take a toll on me. Any ideas to relieve stress?...

-I have Fable 2, Far Cry 2, Dead Space, Fallout 3, and LittleBigPlanet all sitting next to me with only LittleBigPlanet even being unsealed. It's pretty damn rediculous how little time I have for anything but school work these days.

-On top of it all, my 360 RROD'd today. That didn't help my mood. The best part about it is that my old 360 was first gen meaning the warranty was no good anymore. So I had some fun tearing that apart. Went and blew all of my money on a 60gb console. I almost went for the's black...eew. And $100 more...

-Pretty damn tight on money over here now. I had all my games perfectly planned out to buy with my budget, but looks like I might have to wait on MK vs. DC and C&C: Red Alert 3.

-I'll be getting Gears 2, Left4Dead, and Mirror's Edge for sure though.

-And Prince of Persia. The TGS trailer sold me on it. If you haven't seen it you should. I watched it like 10 times.

-Another thing that's holding me back from playing these games is I don't wanna feel rushed on any of them. Especially Dead Space. And with my time constraints at the moment, there's no way I could just sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.

-I did play through all of the LBP story mode. Gotta say I liked it quite a bit. Wish the servers were up though...That game is perfect for short gaming sessions.

-Christmas break is gonna be glorious.

-And I want the NXE pretty bad.

-Alright, I got what I needed to off my chest. Now back to staring at my wallet and trying to figure out how I can afford all of these damn games.